Package wsatools :: Package DbConnect :: Module IngCuSession :: Class IngCuSession
[hide private]

Class IngCuSession

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A parallel curation session for transfer/ingest CUs 1 to 4.

Nested Classes [hide private]
A curation error instead of a programming error.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, cuNum=-9999, curator='rsc', comment='A useful comment', reqWorkDir=False, keepWorkDir=False, database='WSA', userName='ldservro', autoCommit=False, isTrialRun=False)
Initialises data members for all database state flags and details for this curation session.
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Tidy-up IngCuSession.
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_connectToDb(self, maxTries=100)
Connect to the database.
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Create the translation dictionary of programme identification strings to programme ID numbers for all programmes.
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Disconnect from the database.
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Obtain the next available cuEventID.
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_getNextID(self, attrName, tableName, where='')
Obtain next available ID number in the db for a given ID attribute.
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_historyCommentPrefix(self, success, rolledBack)
Prefix for the comment in the ArchiveCurationHistory table.
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Tidy up run tasks specific to this CU following an exception.
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Performs all the tasks that define this curation session.
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_prepareDbLock(self, maxTries=100)
Writes database lock.
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_updateArchiveCurationHistory(self, row)
Adds an entry for this curation session to the ArchiveCurationHistory database table.
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_updateACHComment(self, newComment, cuEventID)
Updates the comment of an existing entry in ArchiveCurationHistory.
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_updateProgrammeCurationHistory(self, row)
Adds an entry for this curation session to the ProgrammeCurationHistory database table.
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attributesFromArguments(self, argumentNames, argDict, prefix='', types=None)
Initialize automatically instance variables from __init__ arguments.
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createFileList(self, fileListPath=None)
Create a list of FITS files to be ingest into the database from the list supplied in the file at the given path.
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createLogFileName(self, cuEventIDs=None)
Create the standard log file name for the current cuEventID or the given list of CU event IDs.
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createMonthlyDetSchema(self, schemaName, detTableList, month, ReDo=False)
Copy original schema to monthly schema.
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getDetTable(self, detTableList, line) source code
Create a temporary working directory.
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dict(str:int), dict(str:str)
getProgramIDs(self, fileListPath)
Determines the full set of programmes for a given list of FITS files.
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getErrorFileName(self, name)
Creates a error file name from the given name, including the details of this CU run, e.g.
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getMultiframeIDs(self, dateVersStr)
Get the multiframeIDs from FlatFileLookUp for a given dateVersStr.
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getProcessOrder(self, progIDs, include=['all'], progOrder=[])
Process programmes in given order, append/include all others from the list of all programme IDs.
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makeSysCmd(self, serverName, cmnd) source code
Remove the temporary working directory.
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Run the curation session.
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runSysCmd(self, cmd, showErrors=True, isVerbose=False)
Run a system command.
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setupDetectionTable(self, surveyName, monthSet, ReDo) source code
testForProgs(self, obsName)
Test if programme is one of the main VISTA surveys.
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translateProgID(self, pIDkeys, progTranslation, knownTranslations={})
Translates a programme ID string into a programme ID number.
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writeErrorFiles(self, notIngList)
Writes the list of not ingestable files into a list in the corrupt directory for further investigation.
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Writes the list of FITS files to ingest to file "filelist.dat" in the work directory in a 'imagefile catfile num' format for the C++ code.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
Parse the given list of CU strings into a list of cuNum, cuEventID and serverName.
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createFilePrefix(cuNum, cuEventID, hostName, database)
Create a file prefix used for the ingest log and the data files.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  beginDateDef = 10000101
  endDateDef = 99991231
  reqWorkDir = None
  keepWorkDir = False
  _defComment = 'A useful comment'
Default comment placeholder.
  _fileList = None
File list.
  _isDbLocked = False
Does a database lock file exist?
  _numSessions = 0
Counter to track number of concurrent sessions.
  sysc = IngCuSession.sysc
System constants for this CuSession.
Instance Variables [hide private]
Set of full paths to date directories of files being ingested.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, cuNum=-9999, curator='rsc', comment='A useful comment', reqWorkDir=False, keepWorkDir=False, database='WSA', userName='ldservro', autoCommit=False, isTrialRun=False)

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Initialises data members for all database state flags and details for this curation session. Writes a database lock and opens a connection. Also initiates a Programme table object.

  • cuNum (int) - Curation task number.
  • curator (str) - Name of curator.
  • comment (str) - Descriptive comment as to why curation task is being performed.
  • reqWorkDir (bool) - If True, a working directory will be created.
  • keepWorkDir (bool) - Don't remove working directory.
  • database (str) - Name of the database to connect to.
  • userName (str) - Optionally override default database username.
  • autoCommit (bool) - If True, do not auto-commit transactions. This speeds up transactions through minimal logging.
  • isTrialRun (bool) - If True, do not perform database modifications, just print the SQL statement to the terminal.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Create the translation dictionary of programme identification strings to programme ID numbers for all programmes. It contains associations between data flow system (DFS) programme identification strings (ie. as supplied in ingest FITS files) and the WSA programme unique identification numbers.

To Do: This method wouldn't be needed if a ProgrammeTable object always existed and had an equivalent method to peform this translation. Hence, the ProgrammeTable object would replace the dictionary here and there wouldn't be a need to query the database again.


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Obtain the next available cuEventID. Whilst putting a placeholder row into the ArchiveCurationHistory table to reserve this cuEventID, preventing it from being hijacked by a parallel process.

_getNextID(self, attrName, tableName, where='')

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Obtain next available ID number in the db for a given ID attribute.

  • attrName (str) - Name of ID attribute.
  • tableName (str) - Name of the table where attribute resides.
  • where (str) - Optional SQL WHERE clause.
Returns: int
Next available ID number.

_historyCommentPrefix(self, success, rolledBack)

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Prefix for the comment in the ArchiveCurationHistory table.

  • success (int) - The success status of the CU.
  • rolledBack (int) - Flag to indicate ingest roll back.
Returns: str
Prefix for the comment in the ArchiveCurationHistory table.

Static Method

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Parse the given list of CU strings into a list of cuNum, cuEventID and serverName.

Returns: list
List of tuples characterising the CU events to be ingested.

_prepareDbLock(self, maxTries=100)

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Writes database lock. If lock already present then pause and wait for database to unlock.

_updateArchiveCurationHistory(self, row)

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Adds an entry for this curation session to the ArchiveCurationHistory database table.

  • row (list) - List of entries for the ArchiveCurationHistory table.

_updateACHComment(self, newComment, cuEventID)

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Updates the comment of an existing entry in ArchiveCurationHistory.

  • newComment (str) - The new comment.
  • cuEventID (str) - The cuEventID of the event which is to be updated.

_updateProgrammeCurationHistory(self, row)

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Adds an entry for this curation session to the ProgrammeCurationHistory database table.

  • row (list) - List of entries for the ProgrammeCurationHistory table.

attributesFromArguments(self, argumentNames, argDict, prefix='', types=None)

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Initialize automatically instance variables from __init__ arguments. If types dictionary is given, translate commandline str arguments into correct types.

  • argumentNames (list[str]) - List of arguments of the class to be initialized.
  • argDict (dict{arg:value}) - Dictionary of arguments and their values.
  • prefix (str) - Prefix to be given to the argument names, eg. '_'
  • types (dict{arg:type}) - Dictionary of arguments and their types.

createFileList(self, fileListPath=None)

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Create a list of FITS files to be ingest into the database from the list supplied in the file at the given path. The list is stored in the _fileList member variable as a pair of image and catalogue file paths and also written to a file by writeIngestList() for the C++ code.

  • fileListPath (str) - Full path to the file containing the list of FITS files to ingest, as an optional alternative to the command-line supplied option, xferLog.

createFilePrefix(cuNum, cuEventID, hostName, database)
Static Method

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Create a file prefix used for the ingest log and the data files.

  • cuNum (int) - The number of the CU.
  • cuEventID (int) - The cuEventID of this CU run.
  • hostName (str) - The host name where the CU is running.
  • database (str) - The database where the data is ingested to.

createLogFileName(self, cuEventIDs=None)

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Create the standard log file name for the current cuEventID or the given list of CU event IDs.

  • cuEventIDs (list(int)) - Optional list of CU eventIDs to record.
Returns: str
A filename for the log.


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Create a temporary working directory. Directories will have a 4 digit extension number for multiple tmpdirs created by one top level script calling different CUs.

Returns: str
Path to the working directory.

getProgramIDs(self, fileListPath)

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Determines the full set of programmes for a given list of FITS files.

  • fileListPath (str) - Full path to the file listing all FITS files for which their programmes should be determined.
Returns: dict(str:int), dict(str:str)
A dictionary of programme IDs referenced by FITS file name, and a dictionary of new project DFS ID strings referenced by FITS file name.

getErrorFileName(self, name)

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Creates a error file name from the given name, including the details of this CU run, e.g. database, cuEventID.

  • name (str) - Unique name for this type of error file.
Returns: str
Full file name for error file.

getProcessOrder(self, progIDs, include=['all'], progOrder=[])

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Process programmes in given order, append/include all others from the list of all programme IDs.

  • progIDs (list(int)) - List of all (used) programme IDs.
  • include (list(str)) - List of project names to be processed.
  • progOrder (list(str)) - Ordered list of programme names, eg. [las,gps] or [las,others,gps].
Returns: Utilities.Ratings
Rating enhanced dictionary.

To Do: Will become part of DataFactory.ProgrammeTable when programme translation object moved there.

runSysCmd(self, cmd, showErrors=True, isVerbose=False)

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Run a system command.

  • cmd (str) - The command to run.
  • isVerbose (bool) - If True, print error messages.
Returns: list(str)
List of lines returned.

translateProgID(self, pIDkeys, progTranslation, knownTranslations={})

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Translates a programme ID string into a programme ID number.

  • pIDkeys (list) - List of Programme ID strings. For VISTA the order is: OBS PROG ID, OBS NAME, DPR CATG
  • progTranslation (dict(str:int)) - A dictionary of upper-case programme identification string keys and programme IDs values.
  • knownTranslations (dict(str:int)) - A dictionary of programme identification keys and dfsIDStrings.
Returns: int
Programme ID number. Default int value if unknown programme.

To Do: Tie this up with DataFactory.ProgrammeTable somehow, so that progTranslation isn't required.

writeErrorFiles(self, notIngList)

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Writes the list of not ingestable files into a list in the corrupt directory for further investigation.

  • notIngList (list(str)) - List of files that cannot be ingested.