The Wide Field Astronomy Unit (WFAU)

The Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the IfA undertakes two main tasks:

  1. Provides science-ready queryable survey archives to the community
  2. Contributes to technical development of survey-astronomy related projects

The primary science archives we currently provide are:

Our main project involvements are currently as follows :

Finally, you may find amusing and indeed helpful the zoomable billion star mosaic of the Milky Way based on UKIDSS and VISTA data. The press release based on this mosaic was for a while one of the most-read items on the BBC news page!

View The orignal UKIDSS GPS mosaic .

Dr Bob Mann, Director
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy
Royal Observatory
Blackford Hill

Tel +44 131 668 8356 (office)
or +44 131 668 8100 (switchboard)