Package wsatools :: Module SystemConstants :: Class GesConstants
[hide private]

Class GesConstants

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Constants with specific values for the GES.

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    CASU data transfer constants
Returns: Name of the metadata tables schema SQL script file.
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Inherited from SystemConstants: scpMainDir, scpMethod, sshMethod

    Pixel server common directories

Inherited from SystemConstants: downloadPathList

    FITS file naming conventions

Inherited from SystemConstants: extListOfType, productTypeOfFrame, wfauFitsKeys

    Convenience methods

Inherited from SystemConstants: __str__, isGES, isOSA, isSSA, isVSA, isWSA

    Getter methods

Inherited from SystemConstants: calibrationSchema, curationSchema, dbMntPath, ingestListsPath, ingestedFilesPath, ingestedLogsPath, wcsErrorFilesPath

    Software directory structure

Inherited from SystemConstants: calibrationDir, cambInfoPath, corruptFilesPath, filterDataDirPath, filterRefDataDirPath, illuminationDir, logFilePath, missingFilesFilePath, monitorPath, nonSurveyRegPath, tempWorkPath, xferLogPath

    Pixel server directory structure

Inherited from SystemConstants: availableRaidFileSystem, excludedRaidFileSystem, leaveSpaceOnMSRFS, massStorageRaidFileSystem

    Permanent curation log file paths

Inherited from SystemConstants: filesBrokenPath, filesDuplicatedPath, filesMissingPath, filesNotIngestedPath

    Web site constants

Inherited from SystemConstants: surveyBaseUrl, surveyJspBaseUrl

Static Methods [hide private]
    CASU data transfer constants
Returns: The CASU scp server for processed data.
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Returns list of file groups for a database of the given surveys.
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    FITS file naming conventions

Inherited from SystemConstants: fileNameSuffices, frameTypeToSuffix


Inherited from SystemConstants: __new__

    Getter methods

Inherited from SystemConstants: catServerVolumes, dbSharePath, getAll, getServerName

    Software directory structure

Inherited from SystemConstants: casuCodePerlPath, curationCodePath, emptyFitsCataloguePathName, helpersPath, privNetCmd, sExtractorInputsPath, sourcePosTablesPath, sqlFragmentPath, sqlMonthlyDetPath, sqlNonSurveyPath, sqlQualityControlPath, sqlTemplatePath, testOutputPath

Class Variables [hide private]
  loadDatabase = 'GES'
Name of load database.
  loadServer = 'ramses1'
Name of load server.
  ingestDbForServer = {'ramses1': 'GES'}
Dictionary of ingest database names on each server for split ingest dbs.
  metadataFileGroups = ['Spectrum', 'Curation', 'Indices']
Additional database file groups beyond primary and logs for metadata.
  publicServers = ['ramses5', 'ramses6']
List of public catalogue servers.
  scienceProgs = {}
  genOpsDisk = '/disk40/ges'
Disk for general operations output (logs, info, ...).
  serverRaidArray = {'djedefre': [], 'djoser': [], 'khafre': [],...
A dictionary giving the file systems of each server.
  indexScript = 'GES_Indices.sql'
File name for the SQL script defining table indices.
  ingestDataPath = '/disk40/ges/ingest/data'
Full path to WG analysis files for ingest.
  surveyProcScript = 'GES_StoredProcsAndFuncs.sql'
Script for survey procedures and functions for all databases.
  surveyViewScript = 'GES_Views.sql'
File name for the SQL script defining survey views.
  obsCal = GesCal()
Observation dates for the survey.
    CASU data transfer constants
  casuFileSystem = ['']
List of disks where data is stored at CASU.
  casuFileSystemVariables = AlphaNum(name='ges', alpha='a', num=...
Letters and numbers that can appear in the CASU file system.
  scpPort = 22
The CASU scp server port number for processed data.

Inherited from SystemConstants: ftp_method, rem_camlist_dir, rem_lock_name, rem_ready2copy_name, rem_success_name, scpThreads, scpUser

    Numerical constants

Inherited from SystemConstants: minNumCPUs, one_gigabyte, one_kilobyte, one_megabyte, sqlDataTypeSize

    Catalogue server constants

Inherited from SystemConstants: adminDatabase, catServerFileSep, catServerSharePath, clusterName, loadServerVolumes

    Pixel server file system

Inherited from SystemConstants: criticalDisks, curationServers, deprecatedDataStorage, developDisks, infinibandServers, sysPath, userInterfaceTempStorage

    Pixel server common directories

Inherited from SystemConstants: casu2massDir, compressImDir, deprecatedComprImDir, deprecatedDir, diffDir, downloadDir, esoExtDir, extProdDir, fitsDir, headerDir, listDrivDir, mosaicDir, productLogDir, productsDir, stackDir, swarpDir, tempProductsDir, tileDir

    FITS file naming conventions

Inherited from SystemConstants: biasPrefix, catSuffix, catType, confSuffix, cpmSuffix, darkPrefix, deepSuffix, diffSuffix, filtPrefix, filtSuffix, fixcatSuffix, flatSuffix, frameTypes, fringeSuffix, jpgType, leavSuffix, listSuffix, mefType, mjdSuffix, mosaicSuffix, pregrtSuffix, simpleSuffix, skyPrefix, stackSuffix, tileSuffix, uncType, wfauPrefix

    Software file structure
  sqlScriptPath = '/neferefre/rsc/VDFS_branches/GES/sql'
Path to sql scripts.

Inherited from SystemConstants: cirdrShellScript, emptyFitsCatalogueFileName, procScript, srcPath, webDocsPath


Inherited from SystemConstants: defaultSexInparFile

    Synoptic syntax constants

Inherited from SystemConstants: bthSubStr, corSubStr, uncSubStr, varSubStr

    Common instrument properties

Inherited from SystemConstants: channelWidth, hasEsoRelease, hasMicroStep, hasOffsetPos, hasVarOrient, instrumentXnPix, instrumentYnPix

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Returns: str
Name of the metadata tables schema SQL script file.
Overrides: SystemConstants.metadataSchema

Static Method

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Returns: str
The CASU scp server for processed data.

Static Method

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Returns list of file groups for a database of the given surveys.

  • _surveys (str) - Survey acronyms as a space-separated string.
Returns: list(str)

Class Variable Details [hide private]


A dictionary giving the file systems of each server.

{'djedefre': [],
 'djoser': [],
 'khafre': [],
 'khufu': [],
 'osorkon': [],
 'pami': [],
 'pami2': [],
 'pedubaste1': [],


List of disks where data is stored at CASU. Sorted in order of their



Letters and numbers that can appear in the CASU file system.

AlphaNum(name='ges', alpha='a', num=[47])