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Class SchedulingConstraints

Outlines some desired goals for this schedblock to be used by the scheduler as constraints in determining when to schedule the SB and when to deem it complete (following repeats). The class will have one of the Targets associated as a representative target - this is the target the goals are for.

General Info
Name SchedulingConstraints 
Owner  schedblock 
Visibility public 
Is Active false 
Is Abstract false 

Name Type Begins Ends 
 unnamed Association  Target  SchedulingConstraints 
 unnamed Association  SchedulingConstraints  SchedBlock 

Name Type Classifier Default Value 
 representativeFrequency  Frequency  SchedulingConstraints  
 minAcceptableAngResolution  Angle  SchedulingConstraints  
 maxAcceptableAngResolution  Angle  SchedulingConstraints  
 dynamicRange  double  SchedulingConstraints  
 unnamed  SchedBlock  SchedulingConstraints  
 representativeTarget  Target  SchedulingConstraints  
 representativeCoordinates  SkyCoordinates  SchedulingConstraints  
 representativeReceiverBand  ReceiverBands  SchedulingConstraints ALMA_RB_03 
 requiredReceiverBands  String  SchedulingConstraints  
 nominalConfiguration  String  SchedulingConstraints  
 scienceGoalDesiredResolution  Angle  SchedulingConstraints  
 scienceGoalLargestAngularScale  Angle  SchedulingConstraints  
 isSimultaneous  Boolean  SchedulingConstraints false 
 simultaneousSbUid  String  SchedulingConstraints  
 maxAllowedBeamAxialRatio  double  SchedulingConstraints  
 spectralDynamicRange  double  SchedulingConstraints  
 spectralDynamicRangeBandwidth  Frequency  SchedulingConstraints