
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 // CVS: $Revision: 6421 $, $Date: 2009-11-27 10:57:35 +0000 (Fri, 27 Nov 2009) $, $Author: EckhardSutorius $
00006 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00007 #ifndef MOON_HXX
00008 #define MOON_HXX
00010 extern "C"
00011 {
00012   #include "slalib.h"
00013 }
00015 #include <cmath>
00017 #include "DataMethod.hxx"
00018 #include "StringOps.h"
00019 #include "Options.h"
00020 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00023 template<typename DataType>
00024 class Moon : public DataMethod<DataType>
00025 {
00026 public:
00028   Moon() { DataMethod<DataType>::methodName = "Moon"; }
00031   virtual ~Moon() { }
00034   void setSource(IntMap& tbls, IntMap& cols, StringMap units) 
00035     { mMJDObsCol = cols[0]; }
00038   void setTarget(IntMap& cols, StringMap units)
00039   {
00040     mRACol = cols[0];
00041     mDecCol = cols[1];
00042     mIllumCol = cols[2];
00043     mTopoRaCol = cols[3];
00044     mTopoDecCol = cols[4];
00045   }
00047   const double& getMoonRA() const { return mRAMoon; }
00048   const double& getMoonDec() const { return mDecMoon; }
00049   const double& getMoonPhase() const { return mIllum; }
00050   const double& getMoonRATopo() const { return mRAMoonTopo; }
00051   const double& getMoonDecTopo() const { return mDecMoonTopo; }
00053   void calcMoonPosAndPhase(const double& aMjdObs)
00054   {
00055     Options options;
00056     const double dpi  =  M_PI;
00057     const double dd2r = dpi / 180.0;
00058     const double ds2r = dd2r / 3600;
00059     const double dr2d = 180.0 / dpi;
00060     const double ds2d = 1.0 / 86400.0;
00061     const double c_aups = 173.14 * ds2d;
00062     const double dr2h = 12.0 / dpi;
00063     const double dm2au = 1.0 / 149597870691.0;
00064     const double dau2m = 149597870691.0;
00065     double d0 = aMjdObs + 2400000.5 - 2451545.0;
00066     double deqx = 2000.0e0;
00067     double ea = 6378137.0;// * dm2au;
00068     double latobs, lonobs, hobs;
00070     if (StringOps::ToLower(options.getArchive()) == "vsa")
00071     {
00072       latobs = -24.61583333 * dd2r;
00073       lonobs = -70.3975 *dd2r;
00074       hobs = 2530.0;// * dm2au;
00075     }
00076     else
00077     {
00078       latobs = 19.82561111 * dd2r;
00079       lonobs = -155.47322222 *dd2r;
00080       hobs = 4194.0;// * dm2au;
00081     }
00084     int leap = (aMjdObs < 53736) ? 32 : 33;
00085     double gRad = (357.53 + 0.9856003 * d0)*dd2r;
00086     double tt = aMjdObs + (leap + 32.184) * ds2d;
00087     double tdbobs = tt + (0.001658*sin(gRad) + 0.000014*sin(2.*gRad)) * ds2d;
00090     double pvmoon[6];
00091     cslaDmoon(tdbobs, pvmoon);
00092     double xm = pvmoon[0] * dau2m;
00093     double ym = pvmoon[1] * dau2m;
00094     double zm = pvmoon[2] * dau2m;
00095     double raMoonRad = atan2(ym, xm);
00096     double decMoonRad = atan2(zm, sqrt(xm * xm + ym * ym));
00097     double distMoon = sqrt(xm * xm + ym * ym + zm * zm);
00098     mRAMoon = raMoonRad * dr2h;
00099     mDecMoon = decMoonRad * dr2d;
00100     if (mRAMoon < 0.0)
00101     {
00102       mRAMoon += 24.0;
00103     }
00104     else if (mRAMoon > 24.0)
00105     {
00106       mRAMoon -= 24.0;
00107     }
00110     double dvb[3], dpb[3], dvh[3], dph[3];
00111     cslaEvp(tdbobs, deqx, dvb, dpb, dvh, dph);
00112     double pvsun[6];
00113     pvsun[0] = -dph[0];
00114     pvsun[1] = -dph[1];
00115     pvsun[2] = -dph[2];
00116     pvsun[3] = dvh[0];
00117     pvsun[4] = dvh[1];
00118     pvsun[5] = dvh[2];
00119     double xe = pvsun[0];
00120     double ye = pvsun[1];
00121     double ze = pvsun[2];
00122     double vxe = pvsun[3];
00123     double vye = pvsun[4];
00124     double vze = pvsun[5];
00125     double raSunRad = atan2(ye, xe);
00126     double decSunRad = atan2(ze, sqrt(xe * xe + ye * ye));
00127     double distSun = sqrt(xe * xe + ye * ye + ze * ze);
00129     // calculating precession
00130     double fd, djm;
00131     int iy, im, id, status;
00132     cslaDjcl(aMjdObs, &iy, &im, &id, &fd, &status);
00133     cslaCldj(iy-1, 12, 31, &djm, &status);
00135     double t0 = (djm - 2415020.0) / 36525.0;
00136     double t = (aMjdObs - djm) / 36525.0;
00137     double t2 = t * t;
00138     double t3 = t2 * t;
00139     // precession constants
00140     double pa = ((2304.25 + 1.396 * t0) * t + 0.302 * t2 + 0.018 * t3) * ds2r;
00141     double pb = (pa + 0.791 * t2) * ds2r;
00142     double pc = ((2004.682 - 0.853 * t0) * t - 0.426 * t2 - 0.042 * t3) * ds2r;
00144     double q = sin(pc) * (tan(decMoonRad) + tan(0.5*pc) * cos(raMoonRad + pa));
00145     double d_ra_p = pa + pb + atan2(q * sin(raMoonRad + pa),
00146                                     1.0 - q * cos(raMoonRad + pa));
00147     double d_dec_p = 2.0 * atan(
00148       tan(0.5 * pc) * (cos(raMoonRad + pa)
00149                        - sin(raMoonRad + pa) * tan(0.5*(d_ra_p-pa-pb))));
00151     // calculating nutation
00152     t = (aMjdObs - djm) / 36525.0;
00153     double omega = (259.183275 - 1934.142 * t) * dd2r;
00154     double d_long = -8.3597e-05 * sin(omega);
00155     double d_obliq = 4.4678e-05 * cos(omega);
00156     double d_ra_n = d_long * (0.917450511
00157                        + 0.39784993 * sin(raMoonRad) * tan(decMoonRad))
00158       - cos(raMoonRad) * tan(decMoonRad) *d_obliq;
00159     double d_dec_n = 0.39784993 * cos(raMoonRad) * d_long
00160                      + sin(raMoonRad) * d_obliq;
00162     // calculating annual aberration
00163     double d_ra_a = (-vxe * sin(raMoonRad) + vye * cos(raMoonRad))
00164               / (c_aups * cos(decMoonRad));
00165     double d_dec_a = (-vxe * cos(raMoonRad) * sin(decMoonRad)
00166                - vye * sin(raMoonRad) * sin(decMoonRad)
00167                + vze * cos(decMoonRad)) / c_aups;
00169     double raMoonApp = raMoonRad + d_ra_p + d_ra_n + d_ra_a;
00170     double decMoonApp = decMoonRad + d_dec_p + d_dec_n + d_dec_a;
00172     // calculating geocentric x,y,z for observer
00173     double sinphi = sin(latobs);
00174     double cosphi = cos(latobs);
00175     double gast = cslaGmst(aMjdObs) + cslaEqeqx(tdbobs) + lonobs;
00176     double robs = ea + hobs;
00177     double xobs = robs * cosphi * cos(gast);
00178     double yobs = robs * cosphi * sin(gast);
00179     double zobs = robs * sinphi;
00181     // calculating apparent, topocentric ra, dec for the Moon
00182     double xmtopo = distMoon * cos(decMoonApp) * cos(raMoonApp) - xobs;
00183     double ymtopo = distMoon * cos(decMoonApp) * sin(raMoonApp) - yobs;
00184     double zmtopo = distMoon * sin(decMoonApp) - zobs;
00185     double rmtopo = sqrt(xmtopo * xmtopo + ymtopo * ymtopo + zmtopo * zmtopo);
00186     double raMoonTopoRad = atan2(ymtopo, xmtopo);
00187     double decMoonTopoRad = asin(zmtopo / rmtopo);
00188     mRAMoonTopo = raMoonTopoRad * dr2h;
00189     mDecMoonTopo = decMoonTopoRad * dr2d;
00190     if (mRAMoonTopo < 0.0)
00191     {
00192       mRAMoonTopo += 24.0;
00193     }
00194     if (mRAMoonTopo > 24.0)
00195     {
00196       mRAMoonTopo -= 24.0;
00197     }
00200     double psi = acos(sin(decSunRad)*sin(decMoonRad)
00201                  + cos(decSunRad)*cos(decMoonRad)*cos(raSunRad-raMoonRad));
00202     double phase = atan2(distSun * sin(psi),
00203                          distMoon*dm2au - distSun * cos(psi));
00204     mIllum = 0.5 * (1.0 + cos(phase));
00205   }
00207   void doit(TableData<DataType>& data, int row1, int row2)
00208   {
00209     for (int rowNo = row1; rowNo < row2; ++rowNo)
00210     {
00212       double mjdobs;
00213       data.value(mMJDObsCol, rowNo, mjdobs);
00215       calcMoonPosAndPhase(mjdobs);
00218       data.assign(mRACol, rowNo, mRAMoon);
00219       data.assign(mDecCol, rowNo, mDecMoon);
00220       data.assign(mTopoRaCol, rowNo, mRAMoonTopo);
00221       data.assign(mTopoDecCol, rowNo, mDecMoonTopo);
00222       data.assign(mIllumCol, rowNo, mIllum);
00223     }
00224   }
00226   // No data from raw data included
00227   void doit2(TableData<DataType>& rawData, TableData<DataType>& data, int row1, int row2) { }
00229 private:
00230   int mMJDObsCol;
00231   int mIllumCol;
00232   int mRACol;
00233   int mDecCol;
00234   int mTopoRaCol;
00235   int mTopoDecCol;
00236   double mIllum;
00237   double mRAMoon;
00238   double mDecMoon;
00239   double mRAMoonTopo;
00240   double mDecMoonTopo;
00241 };
00242 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00243 #endif
00244 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00245 // Change log:
00246 //
00247 // 12-Jan-2006, ETWS: First version, this file determines the position
00248 //                    of the Moon and its illumination for a given UT
00249 // 13-Jan-2006,  RSC: Refactored to allow the Moon calculation to be called
00250 //                    externally
00251 // 24-Jan-2006, ETWS: Included apparent, topocentric RA and Dec
00252 //  7-Apr-2008, ETWS: Upgraded to use new detection table layout.
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