Package helpers :: Module UpdateDetectionTables
[hide private]

Module UpdateDetectionTables

source code

A general script for updating all detection tables.

Author: R.S. Collins

Organization: WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh

To Do: The calcNParts() code uses common methods and member variables that should be encapsulated in their own class, that both the DeblendParamFixer and AProf1Fixer classes should derive from separately from the generic DetectionUpdater class?

Classes [hide private]
Updates the detection tables.
Copies detection table data from a source database.
Inserts default rows into every detection table selected.
Propagates the deprecation flag from MultiframeDetector into every detection table selected.
Resets the ppErrBits flag to zero for all programmes.
Checks that the *DetectionRaw and *DetectionPhotometry tables all have the same row counts.
Makes sure that positive values of objID are unique.
Updates the AProf1 column in the detection table.
Fixes the parameters of deblended objects in the detection tables.
Updates values of mjd in OB stacks
Functions [hide private]
calcMag(fluxArr, zpArr) source code
calcMagErr(fluxArr, fluxErrArr) source code
Groups of deblended parameters have consecutive seqNum and start with aProf8=0, except in 2005-2006, when it is impossible to separate groups that appear on consecutive seqNum.
source code
findFirstIndex(mainArray, value, logic, isArray=False)
Returns 2-D tuple of arrays.
source code
addIndex(arrayIndex, scalarValue) source code
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'helpers'
Function Details [hide private]


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Groups of deblended parameters have consecutive seqNum and start with aProf8=0, except in 2005-2006, when it is impossible to separate groups that appear on consecutive seqNum. Also after 2006, there are a small number of single deblends - some other issue that has aProfN=-1 where N>=2.

findFirstIndex(mainArray, value, logic, isArray=False)

source code 

Returns 2-D tuple of arrays. First entry in the pair is arange.