Luke Butcher

Theoretical Physicist

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me I'm currently an 1851 research fellow at Edinburgh University. Previously, I held a research fellowship at Jesus College, Cambridge, and was a member of DAMTP, the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, and the Astrophysics Group of the Cavendish Lab.

Broadly speaking, my research explores the tangled relationship between gravity (curved spacetime) and energy. I have recently developed Quantum Bias Cosmology, which seeks to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe without dark energy. Before this, I showed that the simplest form of dark energy does not alter the power of a gravitational lens. I proposed a mechanism by which a long thin wormhole could generate the negative energy needed to keep itself open (temporarily). During my PhD, I developed a new description of the energy, momentum, and angular momentum carried by gravitational waves.

A full list of my publications is available.

Contact Details


Institute for Astronomy
The University of Edinburgh
Royal Observatory
Blackford Hill
Edinburgh EH9 3HJ
United Kingdom


lmb (at)