ROE Annual International Workshop
The ROE Workshop is an annual event organised and supported by the Institute for Astronomy and the UK Astronomy Technology Centre.
ROE Workshop 2012
Synergies between large-area infrared surveys, VLT-MOONS and Euclid
Royal Observatory Edinburgh Workshop, 5-6th November 2012
Synergies between large-area infrared surveys, VLT-MOONS and Euclid
The advent of deep, large-area, infrared surveys over the past decade has revolutionised our understanding of the Universe, tracing the assembly and structure of galaxies - from our own Milky Way out to the very first galaxies at the epoch of reionisation. The next ten years promise to be even more exciting, with plans for powerful new infrared facilities such as the ESA Euclid mission (ESA Euclid Website & Euclid Consortium Website) and the MOONS instrument for the VLT.
This two-day workshop will bring together astronomers from a wide range of topics (galactic, extragalactic, cosmology). The goal is to identify synergies and opportunities between Euclid, MOONS, and other projects such as the Gaia mission. In particular, we will explore the opportunities for coordinated programmes and the requirements these would have on the observational strategies. Speakers are encouraged to present their latest results, within the context of these future IR facilities.
Workshop details for previous years are listed below:
2011 Workshop - "Following the Photons"
2010 Workshop - "Applications of Astronomy"
2009 Workshop - "UKIRT at 30: A British Success Story"
2008 Workshop - "Habitability in our Galaxy"
2007 Workshop - "Decrypting the Universe: Large Surveys for Cosmology"
2006 Workshop - "THE SUBMILLIMETRE REVOLUTION: celebrating the legacy of SCUBA and looking forward to the potential of SCUBA-2"
2005 Workshop - "Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy"
2004 Workshop - "Towards Large Submillimetre Dishes: Science Drivers and Technical Challenges"
Previous workshops in the series have been titled 'The Invisible Universe - Survey Astronomy At Wavelengths Beyond 1 Micron', 'Techniques for the detection of planets and life beyond the solar system' and 'Extremely Large Telescopes'.