Package invocations :: Package monitoring :: Module CheckJpgs
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Module CheckJpgs

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Compares the entries in the database with the JPG paths and updates them accordingly.

Author: E. Sutorius

Organization: WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh

Classes [hide private]
Checks JPG paths in DB and updates them.
Functions [hide private]
getAvailDBs(archive, mainServer, databases=None)
Get all or selected DBs from given server.
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updateDBFileNames(archive, mfDict, updateFile=None, isTest=False)
Update the database entries for compFile.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'invocations.monitoring'
Function Details [hide private]

getAvailDBs(archive, mainServer, databases=None)

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Get all or selected DBs from given server.

  • archive (str) - The archive to be updated, e.g. WSA.
  • mainServer (str) - The server to query for databases, can be the name or the synonym, e.g. dbload or dbpub (for all public servers).
  • databases (sequence(str)) - Optionally request specific database names else all are returned.
Returns: list(str)
List of full paths to databases on selected server.

updateDBFileNames(archive, mfDict, updateFile=None, isTest=False)

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Update the database entries for compFile.

  • archive (DbSession) - Connection to database to update.
  • mfDict (dict(int:list(str))) - Dictionary giving compFile for every MfID, extNum tuple.
  • updateFile (File obj) - Write to this file for read only DBs.