Package helpers :: Module UpdateDetectionTables :: Class DeblendParamFixer
[hide private]

Class DeblendParamFixer

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Fixes the parameters of deblended objects in the detection tables.

Nested Classes [hide private]
    Nested Errors and Exceptions

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.CuSession.CuSession: CuError

Instance Methods [hide private]
Returns: Number of parts to split the table update into.
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setUpParameters(self, part, _nParts)
Prepares data for table update.
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updateTable(self, table)
Updates detection table deblended parameters with corrected values.
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calcKronRad(self, deblendData)
Calculate Kron radius to Mike's prescription.
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calcPetrRad(self, deblendData)
Calculate Petrosian radius to Mike's prescription.
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calcHallRad(self, deblendData)
Calculate Hall radius to Mike's prescription.
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calcFlux(self, deblendData, radiusArr)
Calculates best flux given radius.
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weightFlux(self, deblendData, fluxArr, groups, isHall=False)
Sums up fluxes and apportions by comparing to ratio of isophotal to sumIso.
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calcErr(self, deblendData, fluxArr, radArr)
Calculates the error in the flux.
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calcZeropoint(self, deblendData)
Uses isophotal mag and isophotal flux to calculate ZP.
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Inherited from DetectionUpdater (private): _onException, _onRun, _parseSchemas

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.CuSession.CuSession: __del__, __init__, logBrokenFile, run

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.CuSession.CuSession: logException

Class Variables [hide private]
  apertures = [0.5, 0.707106781187, 1, 1.41421356237, 2, 2.82842...
  firstAperture = 7
  firstAperIndex = 9
  doLastMfOnly = False
Only process the last multiframeID for the programme.

Inherited from DetectionUpdater: comment, firstProg, lastProg, tableSet

Inherited from DetectionUpdater (private): _autoCommit, _isPersistent

Inherited from wsatools.DbConnect.CuSession.CuSession: archive, cuEventID, cuNum, curator, eTypes, isDayStampedLog, onlyNonSurveys, onlySurveys, programme, programmeID, resultsFilePathName, shareFileID, sysc

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Returns: int
Number of parts to split the table update into.
Overrides: DetectionUpdater.calcNParts

setUpParameters(self, part, _nParts)

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Prepares data for table update.

Overrides: DetectionUpdater.setUpParameters

updateTable(self, table)

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Updates detection table deblended parameters with corrected values.

  • table (schema.Table) - Schema for detection table to update.
Overrides: DetectionUpdater.updateTable

Class Variable Details [hide private]


