Package invocations :: Package monitoring :: Module CheckTransfer :: Class CheckTransfer
[hide private]

Class CheckTransfer

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Check if transfers where successful.

Nested Classes [hide private]
CasuData(sr, vers, list)

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.IngCuSession.IngCuSession: IngCuError

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, curator='rsc', database='WSA', beginDate=False, endDate=False, casuDirs=False, outPath=False, writeStats=False, onlyMissing=False, onlyCasuNewer=False, fixCats=False, fixPix=False, versionStr=False, ignorePad=False, timeComp=False, janet=False, isTrialRun=False, comment='A useful comment')
Initialises data members for all database state flags and details for this curation session.
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Performs all the tasks that define this curation session.
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Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.IngCuSession.IngCuSession: __del__, attributesFromArguments, createFileList, createLogFileName, createMonthlyDetSchema, createWorkingDir, getDetTable, getErrorFileName, getMultiframeIDs, getProcessOrder, getProgramIDs, makeSysCmd, removeWorkingDir, run, runSysCmd, setupDetectionTable, testForProgs, translateProgID, writeErrorFiles, writeIngestList

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
compare(x, y, method) source code

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.IngCuSession.IngCuSession: createFilePrefix

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.IngCuSession.IngCuSession: beginDateDef, endDateDef, keepWorkDir, reqWorkDir, sysc

Instance Variables [hide private]
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, curator='rsc', database='WSA', beginDate=False, endDate=False, casuDirs=False, outPath=False, writeStats=False, onlyMissing=False, onlyCasuNewer=False, fixCats=False, fixPix=False, versionStr=False, ignorePad=False, timeComp=False, janet=False, isTrialRun=False, comment='A useful comment')

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Initialises data members for all database state flags and details for this curation session. Writes a database lock and opens a connection. Also initiates a Programme table object.

  • beginDate (str) - First date to process, eg. 20050101.
  • comment (str) - Descriptive comment as to why curation task is being performed.
  • curator (str) - Name of curator.
  • casuDirs (str) - Directories at CASU where the data is stored.
  • database (str) - Name of the database to connect to.
  • endDate (str) - Last date to process, eg. 20050131.
  • ignorePad (bool) - If True, ignore 2880 bit file size difference.
  • isTrialRun (bool) - If True, do not perform database modifications.
  • fixCats (str) - Fix timestamp for catalogues from CASU.
  • fixPix (str) - Fix timestamp for pixel files from CASU.
  • janet (bool) - Use JANET instead of UKLight.
  • onlyCasuNewer (bool) - Full message only when CASU time is newer.
  • onlyMissing (bool) - Check only for missing files.
  • outPath (str) - Log file directory.
  • timeComp (str) - WFAU</!=/>CASU time comparison method
  • versionStr (str) - Version number.
  • writeStats (bool) - Write all file statistics into file.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Performs all the tasks that define this curation session.

Overrides: wsatools.DbConnect.IngCuSession.IngCuSession._onRun
(inherited documentation)