Package wsatools :: Module SExtractorInterface
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Source Code for Module wsatools.SExtractorInterface

   1  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
   2  #$Id: 9552 2012-12-06 16:54:35Z NicholasCross $ 
   3  """ 
   4     Creates Source Extractor catalogues from deep/mosaic images in CASU-like 
   5     format. 
   7     @author: N.J. Cross 
   8     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
  10     @todo: Calculate seeing,avStellEll, go deeper with classification 
  11     @todo: import self from CU13 - use isTrialRun, redo ... 
  12     @todo: use SExtractor 286 - no longer need to break out extensions. 
  14     @requires: PyFITS, Numpy, Scientific, SExtractor 
  15  """ 
  16  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  17  import math 
  18  import numpy 
  19  import os 
  20  import pyfits 
  21  from   Scientific.Functions import LeastSquares as LSQ 
  22  import shutil 
  24  import wsatools.DbConnect.DbConstants as dbc 
  25  import wsatools.FitsUtils             as fits 
  26  from   wsatools.Logger            import Logger 
  27  import wsatools.Statistics            as stats 
  28  import wsatools.Utilities             as utils 
  29  import wsatools.ExternalProcess       as extp 
  30  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
32 -class SExtractorInterface(object):
33 """ Provides an interface between CU13 and functions to process an 34 image with SExtractor 35 """ 36 comment = "Running SExtractor" 37 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
39 - def __init__(self, archive, bestImageObj, dualImageObj):
40 self.archive = archive 41 self.sysc = archive.sysc 42 self.bestImage = bestImageObj 43 self.dualImage = dualImageObj 44 self.isDualImage = dualImageObj is not None
45 46 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
48 - def addHeaders(self):
49 """ 50 """ 51 maxSize = 60 # Why???? Val + comment -- sep maxSize for each 52 donotChangeList = ['NAXIS', 'PCOUNT', 'GCOUNT', 'BITPIX', 'SIMPLE', 'EXTEND', 53 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'XTENSION'] 54 55 utils.ParsedFile.stripEOLComments = True 56 inparDict = dict(line.split(None, 1) 57 for line in utils.ParsedFile(self.inparFileName)) 58 59 hdulist =, 'update') 60 imghdu =, 'update') 61 62 pHdrCards = imghdu[0].header.ascard 63 if self.bestImage.isMef(): 64 sHdrCards = [hdu.header.ascard 65 for det, hdu in enumerate(imghdu) if det > 0] 66 else: 67 sHdrCards = [imghdu[0].header.ascard] 68 69 for det, hdu in enumerate(hdulist): 70 if det > 0: 71 nxout = imghdu[det].header['NAXIS1'] 72 nyout = imghdu[det].header['NAXIS2'] 73 # SEX OR pseudo CASU pars 74 try: 75 sNoise ='Sky_rms') 76 sLevel ='Sky_level') 77 except: 78 sNoise ='THRESHOLD') 79 sLevel ='BACKGROUND') 80 try: 81 gaussSigm ='Gaussian_sigma') 82 except: 83 gaussSigm ='IMAGE_FWHM') / 2.355 84 #gaussSigm=numpy.multiply(numpy.sqrt(numpy.add(numpy.power( 85 #'A_IMAGE'),2.),numpy.power( 86 #'B_IMAGE'),2.))),0.5) 87 88 fwhm = 2.355 * gaussSigm 89 ell ='Ellipticity') 90 skynoise = stats.clippedMADHistogram(sNoise) 91 skylevel = stats.clippedMADHistogram(sLevel) 92 starMask = self.selectStars(hdu) 93 seeing, avStellEll = self.calcSeeingEll(fwhm, ell, starMask) 94 hdu.header.add_history(utils.makeDateTime().strftime("%Y%m%d") 95 + ' Adding in primary header from Image.') 96 97 # Add in primary header from image 98 for card in pHdrCards: 99 if card.key not in donotChangeList: 100 keyword = ('HIERARCH ' + card.key 101 if (len(card.key) > 8 and not 102 card.key.startswith('HIERARCH')) 103 else card.key) 104 hdu.header.update(keyword, card.value, card.comment) 105 106 # Secondary headers 107 sHCards = sHdrCards[det - 1] 108 109 # Add HISTORY 110 hdu.header.add_history(utils.makeDateTime().strftime("%Y%m%d") 111 + ' Adding in extension header from Image.') 112 for card in sHCards: 113 if card.key not in donotChangeList: 114 keyword = ('HIERARCH ' + card.key 115 if (len(card.key) > 8 and not 116 card.key.startswith('HIERARCH')) 117 else card.key) 118 hdu.header.update(keyword, card.value, card.comment) 119 try: 120 hdu.header.update('CRPIX1', 121 imghdu[det].header['CRPIX1'], 122 'Dither offset X') 123 hdu.header.update('CRPIX2', 124 imghdu[det].header['CRPIX2'], 125 'Dither offset Y') 126 hdu.header.update( 127 'CRVAL1', imghdu[det].header['CRVAL1'], 128 '[deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel') 129 hdu.header.update( 130 'CRVAL2', imghdu[det].header['CRVAL2'], 131 '[deg] Declination at the reference pixel') 132 except: 133 raise ValueError( 134 "Missing CRPIX values in %s, det %s" % 135 (self.bestImage.imageName(), (det))) 136 if self.bestImage.sysc.isVSA(): 137 # Add catalogue astrometric keywords 138 hdu.header.update('TCRVL3', hdu.header['CRVAL1'], 139 '[deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel') 140 hdu.header.update('TCRVL5', hdu.header['CRVAL2'], 141 '[deg] Declination at the reference pixel') 142 hdu.header.update('TCTYP3', hdu.header['CTYPE1'], 143 'Algorithm type for axis 1') 144 hdu.header.update('TCTYP5', hdu.header['CTYPE2'], 145 'Algorithm type for axis 2') 146 hdu.header.update('TCRPX3', hdu.header['CRPIX1'], 147 'Dither offset X') 148 hdu.header.update('TCRPX5', hdu.header['CRPIX2'], 149 'Dither offset Y') 150 hdu.header.update('TC3_3', hdu.header['CD1_1'], 151 'Transformation matrix element') 152 hdu.header.update('TC3_5', hdu.header['CD1_2'], 153 'Transformation matrix element') 154 hdu.header.update('TC5_3', hdu.header['CD2_1'], 155 'Transformation matrix element') 156 hdu.header.update('TC5_5', hdu.header['CD2_2'], 157 'Transformation matrix element') 158 #hdu.header.update('TV5_2',0., 159 # 'Transformation matrix element') 160 #hdu.header.update('TV5_4',0., 161 # 'Transformation matrix element') 162 #hdu.header.update('TV5_5',0., 163 # 'Transformation matrix element') 164 # Add in extraction info. 165 hdu.header.update('NXOUT', nxout, 'X-axis size of image') 166 hdu.header.update('NYOUT', nyout, 'Y-axis size of image') 167 168 # multiply threshold factor by rms 169 thrCount = float(inparDict['DETECT_THRESH']) * skynoise[0] 170 hdu.header.update('THRESHOL', round(thrCount, 3), 171 'Isophotal analysis threshold (counts)') 172 hdu.header.update('SKYLEVEL', round(skylevel[0], 3), 173 'Median sky brightness (counts/pixel)') 174 hdu.header.update('SKYNOISE', round(skynoise[0], 3), 175 'Pixel noise at sky level (counts)') 176 hdu.header.update('SEEING', round(seeing, 3), 177 'Average FWHM (pixels)') 178 hdu.header.update('ELLIPTIC', round(avStellEll, 3), 179 'Ellipticity estimate from SEXWRAP') 180 181 if self.bestImage.isMef(): 182 imghdu[det].header.update('SKYLEVEL', round(skylevel[0], 3), 183 'Median sky brightness (counts/pixel)') 184 imghdu[det].header.update('SKYNOISE', round(skynoise[0], 3), 185 'Pixel noise at sky level (counts)') 186 else: 187 imghdu[0].header.update('SKYLEVEL', round(skylevel[0], 3), 188 'Median sky brightness (counts/pixel)') 189 imghdu[0].header.update('SKYNOISE', round(skynoise[0], 3), 190 'Pixel noise at sky level (counts)') 191 192 imghdu[0].header.update('EXTINCT', 0.0, 'Extinction') 193 imghdu[0].header.update(self.bestImage.sysc.amStart, 1.0, 194 'Airmass at start of observation') 195 imghdu[0].header.update(self.bestImage.sysc.amEnd, 1.0, 196 'Airmass at end of observation') 197 198 hdu.header.update('MINPIX', float(inparDict['DETECT_MINAREA']), 199 'Minimum size for images (pixels)') 200 hdu.header.update('RCORE', 1. / float(inparDict['PIXEL_SCALE']), 201 'Core radius for default profile fit (pixels)') 202 203 # Add in SExtractor inputs 204 #@TODO calc aperure correction? 205 hdu.header.update('CLASSIFD', True, 206 'Class flag: -1 stellar, 1 non-stellar, 0 noise') 207 hdu.header.update('APCORPK', 0., 208 'Stellar aperture correction - peak height') 209 if self.bestImage.sysc.isWSA(): 210 hdu.header.update('APCOR1', 0., 211 'Stellar aperture correction - 1/2x core flux') 212 hdu.header.update('APCOR2', 0., 213 'Stellar aperture correction - core/sqrt(2) flux') 214 hdu.header.update('APCOR3', 0., 215 'Stellar aperture correction - core flux') 216 hdu.header.update('APCOR4', 0., 217 'Stellar aperture correction - 1.41x core flux') 218 hdu.header.update('APCOR5', 0., 219 'Stellar aperture correction - 2x core flux') 220 hdu.header.update('APCOR6', 0., 221 'Stellar aperture correction - 2.82x core flux') 222 hdu.header.update('APCOR7', 0., 223 'Stellar aperture correction - 4x core flux') 224 comment = 'SExtractor Param' 225 for kWrd in inparDict: 226 Val = inparDict[kWrd] 227 if len(kWrd) > 8: 228 kWrd = kWrd[:8] 229 if kWrd == 'FILTER': 230 kWrd = 'CNFILTER' 231 if len(Val) > maxSize - len(comment): 232 if os.sep in Val: 233 Val = os.path.join(os.path.basename( 234 os.path.dirname(Val)), os.path.basename(Val)) 235 if len(Val) > maxSize - len(comment): 236 Val = '++' + Val[len(comment) - maxSize - 2:] 237 else: 238 Val = '++' + Val[len(comment) - maxSize - 2:] 239 hdulist[det].header.update(kWrd, Val, comment) 240 241 imghdu.close() 242 hdulist.close()
243 244 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 245
246 - def calcAperCor(self):
247 """ 248 """ 249 compAper = 8 250 apertures = range(1, 8, 1) 251 aperSize = ['1/2x core', 'core/sqrt(2)', 'core', '1.41x core', '2x core', 252 '2.82x core', '4x core'] 253 hdulist =, 'update') 254 for ii, hdu in enumerate(hdulist): 255 if ii > 0: 256 tbdata = 257 avStellEll = hdu.header['ELLIPTIC'] 258 seeing = hdu.header['SEEING'] 259 aperMag3 = self.zeropoint + tbdata.field('Aper_flux_3') 260 try: 261 fwhm = tbdata.field('Gaussian_sigma') * 2.355 262 except: 263 fwhm = tbdata.field('IMAGE_FWHM') 264 265 apFluxMsk = numpy.where(numpy.greater(tbdata.field('Aper_flux_3'), 0.), 266 tbdata.field('Aper_flux_3'), 1.) 267 mask = numpy.where(numpy.greater(tbdata.field('Aper_flux_3'), 0.), 268 numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and( 269 numpy.logical_and( 270 numpy.logical_and(numpy.greater(aperMag3, (self.sLimit + 2)), 271 numpy.less(numpy.divide( 272 tbdata.field('Aper_flux_3_err'), apFluxMsk), 0.01)), 273 fwhm < (1.2 * seeing)), 274 numpy.less_equal(tbdata.field('Ellipticity'), (1.2 * avStellEll))), 275 numpy.logical_or(numpy.equal(tbdata.field('Classification'), -2), 276 numpy.equal(tbdata.field('Classification'), -1))), 277 numpy.equal(tbdata.field('Error_bit_flag'), 0)), 0) 278 for aper in apertures: 279 headerAttr = ('WAPCOR%d' % aper 280 if self.bestImage.sysc.isWSA() else 281 'APCOR%d' % aper) 282 apFluxMsk = numpy.where(numpy.greater(tbdata.field('Aper_flux_%d' % compAper), 0.), 283 tbdata.field('Aper_flux_%d' % compAper), 1.) 284 fluxRatios = numpy.where( 285 numpy.greater(tbdata.field('Aper_flux_%d' % compAper), 0.), 286 numpy.multiply(mask, numpy.divide( 287 tbdata.field('Aper_flux_%d' % aper), 288 apFluxMsk)), 0.) 289 indices = numpy.nonzero(numpy.multiply( 290 fluxRatios, numpy.greater(fluxRatios, 0))) 291 apCors = numpy.multiply(-2.5, numpy.log10( 292 fluxRatios[indices])) 293 apCor, _psd = stats.clippedMADHistogram(apCors, minSd=0.0001) 294 hdu.header.update(headerAttr, round(apCor, 4), 295 'Stellar aperture correction - %s flux' 296 % aperSize[aper - 1]) 297 hdulist.close()
298 299 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300
301 - def calcAvConf(self):
302 """Use segmentation and weight image to calculate average confidence 303 """ 304 hdulist = 305 segdata = hdulist[0].data 306 hdulist.close() 307 hdulist = 308 confdata = hdulist[0].data 309 hdulist.close() 310 prod = segdata * confdata 311 avConf = numpy.zeros([max(segdata)]) 312 for objID in range(1, max(segdata) + 1, 1): 313 numer = numpy.sum(numpy.where(numpy.equal(segdata, objID), prod, 0.)) 314 denom = numpy.sum(numpy.where(numpy.equal(segdata, objID), objID, 0.)) 315 if denom != 0.: 316 avConf[objID - 1] = int(numer / denom) 317 return avConf
318 319 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 320
321 - def calcSeeingEll(self, fwhm, ell, mask):
322 """Calculates average seeing and ellipticity 323 """ 324 325 fwhmStar = fwhm[numpy.nonzero(mask)] 326 ellStar = ell[numpy.nonzero(mask)] 327 328 medSeeing, _psdSeeing = stats.clippedMADHistogram(fwhmStar, 0.) 329 medStellEll, _psdStellEll = stats.clippedMADHistogram(ellStar, 0.) 330 return medSeeing, medStellEll
331 332 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 333
334 - def classification(self, stat, mag, magErr, brightSGCut=0.98, faintSGCut=0.94, 335 satSGCut=0.5, errorLimit=0.02):
336 """Function to calculate a discrete classifier based on 337 magnitude, magnitude error and stat. 338 -1 stellar,+1 non-stellar,0 noise,-2 borderline stellar, 339 -3 borderline non-stellar,-9 saturated. 340 """ 341 nObj = len(mag) 342 disClass = numpy.zeros([nObj]) 343 # Find magnitude limit for good stars and galaxies 344 # mLimit - where rms >0.02 345 self.getLimits(mag, magErr, errorLimit) 346 # definite star 347 disClass = numpy.add(disClass, numpy.multiply(numpy.logical_and( 348 numpy.less(mag, self.mLimit), numpy.greater_equal( 349 stat, brightSGCut)), -1)) 350 # definite galaxy 351 disClass = numpy.add(disClass, numpy.multiply(numpy.logical_and( 352 numpy.less(mag, self.mLimit), numpy.less_equal(stat, brightSGCut)), 1)) 353 # probable star 354 disClass = numpy.add(disClass, numpy.multiply(numpy.logical_and( 355 numpy.greater_equal(mag, self.mLimit), numpy.greater( 356 stat, faintSGCut)), -2)) 357 # probable galaxy 358 disClass = numpy.add(disClass, numpy.multiply(numpy.logical_and( 359 numpy.greater_equal(mag, self.mLimit), numpy.less_equal( 360 stat, faintSGCut)), -3)) 361 # saturated 362 disClass = numpy.multiply(disClass, numpy.logical_not(numpy.logical_and( 363 numpy.less(mag, self.sLimit), numpy.greater(stat, satSGCut)))) 364 disClass = numpy.add(disClass, numpy.multiply(numpy.logical_and( 365 numpy.less(mag, self.sLimit), numpy.greater(stat, satSGCut)), -9)) 366 # set all unclassed to -2, probable star 367 return numpy.add(disClass, numpy.multiply(numpy.equal(disClass, 0), -2))
368 369 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370 371 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 372
373 - def convertASCIItoFITS(self, minX= -999, maxX= -999, minY= -999, maxY= -999):
374 """This function reads in data from the ascii file and converts 375 to a fits file. 376 """ 377 378 orderedListWSA = ['Sequence_number', 'Isophotal_flux', 'X_coordinate', 379 'X_coordinate_err', 'Y_coordinate', 'Y_coordinate_err', 380 'Gaussian_sigma', 'Ellipticity', 'Position_angle', 381 'Areal_1_profile', 'Areal_2_profile', 'Areal_3_profile', 382 'Areal_4_profile', 'Areal_5_profile', 'Areal_6_profile', 383 'Areal_7_profile', 'Areal_8_profile', 'Peak_height', 384 'Peak_height_err', 'Aper_flux_1', 'Aper_flux_1_err', 385 'Aper_flux_2', 'Aper_flux_2_err', 'Aper_flux_3', 386 'Aper_flux_3_err', 'Aper_flux_4', 'Aper_flux_4_err', 387 'Aper_flux_5', 'Aper_flux_5_err', 'Aper_flux_6', 388 'Aper_flux_6_err', 'Aper_flux_7', 'Aper_flux_7_err', 389 'Aper_flux_8', 'Aper_flux_8_err', 'Aper_flux_9', 390 'Aper_flux_9_err', 'Aper_flux_10', 'Aper_flux_10_err', 391 'Aper_flux_11', 'Aper_flux_11_err', 'Aper_flux_12', 392 'Aper_flux_12_err', 'Aper_flux_13', 'Aper_flux_13_err', 393 'Petr_radius', 'Kron_radius', 'Hall_radius', 'Petr_flux', 394 'Petr_flux_err', 'Kron_flux', 'Kron_flux_err', 'Hall_flux', 395 'Hall_flux_err', 'Error_bit_flag', 'Sky_level', 'Sky_rms', 396 'Parent_or_child', 'RA', 'DEC', 'Classification', 'Statistic', 397 'Blank63', 'Blank64', 'Blank65', 'Blank66', 'Blank67', 398 'Blank68', 'Blank69', 'Blank70', 'Blank71', 'Blank72', 399 'Blank73', 'Blank74', 'Blank75', 'Blank76', 'Blank77', 400 'Blank78', 'Blank79', 'Blank80'] 401 finalUnitsWSA = ['Number', 'ADU', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 402 'Pixels', 'Number', 'Degrees', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 403 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'ADU', 404 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 405 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 406 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 407 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'ADU', 408 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'Number', 'ADU', 'ADU', 409 'Number', 'RADIANS', 'RADIANS', 'Flag', 'N-sigma', 410 'Blank63', 'Blank64', 'Blank65', 'Blank66', 'Blank67', 411 'Blank68', 'Blank69', 'Blank70', 'Blank71', 'Blank72', 412 'Blank73', 'Blank74', 'Blank75', 'Blank76', 'Blank77', 413 'Blank78', 'Blank79', 'Blank80'] 414 orderedListVSA = ['Sequence_number', 'Isophotal_flux', 'X_coordinate', 415 'X_coordinate_err', 'Y_coordinate', 'Y_coordinate_err', 416 'Gaussian_sigma', 'Ellipticity', 'Position_angle', 417 'Areal_1_profile', 'Areal_2_profile', 'Areal_3_profile', 418 'Areal_4_profile', 'Areal_5_profile', 'Areal_6_profile', 419 'Areal_7_profile', 'Areal_8_profile', 'Peak_height', 420 'Peak_height_err', 'Aper_flux_1', 'Aper_flux_1_err', 421 'Aper_flux_2', 'Aper_flux_2_err', 'Aper_flux_3', 422 'Aper_flux_3_err', 'Aper_flux_4', 'Aper_flux_4_err', 423 'Aper_flux_5', 'Aper_flux_5_err', 'Aper_flux_6', 424 'Aper_flux_6_err', 'Aper_flux_7', 'Aper_flux_7_err', 425 'Aper_flux_8', 'Aper_flux_8_err', 'Aper_flux_9', 426 'Aper_flux_9_err', 'Aper_flux_10', 'Aper_flux_10_err', 427 'Aper_flux_11', 'Aper_flux_11_err', 'Aper_flux_12', 428 'Aper_flux_12_err', 'Aper_flux_13', 'Aper_flux_13_err', 429 'Petr_radius', 'Kron_radius', 'Half_radius', 'Petr_flux', 430 'Petr_flux_err', 'Kron_flux', 'Kron_flux_err', 'Half_flux', 431 'Half_flux_err', 'Error_bit_flag', 'Sky_level', 'Sky_rms', 432 'Av_conf', 'RA', 'DEC', 'Classification', 'Statistic', 433 'Blank63', 'Blank64', 'Blank65', 'Blank66', 'Blank67', 434 'Blank68', 'Blank69', 'Blank70', 'Blank71', 'Blank72', 435 'Blank73', 'Blank74', 'Blank75', 'Blank76', 'Blank77', 436 'Blank78', 'Blank79', 'Blank80'] 437 finalUnitsVSA = ['Number', 'ADU', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 438 'Pixels', 'Number', 'Degrees', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 439 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'ADU', 440 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 441 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 442 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 443 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'Pixels', 'ADU', 444 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'ADU', 'Number', 'ADU', 'ADU', 445 'Number', 'RADIANS', 'RADIANS', 'Flag', 'N-sigma', 446 'Blank63', 'Blank64', 'Blank65', 'Blank66', 'Blank67', 447 'Blank68', 'Blank69', 'Blank70', 'Blank71', 'Blank72', 448 'Blank73', 'Blank74', 'Blank75', 'Blank76', 'Blank77', 449 'Blank78', 'Blank79', 'Blank80'] 450 451 452 453 dictCASUCatNames = { 454 'Sequence_number':'NUMBER', 455 'Isophotal_flux':'FLUX_ISO', 456 'X_coordinate':'MathLookUp', 457 'X_coordinate_err':'MathLookUp', # sqrt(ERRX2_IMAGE) 458 'Y_coordinate':'MathLookUp', 459 'Y_coordinate_err':'MathLookUp', # sqrt(ERRY2_IMAGE) 460 'Gaussian_sigma':'MathLookUp', #combine A_IMAGE and B_IMAGE 461 'Ellipticity':'ELLIPTICITY', 462 'Position_angle':'MathLookUp', # If<0 +180. 463 'Areal_1_profile':'ISO0', 464 'Areal_2_profile':'ISO1', 465 'Areal_3_profile':'ISO2', 466 'Areal_4_profile':'ISO3', 467 'Areal_5_profile':'ISO4', 468 'Areal_6_profile':'ISO5', 469 'Areal_7_profile':'ISO6', 470 'Areal_8_profile':'ISO7', 471 'Peak_height':'FLUX_MAX', 472 'Peak_height_err':'MathLookUp', 473 'Aper_flux_1':'MathLookUp', 474 'Aper_flux_1_err':'MathLookUp', 475 'Aper_flux_2':'MathLookUp', 476 'Aper_flux_2_err':'MathLookUp', 477 'Aper_flux_3':'MathLookUp', 478 'Aper_flux_3_err':'MathLookUp', 479 'Aper_flux_4':'MathLookUp', 480 'Aper_flux_4_err':'MathLookUp', 481 'Aper_flux_5':'MathLookUp', 482 'Aper_flux_5_err':'MathLookUp', 483 'Aper_flux_6':'MathLookUp', 484 'Aper_flux_6_err':'MathLookUp', 485 'Aper_flux_7':'MathLookUp', 486 'Aper_flux_7_err':'MathLookUp', 487 'Aper_flux_8':'MathLookUp', 488 'Aper_flux_8_err':'MathLookUp', 489 'Aper_flux_9':'MathLookUp', 490 'Aper_flux_9_err':'MathLookUp', 491 'Aper_flux_10':'MathLookUp', 492 'Aper_flux_10_err':'MathLookUp', 493 'Aper_flux_11':'MathLookUp', 494 'Aper_flux_11_err':'MathLookUp', 495 'Aper_flux_12':'MathLookUp', 496 'Aper_flux_12_err':'MathLookUp', 497 'Aper_flux_13':'MathLookUp', 498 'Aper_flux_13_err':'MathLookUp', 499 'Petr_radius':'MathLookUp', # PETRO_RADIUS * A_IMAGE 500 'Kron_radius':'MathLookUp', # KRON_RADIUS * A_IMAGE 501 'Hall_radius':'realDefault', 502 'Petr_flux':'FLUX_PETRO', 503 'Petr_flux_err':'FLUXERR_PETRO', 504 'Kron_flux':'FLUX_AUTO', 505 'Kron_flux_err':'FLUXERR_AUTO', 506 'Hall_flux':'realDefault', 507 'Hall_flux_err':'realDefault', 508 'Error_bit_flag':'FLAGS', 509 'Sky_level':'BACKGROUND', 510 'Sky_rms':'THRESHOLD', 511 'Parent_or_child':'intDefault', 512 'RA':'MathLookUp', 513 'DEC':'MathLookUp', 514 'Classification':'MathLookUp', 515 'Statistic':'CLASS_STAR', 516 'Blank63':'realDefault', 517 'Blank64':'realDefault', 518 'Blank65':'realDefault', 519 'Blank66':'realDefault', 520 'Blank67':'realDefault', 521 'Blank68':'realDefault', 522 'Blank69':'realDefault', 523 'Blank70':'realDefault', 524 'Blank71':'realDefault', 525 'Blank72':'realDefault', 526 'Blank73':'realDefault', 527 'Blank74':'realDefault', 528 'Blank75':'realDefault', 529 'Blank76':'realDefault', 530 'Blank77':'realDefault', 531 'Blank78':'realDefault', 532 'Blank79':'realDefault', 533 'Blank80':'realDefault', 534 'Half_radius':'MathLookUp', 535 'Half_flux':'realDefault', 536 'Half_flux_err':'realDefault', 537 'Av_conf':'intDefault', # @todo: 'MathLookUp', 538 } 539 540 # read in catalogue 541 #header 542 asciiCatName = self.bestImage.getAsciiCatName() 543 orderedList, finalUnits = None, None 544 if self.bestImage.sysc.isWSA(): 545 orderedList = orderedListWSA 546 finalUnits = finalUnitsWSA 547 if self.bestImage.sysc.isVSA(): 548 orderedList = orderedListVSA 549 finalUnits = finalUnitsVSA 550 ascFile = open(asciiCatName, 'r') 551 lines = ascFile.readlines() 552 ascFile.close() 553 header = [] 554 for line in lines: 555 if line[0] == '#': 556 # inputs. 557 colNo, colName, units, comment = splitHeadLine(line) 558 header.append((colNo, colName, units, comment)) 559 nDataCols = len(lines[len(header)].split()) 560 dArray = map(numpy.array, 561 utils.extractColumns(asciiCatName, range(nDataCols), dataType=float)) 562 # keep data in correct x,y range. 563 if minX != -999.: 564 dArray = selectData(dArray, header, minX, maxX, minY, maxY) 565 nDataRows = len(dArray[0]) 566 indx = 0 567 #info 568 colArray = [] 569 #unit='Number' 570 limits = None 571 for casuAttr in orderedList: 572 sexOut = dictCASUCatNames[casuAttr] 573 unit = finalUnits[indx] 574 indx += 1 575 if sexOut == 'intDefault': 576 dVector = numpy.ones([nDataRows]) * dbc.intDefault() 577 elif sexOut == 'realDefault': 578 dVector = numpy.ones([nDataRows]).astype(numpy.float32) * dbc.realDefault() 579 elif sexOut == 'MathLookUp': 580 if casuAttr == 'X_coordinate': 581 for ii in range(len(header)): 582 if header[ii][1] == 'X_IMAGE': 583 ximg = dArray[header[ii][0] - 1] 584 if minX > 0.: 585 dVector = numpy.subtract(ximg, minX) 586 else: 587 dVector = ximg 588 elif casuAttr == 'Y_coordinate': 589 for ii in range(len(header)): 590 if header[ii][1] == 'Y_IMAGE': 591 yimg = dArray[header[ii][0] - 1] 592 if minY > 0.: 593 dVector = numpy.subtract(yimg, minY) 594 else: 595 dVector = yimg 596 if casuAttr == 'X_coordinate_err': 597 for ii in range(len(header)): 598 if header[ii][1] == 'ERRX2_IMAGE': 599 errx2 = dArray[header[ii][0] - 1] 600 dVector = numpy.add(numpy.sqrt(numpy.multiply(errx2, numpy.greater(errx2, 0.))), numpy.multiply(numpy.less_equal(errx2, 0.), dbc.realDefault())) 601 elif casuAttr == 'Y_coordinate_err': 602 for ii in range(len(header)): 603 if header[ii][1] == 'ERRY2_IMAGE': 604 erry2 = dArray[header[ii][0] - 1] 605 dVector = numpy.add(numpy.sqrt(numpy.multiply(erry2, numpy.greater(erry2, 0.))), numpy.multiply(numpy.less_equal(erry2, 0.), dbc.realDefault())) 606 elif casuAttr == 'Gaussian_sigma': 607 fwhmColL = [header[ii][0] for ii in range(len(header)) 608 if header[ii][1] == 'FWHM_IMAGE'] 609 if len(fwhmColL) == 1: 610 aColNo = fwhmColL[0] - 1 611 dVector = dArray[aColNo] / 2.355 612 else: 613 aImgColIdx = [ii for ii in range(len(header)) 614 if header[ii][1] == 'A_IMAGE'][0] 615 aColNo = header[aImgColIdx][0] - 1 616 bImgColIdx = [ii for ii in range(len(header)) 617 if header[ii][1] == 'B_IMAGE'][0] 618 bColNo = header[bImgColIdx][0] - 1 619 dVector = numpy.add(numpy.multiply(numpy.multiply(numpy.sqrt(numpy.add(numpy.power(dArray[aColNo], 2.), numpy.power(dArray[bColNo], 2.))), 0.5), numpy.greater(dArray[bColNo], 0.)), numpy.multiply(numpy.less_equal(dArray[bColNo], 0.), dbc.realDefault())) 620 621 elif casuAttr == 'Peak_height_err': 622 for ii in range(len(header)): 623 if header[ii][1] == 'FLUX_MAX': 624 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 625 if header[ii][1] == 'FLUX_APER': 626 bColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 627 if header[ii][1] == 'FLUXERR_APER': 628 cColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 629 # Avoid any NaNs 630 msk = numpy.where(dArray[bColNo] > 0, dArray[bColNo], 1.) 631 dVector = numpy.where( 632 numpy.greater(dArray[bColNo], 0.), 633 numpy.multiply(dArray[aColNo], 634 numpy.divide(dArray[cColNo], msk)), 635 dbc.realDefault()) 636 637 elif casuAttr == 'Position_angle': 638 for ii in range(len(header)): 639 if header[ii][1] == 'THETA_IMAGE': 640 dVector = numpy.add(numpy.multiply(numpy.greater(dArray[header[ii][0] - 1], 0.), dArray[header[ii][0] - 1]), numpy.multiply(numpy.less(dArray[header[ii][0] - 1], 0.), (dArray[header[ii][0] - 1] + 180.))) 641 elif casuAttr == 'Petr_radius': 642 for ii in range(len(header)): 643 if header[ii][1] == 'A_IMAGE': 644 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 645 if header[ii][1] == 'PETRO_RADIUS': 646 bColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 647 dVector = numpy.multiply(dArray[aColNo], dArray[bColNo]) 648 elif casuAttr == 'Kron_radius': 649 for ii in range(len(header)): 650 if header[ii][1] == 'A_IMAGE': 651 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 652 if header[ii][1] == 'KRON_RADIUS': 653 bColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 654 dVector = numpy.multiply(dArray[aColNo], dArray[bColNo]) 655 elif casuAttr == 'Half_radius': 656 for ii in range(len(header)): 657 if header[ii][1] == 'A_IMAGE': 658 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 659 if header[ii][1] == 'FLUX_RADIUS': 660 bColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 661 dVector = numpy.multiply(dArray[aColNo], dArray[bColNo]) 662 elif casuAttr == 'Classification': 663 for ii in range(len(header)): 664 if header[ii][1] == 'CLASS_STAR': 665 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 666 if header[ii][1] == 'MAG_APER': 667 bColNo = header[ii][0] + 1 668 if header[ii][1] == 'MAGERR_APER': 669 cColNo = header[ii][0] + 1 670 dVector = self.classification(dArray[aColNo], dArray[bColNo], dArray[cColNo], errorLimit=0.04) 671 elif casuAttr == 'RA': 672 for ii in range(len(header)): 673 if header[ii][1] == 'ALPHA_J2000': 674 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 675 dVector = numpy.multiply(dArray[aColNo], 0.017453292) 676 elif casuAttr == 'DEC': 677 for ii in range(len(header)): 678 if header[ii][1] == 'DELTA_J2000': 679 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 680 dVector = numpy.multiply(dArray[aColNo], 0.017453292) 681 elif casuAttr == 'Av_conf': 682 # Can calculate from weight image and segmentation image 683 # Careful... 684 dVector = self.calcAvConf() 685 elif len(casuAttr) > 10 and len(casuAttr) < 13: 686 if casuAttr[:10] == 'Aper_flux_': 687 for ii in range(len(header)): 688 if header[ii][1] == 'FLUX_APER': 689 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 690 aperNo = int(casuAttr[10:]) 691 dVector = dArray[aColNo + aperNo - 1] 692 elif len(casuAttr) > 13: 693 if casuAttr[:10] == 'Aper_flux_': 694 for ii in range(len(header)): 695 if header[ii][1] == 'FLUXERR_APER': 696 aColNo = header[ii][0] - 1 697 aperNo = int(casuAttr[10:-4]) 698 dVector = dArray[aColNo + aperNo - 1] 699 else: 700 for ii in range(len(header)): 701 if header[ii][1] == sexOut: 702 dVector = dArray[header[ii][0] - 1] 703 colM = pyfits.Column(name=casuAttr, format='E', unit=unit, array=dVector) 704 colArray.append(colM) 705 cols = pyfits.ColDefs(colArray) 706 hdu = pyfits.new_table(cols) 707 if limits: 708 hdu.header.update("MGSAT", limits[0], "Saturation limit, mags") 709 hdu.header.update("MGCLSS", limits[1], "Good class limit, mags") 710 return hdu
711 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 712
713 - def extractCatalogue(self):
714 """ Run SExtractor on image to produce catalogue. 715 """ 716 #@@TODO 717 # First UNCOMPRESS INPUTS 718 # NO NEED TO UNCOMPRESS OR BREAK OUT EXT 719 # Only run SExtractor in Dual Image mode on mosaics!! - 720 hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([getPrimaryHeader()]) 721 self.getSexFiles() 722 if self.bestImage.externalCatsExist(): 723 shutil.copyfile(self.bestImage.getExternalCatName(), 724 self.bestImage.getAsciiCatName()) 725 726 Logger.addMessage("Found external catalogue " 727 + self.bestImage.getExternalCatName()) 728 else: 729 #dualExtenImageName = (self.dualImage.fileName() if self.dualImage 730 # and self.dualImage.fileName() != self.bestImage.fileName() else None) 731 self.runSExtractor(self.isDualImage) 732 Logger.addMessage("SExtractor finished, now to convert output...") 733 hdulist.append(self.convertASCIItoFITS()) 734 hdulist.writeto(self.bestImage.catName()) 735 hdulist.close() 736 tempFileList = [self.bestImage.getAsciiCatName(), self.inparFileName] 737 self.addHeaders() 738 739 return tempFileList
740 741 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 742
743 - def getLimits(self, magArray, magErrArray, rmsLimit):
744 """Find best fit function. 745 """ 746 minMag, maxMag, bSize = 9., int(max(magArray)), 0.5 747 if maxMag > 30: maxMag = 30. 748 nBins = int((maxMag - minMag) / bSize) 749 data = [] 750 dataML = [] 751 for bb in range(nBins): 752 mnmag = minMag + (bb + 0.5) * bSize 753 mgErrs = [] 754 # Use numpy 755 mgErrs = magErrArray[numpy.nonzero( 756 numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and( 757 numpy.greater(magArray, mnmag - (0.5 * bSize)), numpy.less_equal( 758 magArray, mnmag + (0.5 * bSize))), numpy.greater(magErrArray, 0.)), 759 numpy.less(magErrArray, 99.)))] 760 761 if mgErrs.size > 5: 762 meanErr, sdErr = stats.clippedMADHistogram(mgErrs, minSd=0.0001) 763 # convert to float (not numpy type) for Scientific 764 meanErr = float(meanErr) 765 sdErr = float(sdErr) 766 else: 767 meanErr, sdErr = 0., 99. 768 if sdErr < 99 and sdErr > 0.and meanErr > 0. and meanErr < 0.5: 769 data.append((mnmag, meanErr, sdErr)) 770 if sdErr > 0. and meanErr > 0.3 * rmsLimit and meanErr < 3.*rmsLimit: 771 dataML.append((mnmag, meanErr, sdErr)) 772 params = [50., -5., 0.1] 773 fit = LSQ.polynomialLeastSquaresFit(params, dataML) 774 self.sLimit = min(mag for mag, meanErr, _sdErr in data if meanErr < 0.01) + 0.5 775 776 dMag = 0.01 777 test = 0 778 minMag = data[0][0] 779 while (test == 0): 780 if minMag > dataML[0][0] and minMag < dataML[len(dataML) - 1][0]: 781 expErr = LSQ._polynomialModel(fit[0], minMag) 782 if abs(expErr - rmsLimit) < 0.01: 783 self.mLimit = minMag 784 return 785 else: 786 minMag += dMag 787 else: 788 minMag += 10.*dMag
789 790 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 791
792 - def getSexFiles(self):
793 """ 794 Copy the detectionCatalog.inpar and detectionCatalog.param, and substitute 795 all relevant strings. 796 797 """ 798 pxScl = fits.getPixelScale(self.bestImage.fileName()) 799 aperRatios = [0.5, math.sqrt(0.5), 1., math.sqrt(2.), 2., 2.*math.sqrt(2.), 4., 800 5., 6., 7., 8., 10., 12.] 801 802 # Image types 803 # SExtractor inputs 804 inparFile = self.bestImage.sexInparFile() 805 if not inparFile: 806 return 807 808 sexInputsDir = self.bestImage.sysc.sExtractorInputsPath() 809 weightImages = [self.bestImage.confName()] 810 if self.dualImage: 811 weightImages = [self.dualImage.confName()] + weightImages 812 813 paramFile = None 814 if self.bestImage.sysc.isVSA(): 815 paramFile = os.path.join(sexInputsDir, 'detectionCatalogVSA.param') 816 if self.bestImage.sysc.isWSA(): 817 paramFile = os.path.join(sexInputsDir, 'detectionCatalogWSA.param') 818 dCore = 2. / pxScl 819 catName = self.bestImage.getAsciiCatName() 820 apertures = ','.join(str(aper * dCore) for aper in aperRatios) 821 self.zeropoint = self.bestImage.getZeropoint() 822 replacementList = [('@catalogName', catName), 823 ('@catalogType', 'ASCII_HEAD'), 824 ('@paramFile', paramFile), 825 ('@sxInputDir', sexInputsDir), 826 ('@apertures', apertures), 827 ('@pixelScale', str(pxScl)), 828 ('@weightImage', ','.join(weightImages)), 829 ('@zeropoint', '%s' % self.zeropoint)] 830 if self.bestImage.sysc.isVSA(): 831 replacementList += [('@checkImageType', 'SEGMENTATION'), 832 ('@checkImageName', self.bestImage.getSegmName())] 833 else: 834 replacementList += [('@checkImageType', 'NONE'), 835 ('@checkImageName', 'NONE')] 836 837 newLines = [] 838 for line in file(inparFile): 839 for attr, value in replacementList: 840 line = line.replace(attr, value) 841 842 newLines.append(line) 843 844 self.inparFileName = self.bestImage.getInparName() 845 file(self.inparFileName, "w").writelines(newLines)
846 847 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
848 - def runSExtractor(self, isDualImageMode=False):
849 """ Run Source Extractor 850 """ 851 command = 'sex %s%s -c %s' 852 command %= (self.dualImage.fileName() + ' ' if isDualImageMode else '', 853 self.bestImage.fileName(), self.inparFileName) 854 855 if not os.path.exists(self.inparFileName.replace('inpar', 'cat')): 856 Logger.addMessage("Running SExtractor: %s" % command) 857, raiseOnError=False, parseStdOut=False)
858 859 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 860
861 - def selectStars(self, hdu):
862 """ Select stars 863 """ 864 #classLimit=hdu.header['MGCLSS'] 865 classObj ='Classification') 866 flags ='Error_bit_flag') 867 aperMag3 = self.zeropoint +'Aper_flux_3') 868 apFluxMsk = numpy.where('Aper_flux_3') > 0,'Aper_flux_3'), 1.) 869 errorFrac = numpy.where(numpy.greater('Aper_flux_3'), 0.), 870 ('Aper_flux_3_err') / 871 apFluxMsk), 0.) 872 873 starMask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_or( 874 numpy.equal(classObj, -1), numpy.equal(classObj, -2)), 875 numpy.equal(flags, 0)), numpy.greater(aperMag3, (self.sLimit + 4))), 876 numpy.less_equal(errorFrac, 0.05)) 877 return starMask
878 879 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 880
881 -def getPrimaryHeader():
882 """ 883 """ 884 # create Primary header of catalogue. 885 phdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() 886 # Add comment 887 phdu.header.add_comment("FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy") 888 phdu.header.add_comment("and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H") 889 return phdu
890 891 892 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 893
894 -def selectData(dArray, header, minX, maxX, minY, maxY):
895 """Selects data in correct part of mosaic only 896 897 """ 898 #@TODO: Horrible - just slice in numpy? 899 900 for colNo, colName, _units, _comment in header: 901 if colName == 'X_IMAGE': 902 xColNo = colNo - 1 903 elif colName == 'Y_IMAGE': 904 yColNo = colNo - 1 905 906 tDArray = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(dArray)) 907 newArray = [] 908 for ii in range(len(dArray[0])): 909 if tDArray[ii][xColNo] >= minX and tDArray[ii][xColNo] < maxX and \ 910 tDArray[ii][yColNo] >= minY and tDArray[ii][yColNo] < maxY: 911 newArray.append(tDArray[ii]) 912 return numpy.transpose(newArray)
913 914 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 915
916 -def cutoutMosaic(ingestImages):
917 """Routine to find which x and y coordinates go to with 918 which image. 919 """ 920 xycoordDict = dict() 921 for image in ingestImages: 922 imgHdu = 923 crpix1 = imgHdu[1].header['CRPIX1'] 924 crpix2 = imgHdu[1].header['CRPIX2'] 925 naxis1 = imgHdu[1].header['NAXIS1'] 926 naxis2 = imgHdu[1].header['NAXIS2'] 927 imgHdu.close() 928 minMaxXY = ((crpix1 + 0.5), (crpix1 + naxis1 - 0.5), (crpix2 + 0.5), 929 (crpix2 + naxis2 - 0.5)) 930 xycoordDict[image] = minMaxXY 931 932 return xycoordDict
933 934 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 935
936 -def rmsModel(params, mag):
937 """Simple rms model 938 """ 939 sky = params[0] 940 zp = params[1] 941 flux = 10 ** (0.4 * (zp - mag)) 942 if (flux + sky) >= 0 and flux != 0: 943 return 1.0857 * math.sqrt(flux + sky) / flux 944 else: 945 # @@TODO: is this necessary? - just a default 946 return (params[0] * 0.) + 99.
947 948 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 949 950 951 952
953 -def breakOutExt(imageObj, extNum, type='IMAGE'):
954 """Function to break out extension. 955 """ 956 imageName = imageObj.fileName() if not type == 'CONF' else imageObj.confName() 957 extractName = imageName.replace(imageObj.sysc.mefType, '_%d%s' % ( 958 extNum, imageObj.sysc.mefType)) 959 960 # Use PYFITS - memory requirements... 961 fitsFile = 962 963 if imageObj.isMef(): 964 # Primary + secondary --- this is more complicated 965 fits.combHeaders(fitsFile[0].header, fitsFile[extNum - 1].header) 966 967 if not os.path.exists(extractName): 968 phdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(fitsFile[extNum - 1].data) 969 phdu.header = fitsFile[0].header 970 newHDUList = pyfits.HDUList([phdu]) 971 newHDUList.writeto(extractName) 972 fitsFile.close() 973 return extractName
974 975 976 977 978
979 -def splitHeadLine(line):
980 """This function splits a header line into component parts 981 """ 982 prts = line.split() 983 colNo = int(prts[1]) 984 colName = prts[2] 985 units = 'Number' 986 if prts[len(prts) - 1][:1] == '[' and prts[len(prts) - 1][-1:] == ']': 987 units = prts[len(prts) - 1][1:-1] 988 noRemPrts = len(prts) - 4 989 else: 990 noRemPrts = len(prts) - 3 991 comment = '' 992 for rp in range(noRemPrts): 993 comment += prts[3 + rp] + ' ' 994 return colNo, colName, units, comment
995 996 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 997
998 -def breakoutData(line, types):
999 prts = line.split() 1000 nPrts = len(prts) 1001 dArray = [] 1002 for pt in range(nPrts): 1003 if len(types) > pt: 1004 if types[pt] == 'int': 1005 dArray.append(int(prts[pt])) 1006 elif types[pt] == 'real': 1007 dArray.append(float(prts[pt])) 1008 else: 1009 dArray.append(prts[pt]) 1010 else: 1011 try: 1012 int(prts[pt]) 1013 types.append('int') 1014 dArray.append(int(prts[pt])) 1015 except: 1016 try: 1017 float(prts[pt]) 1018 types.append('real') 1019 dArray.append(float(prts[pt])) 1020 except: 1021 types.append('char') 1022 dArray.append(prts[pt]) 1023 return dArray, types
1024 1025 1026 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1027