International Partners
United Kingdom
UK Astronomy Technology Centre
The UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh is the national centre for astronomical technology. The UKATC is a part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a UK government agency that carries out research in science and engineering, and funds research in areas including particle physics, nuclear physics, space science and astronomy.
Dan Hillier
Dr. Hermine Schnetler
University of the Highlands and Islands
The University of the Highlands and Islands is a tertiary university composed of academic partners from thirteen colleges and research institutions in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, delivering higher education in a variety of disciplines, including meteorology.
Dr. Edward Graham
South Africa
The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
The SAAO is the national centre for optical and infrared astronomy in South Africa, and home to the South African Large Telescope (SALT). Its primary role is to conduct research in astronomy and astrophysics by providing a world-class facility to scientists. The SAAO also promotes astronomy and astrophysics in southern Africa, by sharing research findings and discoveries, and participating in outreach activities to enthuse citizens about physics and astronomy.
Dr. David Buckley