Package wsatools :: Module Utilities
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Module Utilities

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General utility functions. Mostly concerning manipulation of Python objects, and the file system.

Author: I.A. Bond

Organization: WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh

Contributors: R.S. Collins, N.J.G. Cross, N.C. Hambly, E. Sutorius

Classes [hide private]
Behaves like a file object, except that when iterating over file lines only non-blank, non-comment lines are returned and any EOL characters are removed together with trailing white-space.
Formats long strings so that they neatly fit within a certain width without words being split across lines.
Ratings is mostly like a dictionary, with extra features: the value corresponding to each key is the 'score' for that key, and all keys are ranked in terms their scores.
Functions [hide private]
Private helper function used by the WordWrapper class.
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arbSort(unsortedList, kwdList, key=<function <lambda> at 0x26be410>, isFullKeySet=True)
Arbitrarily sorts a list of tuples of form (keyword, value) by the order defined in the sequence of specified keywords.
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If the supplied directory does not exist then create it.
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expandNumberRange(numberRange, useTens=False)
Given a human readable compact number range string, expand it to a complete sequence of numbers in a CSV string.
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extractColumn(filePathName, colNum)
Gobble all entries in the given column of a space separated text file into a list.
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extractColumns(filePathName, columnList=None, numRows=None, dataType=<type 'str'>)
Extracts from the given file the data in the given list of columns as a list of strings for every column.
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dict(str:list(int, int))
Gets the available disk space for supplied list of disks.
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Returns the set of items for which the groupBy method returns the same item more than once.
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getListIndices(aList, value)
Returns a list of all indices where a value occurs in the given list.
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getNextDisk(sysc, spacePerDisk=None, byPercentFree=False, preAllocMem=0)
Gets the next available disk which is less than 99% full.
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getNumberItems(numberRange, useTens=False)
Calculates the number of items expressed by a human-readable string of number ranges.
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Returns: Amount of available memory in kilobytes.
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list(tuple(int, int))
groupByCounts(keyCounts, groupSize)
Taking an ordered list of counts of a particular key, e.g.
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joinDict(aDict, joinStr=' = ', sepStr=', ')
Like string.join, but operates on the contents of a dictionary instead of a list.
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joinNested(aSeq, joinStr=', ', subJoinStr=None, seqIndex=None)
Like string.join, but can handle nested (or un-nested) sequences of string- castable objects.
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invertDict(aDict, forceReturnList=False)
Inverts the dictionary in such a way that if the input dictionary's values are lists, each item of this list will become a key with the input dictionary's key as value.
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Returns an archive date/time data type, defaulting to the current time if no input argument is given.
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Creates a timestamp using makeTimeStamp and formats appropriately for use in ingest strings for Microsoft SQL Server (and handles a bug in the datetime object creation).
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Returns: An archive time stamp as a string, as opposed to the internal date time type.
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Generator test function is equivalent to memory hog len(list(values)) > 1 or sum(1 for _ in values) > 1 but doesn't iterate through all items.
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multiSub(text, subs)
Performs multiple string substitutions on the given string.
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noInterrupt(*args, **kwds)
Disables keyboard interrupts whilst in this context.
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npop(aList, nMax=2, mode='topbot')
Divide aList in nMax sublists by populating it with items subsequently taken from the top and the bottom of list.
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numberRange(numbers, sep=', ', useTens=False)
Given a sequence of integers it returns that sequence as a string representation of an ordered range of unique numbers.
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orderedSet(seq, excludeList=None)
Returns a list of the given sequence in the original order, but with duplicates removed.
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Parses a string value and converts to float.
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splitList(longList, chunkSize=2, noSingles=False)
Splits a list into a list of equal sized chunks.
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Given a list of lists, return a single sequence containing all of the elements of the combined list, as a generator.
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Sort strings naturally.
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naturalSortKey(key) source code
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'wsatools'
Function Details [hide private]


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Private helper function used by the WordWrapper class.

Returns: int
User's default wrap width read from the preferences file.

arbSort(unsortedList, kwdList, key=<function <lambda> at 0x26be410>, isFullKeySet=True)

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Arbitrarily sorts a list of tuples of form (keyword, value) by the order defined in the sequence of specified keywords. Example:

>>> arbSort([7, 3, 8, 0, 1], [8, 3], isFullKeySet=False)
[8, 3, 7, 0, 1]
  • unsortedList (list) - Unsorted list of scalars or sequences.
  • kwdList (list) - List of keywords specifying the required sort order, need to be of same type/value as entries in of the sort key element of the given unsorted list.
  • key (function) - Function to fetch the sort key element from the given unsorted list, e.g. operator.itemgetter(0).
  • isFullKeySet (bool) - If True, expect kwdList to contain the complete set of keys in the unsortedList, otherwise leave entries for non-specified keys at the end of the sorted list, sorted by non-specified key in original key order.
Returns: list
The sorted list.

To Do: See if defining my own compare function that calls index() is faster/simpler than the Decorate-Sort-Undecorate method used here.


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If the supplied directory does not exist then create it.

  • aDir (str) - Full path to the directory.

expandNumberRange(numberRange, useTens=False)

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Given a human readable compact number range string, expand it to a complete sequence of numbers in a CSV string. Example:

>>> expandNumberRange(numberRange([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]))
>>> expandNumberRange('1,2')
>>> expandNumberRange('0')
  • numberRange (str) - A human readable compact number range string
Returns: str
A complete sequence of numbers in a CSV string.

extractColumn(filePathName, colNum)

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Gobble all entries in the given column of a space separated text file into a list. Lines that begin with the hash mark are treated as comments and are ignored. Example:

>>> column = extractColumn("/disk47/sys/test/Utilities/", 6)
>>> list(column)[:2]
['14.5723', '15.1406']
  • filePathName (str) - Path to space separated text file to be read.
  • colNum (int) - Column number of text to extract.
Returns: generator(str)
A generator for all text in specified column of the file.

To Do: Replace with extractColumns()? Could leave this method here for speed and simplicity. Though normally we want more than one column anyway! So, may just extractColumns(file, 3)[0] isn't so bad.

extractColumns(filePathName, columnList=None, numRows=None, dataType=<type 'str'>)

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Extracts from the given file the data in the given list of columns as a list of strings for every column. Example:

>>> data = extractColumns("/disk47/sys/test/Utilities/",
...                       columnList=[6, 7], dataType=float)
>>> print(data[0][0], data[0][1], data[1][0], data[1][1])
14.5723 15.1406 0.0033 0.005
  • filePathName (str) - Full path to the file to read.
  • columnList (list(int)) - Optional list of indices for the columns to be read (with the first column at index 0), otherwise all columns are read.
  • numRows (int) - Optionally supply number of rows to read, otherwise all rows are read.
  • dataType (type) - Optionally convert entries from string to this Python type.
Returns: list(list(dataType))
A list of column data, with each column represented by a list of strings.

To Do: Possibly alter to make use of the CSV module's abilities to handle different dialects? Would simplify code a bit, and make more useful.


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Gets the available disk space for supplied list of disks.

  • disks (sequence(str) or generator(str)) - Sequence of disk paths (e.g. SystemConstants.massStorageRaidFileSystem()).
Returns: dict(str:list(int, int))
A dictionary of sizes of the form (total, free) for each disk.


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Returns the set of items for which the groupBy method returns the same item more than once. By default, this will simply return just the values in the list that are duplicated. Removed groupBy key option, because it's better to pre-process the iterable once prior to passing to this function and sorting (in this usage of groupby, in other usages it's useful). Examples:

>>> getDuplicates([1, 2, 1, 0])
>>> getDuplicates(x[0] for x in [(1,2), (3,4), (1,4)])
  • anIterable (sequence or generator) - Any sequence or generator that can be iterated over.
Returns: set

getListIndices(aList, value)

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Returns a list of all indices where a value occurs in the given list. Example:

>>> getListIndices(["bob", "steve", "bob"], "bob")
[0, 2]
  • aList (list) - List to search for occurrences of value.
  • value (object) - Value to find in list, that may occur multiple times.
Returns: list(int)

Note: Can probably avoid the need to use this function by employing a slightly different algorithm design, e.g. use a dictionary.

getNextDisk(sysc, spacePerDisk=None, byPercentFree=False, preAllocMem=0)

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Gets the next available disk which is less than 99% full.

  • sysc (SystemConstants) - An initialised SystemConstants object.
  • spacePerDisk (dict(str:list(int, int))) - A dictionary of available disks and their size, obtained automatically by getDiskSpace() if not supplied here.
  • byPercentFree (bool) - If True, choose next disk based on percentage free space available rather than absolute free space.
  • preAllocMem (int) - Pre allocated memory in GB.
Returns: str
Path to the next free disk.

To Do: Instead of taking a SystemConstants object, why not make this a method of SystemConstants?

getNumberItems(numberRange, useTens=False)

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Calculates the number of items expressed by a human-readable string of number ranges.

>>> getNumberItems(numberRange(range(10)))
  • numberRange (str) - List of numbers expressed as a human-readable string of number ranges, as returned by Utilities.numberRange().
Returns: int
Number of items expressed in the given list.

Note: This isn't a sensible way of doing things, as numberRange() is designed only for the purpose of printing human readable strings. It shouldn't be used as a data container for processing.


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Returns: int
Amount of available memory in kilobytes.

groupByCounts(keyCounts, groupSize)

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Taking an ordered list of counts of a particular key, e.g. the results of an SQL "SELECT key, count(*) ... GROUP BY key ORDER BY key", this function returns a list of key ranges that contain up to the specified group size of counts. Example:

>>> groupByCounts([(10001, 5), (10002, 3), (10003, 12), (10004, 6)],
...               groupSize=10)
[(10001, 10002), (10003, 10003), (10004, 10004)]
  • keyCounts (list(tuple(int, int))) - List of keys and their respective counts.
  • groupSize (int) - Total number of counts in which to group keys by.
Returns: list(tuple(int, int))
List of ranges in the form (min, max) of values of the keys, where between these values the total counts are less than or equal to the specified group size.

joinDict(aDict, joinStr=' = ', sepStr=', ')

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Like string.join, but operates on the contents of a dictionary instead of a list. Joins dictionary keyword and value pairs into the string: str(keyword) + joinStr + str(value) + sepStr etc. Example:

>>> joinDict(dict(a=1, b=2))
'a = 1, b = 2'
  • aDict (dict) - Dictionary to process into a string.
  • joinStr (str) - String to insert between keywords and values.
  • sepStr (str) - String to insert between dictionary elements.
Returns: str
A string representing the contents of the dictionary.

joinNested(aSeq, joinStr=', ', subJoinStr=None, seqIndex=None)

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Like string.join, but can handle nested (or un-nested) sequences of string- castable objects. Example:

>>> joinNested([['a', 0], ['b', 1]])
'a, 0, b, 1'
  • aSeq (list or tuple) - A (nested) sequence string-castable objects.
  • joinStr (str) - String to insert between elements of the main sequence.
  • subJoinStr (str) - String to insert between elements of the nested sequence (defaults to the same as joinStr).
  • seqIndex (int) - If specified, only the elements at this index in the nested sequences are included.
Returns: str
A string containing all of the elements of the (nested) sequence.

invertDict(aDict, forceReturnList=False)

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Inverts the dictionary in such a way that if the input dictionary's values are lists, each item of this list will become a key with the input dictionary's key as value. If several input dictionary's keys exist for one input dictionary's value the inverted dict's values will be lists. Example:

>>> invertDict(dict(males=["bob", "chris"], females=["jane", "chris"]))
{'chris': ['males', 'females'], 'jane': ['females'], 'bob': ['males']}
  • aDict (dict) - Dictionary to invert.
  • forceReturnList (bool) - If True, return dictionary where values are always lists.
Returns: dict
Inverted dictionary.


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Returns an archive date/time data type, defaulting to the current time if no input argument is given. This defines the archive date/time data type, and is presently set to the mx.DateTime defined type. This function defines the time system for the archive (which is UTC).

  • time (str) - If given, specify a time in the format: "2005-01-29 23:59:59.99".
Returns: mx.DateTime
A date/time in the archive defined type.


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Creates a timestamp using makeTimeStamp and formats appropriately for use in ingest strings for Microsoft SQL Server (and handles a bug in the datetime object creation).

Returns: str
A UTC date/time stamp string formatted for MS SQL Server.


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Returns: str
An archive time stamp as a string, as opposed to the internal date time type.


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Generator test function is equivalent to memory hog len(list(values)) > 1 or sum(1 for _ in values) > 1 but doesn't iterate through all items. In fact, memory is rarely an issue this the iterable here won't large compared to the full program usage, but even the first form is slow. Example:

>>> moreThanOneIn(x for x in [])
>>> moreThanOneIn(x for x in ['g'])
>>> moreThanOneIn(x for x in [0.1 ,0.2])
>>> moreThanOneIn(x for x in [1, 2, 3])
  • values (generator) - A generator to be evaluated.
Returns: bool
True if values contains more than one item.

multiSub(text, subs)

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Performs multiple string substitutions on the given string. Example:

>>> multiSub("UKIRT and the WSA", [("WSA", "VSA"), ("UKIRT", "VISTA")])
'VISTA and the VSA'
  • text (str) - String containing text to be substituted.
  • subs (list(tuple(str, str))) - List of text marker and substitution value pairs.
Returns: str
The original text string, with all marker values replaced by given substitution values.

noInterrupt(*args, **kwds)

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Disables keyboard interrupts whilst in this context.

  • @contextmanager

npop(aList, nMax=2, mode='topbot')

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Divide aList in nMax sublists by populating it with items subsequently taken from the top and the bottom of list. Example:

>>> npop([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
[[1, 5], [2, 4], [3]]
>>> npop([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], nMax=3)
[[1, 6, 2, 5], [3, 4]]
  • aList (list) - The list (of file names).
  • nMax (int) - Maximal number of sublists. Rounded up to next even number.
  • mode (str) - Mode of picking items from the list: 'asc', 'desc', or subsequently from the top and bottom.
Returns: list(list)
List of sublists.

numberRange(numbers, sep=', ', useTens=False)

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Given a sequence of integers it returns that sequence as a string representation of an ordered range of unique numbers. Example:

>>> numberRange([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7])
'1-3, 5-7'
>>> numberRange([1, 3, 5, 7])
'1, 3, 5, 7'
>>> numberRange([])
  • numbers (sequence(int)) - Any sequence of integers.
  • sep (str) - Marker string to separate individual numbers.
Returns: str
A string representation of the range of the unique set of ordered integers.

orderedSet(seq, excludeList=None)

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Returns a list of the given sequence in the original order, but with duplicates removed. Example:

>>> orderedSet([6, 4, 7, 4, 9, 1, 7])
[6, 4, 7, 9, 1]
  • seq (sequence(X)) - Any ordered sequence containing duplicate values.
  • excludeList (list(X)) - A list of items to exclude from the returned list.
Returns: list(X)
Ordered list without duplicates.


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Parses a string value and converts to float. NaNs and failures all return None. Example:

>>> parseFloat('3.1')
  • value (str) - String containing just a floating-point value to parse.
Returns: float
Floating-point value of parsed string or None if fails.

splitList(longList, chunkSize=2, noSingles=False)

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Splits a list into a list of equal sized chunks. If list is not equally divisable then the last chunk just contains the remaining number of elements. Example:

>>> list(splitList([1, 2, 3, 4]))
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
>>> list(splitList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 3))
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]
>>> list(splitList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 3, noSingles=True))
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
>>> list(splitList([1]))
>>> list(splitList([1], noSingles=True))
>>> list(splitList([]))
  • longList (list(X)) - The long list that needs to be split into a list of smaller sized chunks.
  • chunkSize (int) - Number of elements per sub-list to divide the long list.
  • noSingles (bool) - If True, ensure no single item lists are created.
Returns: generator(list(X))
A generator for sub-lists containing the original list sub-divided into chunks.


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Given a list of lists, return a single sequence containing all of the elements of the combined list, as a generator. It also handles the more general case of a sequence of sequences, unlike sum(combinedList, []), which is the equivalent of the standard case. Example:

>>> ', '.join(unpackList([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]))
'a, b, c, d'
>>> list(unpackList(splitList([1, 2, 3, 4])))
[1, 2, 3, 4]
  • combinedList (list(list(X)) or generator(list(X))) - A list of lists or a generator for lists.
Returns: generator(X)
A generator for a sequence of just the elements of the original nested list.