First-year Astronomy courses |
I'm currently teaching part of the pre-honours Astrobiology course, together with Charles Cockell and
a few guest lecturers. The course is aimed at introducing students to the basics of astrobiology, but with
some focus on basic physics and the relevant astrophysics. The course
homepage can be accessed on WebCT through the MyEd portal
Junior and Senior Honours |
I'm currently organising and co-teaching the new Senior Honours Astrophysics course. This is
intended to be the core astrophysics course for Astrophysics students, but is open to all
Senior Honours physics students. I'm also helping with the Junior Honours Research Methods
course and this year my project is focussing on the possibility that all stars might have planets.
Undergraduate Research Projects |
I generally supervise 1 MPhys and 1-2 Senior Honours research projects every year. Some recent projects are