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Class SchedBlock

The Schedblock entity is the fundamental, "atomic" (in the sense that it may be aborted, but not restarted in the middle) observing unit for ALMA. It will usually consist of a set of target definitions (field source + pattern, instrument setup and observing parameters) and logic to control their execution. It is essentially a "quantum" of observing.
SchedBlock is an entity class.

General Info
Name SchedBlock 
Owner  schedblock 
Base Classifier  ObsUnit 
Visibility public 
Is Active false 
Is Abstract false 

Inner Elements
Name Type 
 unnamed Generalization 
 unnamed Instance Specification 

Name Type Begins Ends 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  AbstractInstrumentSpec 
 unnamed Association  ObsProcedure  SchedBlock 
 unnamed Association  Preconditions  SchedBlock 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  TimeAllocationBreakdown 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  ObservingGroup 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  ObservingParameters 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlockControl  SchedBlock 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  FieldSource 
 unnamed Association  SchedulingConstraints  SchedBlock 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  ObsUnitSet 
 unnamed Association  SBStatus  SchedBlock 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  TemporalConstraints 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  BestSBItem 
 unnamed Generalization  SchedBlock  ObsUnit 
 unnamed Association  SchedBlock  Target 

Name Type Classifier Default Value 
 standardMode  Boolean  SchedBlock false 
 unnamed  SchedulingConstraints  SchedBlock  
 unnamed  Preconditions  SchedBlock  
 Target  Target  SchedBlock  
 TemporalConstraints  TemporalConstraints  SchedBlock  
 modeName  String  SchedBlock  
 ObservingParameters  ObservingParameters  SchedBlock  
 FieldSource  FieldSource  SchedBlock  
 AbstractInstrumentSpec  AbstractInstrumentSpec  SchedBlock  
 pIName  String  SchedBlock Unknown 
 modeType  SBTypes  SchedBlock User 
 unnamed  SBStatus  SchedBlock  
 unnamed  ObservingGroup  SchedBlock  
 expertParameter  KeywordValue  SchedBlock  
 qa0Notes  String  SchedBlock  
 unnamed  ObsUnitSet  SchedBlock  
 unnamed  TimeAllocationBreakdown  SchedBlock