Package helpers :: Module OverlappingFileFinder
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Source Code for Module helpers.OverlappingFileFinder

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 8986 2012-02-07 18:38:46Z NicholasCross $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Fills the . 
  7     @author: N.J.G. Cross 
  8     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
  9  """ 
 10  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 12  import os 
 13  import math 
 14  import numpy 
 15  import time 
 16  from collections import namedtuple 
 18  from wsatools.CLI                       import CLI 
 19  from wsatools.Logger                    import Logger 
 20  from wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession       import DbSession 
 21  import wsatools.DbConnect.CommonQueries     as queries 
 22  import wsatools.DataFactory                 as df 
 23  from wsatools.SystemConstants           import DepCodes 
 24  import wsatools.Astrometry                  as astro 
 26  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 27  # Entry point for script. 
 29  # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 
31 -class OverlappingFileFinder(object):
32 """ Finds all frames in a comparison survey that match with a set of 33 frames in a main survey 34 """ 35 mainSurveyData = None 36 compSurveyData = None 37 productType = None 38 archive = None #: Connection to database to query. 39 combFileName = None #: Path to top-level file with provenance info. 40 frameType = None #: Base component frame type. 41 isPawPrint = False #: Is the top-level file a paw-print? 42 normalFrameInfo = None #: ? 43 normalList = None #: ? 44 sysc = None #: Initialised SystemConstants for this archive. 45 isMainDb = False 46 isCompDb = False 47 productsOnly = False 48 49 _frameInfoOfType = None #: Dictionary of frame info referenced by type. 50 _provList = None #: Complete list of component files (ProvFile). 51 _projection = 'ZPN' 52 53 RequiredMosaic = namedtuple('RequiredMosaic', 54 'productID ra dec raExtent decExtent posAngle') 55 56 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
58 - def __init__(self, mainSurvey, compSurvey, mainData, compData):
59 """ 60 Queries archive to determine full provenance info of given file. 61 62 """ 63 self.mainSurvey = mainSurvey 64 self.compSurvey = compSurvey 65 self.mainSurveyData = mainData 66 self.compSurveyData = compData 67 isDataAvailable = self.checkDataSources() 68 if not isDataAvailable: 69 raise InputError("Missing or incorrect input")
71 - def run(self):
72 """ 73 """ 74 # Find mosaic info in mainSurvey 75 mainSurveyPointingData = self.getData(True) 76 77 # Compare comparison survey to main 78 self.getData(False) 79 80 # create grid of points for each main image 81 mainDataGridDict = self.getMainDataGrid(mainSurveyPointingData) 82 83 # get set of compSurvey frames. 84 framesDict = self.checkFrames(mainDataGridDict) 85 outputLines = ["# %s region, %s fileName, %s filter\n" 86 % (self.mainSurvey, self.compSurvey, self.compSurvey)] 87 outputLines += ["%s %s %s\n" % (pointName, os.path.basename(fileName), 88 self.filterDict[fID]) 89 for pointName in framesDict 90 for fileName, fID in framesDict[pointName]] 91 outputFilePath = os.path.join( 92 self.sysc.testOutputPath(), "%s_%s_overlap_%s.dat" 93 % (self.mainSurvey, self.compSurvey, 94 time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime()))) 95 96 file(outputFilePath, "w").writelines(outputLines) 97 Logger.addMessage("Written overlap information to %s" % outputFilePath)
98 99 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
101 - def checkFrames(self, mainDataGridDict):
102 """ 103 """ 104 finalFramesDict = {} 105 for pointName in mainDataGridDict: 106 finalFramesDict[pointName] = getMatchingFrames( 107 mainDataGridDict[pointName], self.halfSpaces) 108 109 return finalFramesDict
110 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111
112 - def getMainDataGrid(self, mainSurveyPointingData):
113 """ 114 """ 115 mainDataGridDict = {} 116 # @TODO: Do corners and posAngll 117 for name, minRa, maxRa, minDec, maxDec in mainSurveyPointingData: 118 119 120 mainDataGridDict[name] = createGrid(minRa, maxRa, minDec, maxDec, 121 self.compScaleSize / 10.) 122 return mainDataGridDict
124 - def checkDataSources(self):
125 """ 126 """ 127 mainDataExists = (fileExists(self.mainSurveyData) or 128 self.checkDB(self.mainSurveyData, self.mainSurvey, True)) 129 compDataExists = (fileExists(self.compSurveyData) or 130 self.checkDB(self.compSurveyData, self.compSurvey, False)) 131 return mainDataExists and compDataExists
132 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133
134 - def checkDB(self, dataBase, surveyName, isMain):
135 """ Checks whether survey programme exists on file system... 136 """ 137 isDB = False 138 try: 139 db = DbSession(dataBase, userName="ldservrw") 140 if isMain: 141 progTable = df.ProgrammeTable(db) 142 progID = None 143 for prog in progTable: 144 if prog.getAcronym() == surveyName: 145 progID = prog.getProgIDfromName() 146 if progID: 147 progTable.setCurRow(programmeID=progID) 148 self.isMainDb = True 149 self.mainArchive = db 150 self.sysc = db.sysc 151 self.mainProgramme = progTable 152 else: 153 progTable = df.ProgrammeTable(db) 154 progID = None 155 for ii, detTable in enumerate(progTable['detectiontable']): 156 if detTable.replace('Detection', '').upper() == surveyName.upper(): 157 progID = progTable['programmeid'][ii] 158 if progID: 159 progTable.setCurRow(programmeID=progID) 160 self.isCompDb = True 161 self.compArchive = db 162 self.sysc = db.sysc 163 self.compProgramme = progTable 164 self.filterDict = dict(self.compArchive.query( 165 "filterID,shortName", "Filter")) 166 return True 167 except: 168 print("DB connection failed") 169 return isDB
170 171 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172
173 - def getData(self, isMain):
174 """ 175 """ 176 if isMain: 177 if self.isMainDb: 178 return self.getArchiveData(isMain) 179 else: 180 return self.parseFile(self.mainSurveyData) 181 else: 182 if self.isCompDb: 183 return self.getArchiveData(isMain) 184 else: 185 return self.parseFile(self.compSurveyData)
186 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187
188 - def getArchiveData(self, isMain):
189 """ 190 """ 191 noDeeps = True 192 if not self.productType: 193 self.productType = self.compProgramme.getAttr("sourceProdType") 194 noDeeps = False 195 self.productsOnly = True 196 self._projection = 'TAN' if self.productType == 'tile' else 'ZPN' 197 198 # Get frames 199 frameTypeSel = queries.getFrameSelection(self.productType, 200 noDeeps=noDeeps) 201 if not isMain: 202 self.compScaleSize = min(self.sysc.fieldOfViewTile 203 if self.productType == 'tile' else 204 (self.sysc.instrumentXnPix * self.sysc.instrumentPixScale / 3600., 205 self.sysc.instrumentYnPix * self.sysc.instrumentPixScale / 3600.)) 206 self.halfSpaces = self.getHalfSpaces(frameTypeSel, isMain) 207 else: 208 # get outline points 209 print("Still to do")
210 211 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 212
213 - def getHalfSpaces(self, fTypeSel, isMain):
214 """ Calculates half-spaces for each detector of the correct frame type. 215 """ 216 # TODO Get next cuEventID 217 programme = self.mainProgramme if isMain else self.compProgramme 218 archive = self.mainArchive if isMain else self.compArchive 219 programmeID = programme.getAttr("programmeID") 220 221 222 # USE LEFT JOIN with astroInfo table 223 # Setup half-spaces 2 pixels away from dither boundary and detector 224 # boundary 225 # @TODO: update for tiles 226 nCoordInHSDef = 3 227 initPos = [0, 2, 4, 6] 228 productSel = 'AND productID>0' if self.productsOnly else '' 229 hSpaceFrames = archive.query( 230 selectStr="m.fileName,m.filterID,MultiframeDetector.multiframeID," 231 "MultiframeDetector.extNum," 232 "MultiframeDetector.axis1length,MultiframeDetector.axis2length," 233 "MultiframeDetector.detRows,MultiframeDetector.detCols,m.nuStep," 234 "crPixX, crPixY, crValX, crValY, cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22, " 235 "pv21, pv22, pv23%s" 236 % (', pv24, pv25' if self.sysc.isVSA() else 237 ', 0. as pv24, 0. as pv25'), 238 fromStr="ProgrammeFrame as p,CurrentAstrometry as c," 239 "Multiframe as m,MultiframeDetector", 240 whereStr="p.programmeID=%d AND p.multiframeID=m.multiframeID AND " 241 "m.multiframeID=MultiframeDetector.multiframeID AND c.multiframeID=" 242 "MultiframeDetector.multiframeID AND c.extNum=" 243 "MultiframeDetector.extNum AND %s AND " 244 "MultiframeDetector.%s %s" 245 % (programmeID, fTypeSel, 246 DepCodes.selectNonDeprecated, productSel)) 247 halfSpaces = [] 248 for frame in hSpaceFrames: 249 # @@TODO: This condition shouldn't be necessary if selected out, 250 # and then it would be worthwhile having a ForLoopMonitor, 251 # otherwise its inconsistent, and in fact distractingly pointless 252 # when no updates necessary. 253 254 # Corners and mid points of frames 255 detEdges = [(1, 1), (1, int(0.5 * (1 + frame.axis2length))), 256 (1, frame.axis2length), 257 (int(0.5 * (1 + frame.axis1length)), frame.axis2length), 258 (frame.axis1length, frame.axis2length), 259 (frame.axis1length, int(0.5 * (1 + frame.axis2length))), 260 (frame.axis1length, 1), (int(0.5 * (1 + frame.axis1length)), 1)] 261 detEdges.append(detEdges[0]) 262 263 wcs = (frame.crPixX, frame.crPixY, frame.crValX, frame.crValY, 264 frame.cd11, frame.cd12, frame.cd21, frame.cd22, frame.pv21, 265 frame.pv22, frame.pv23, frame.pv24, frame.pv25) 266 values = [frame.fileName, frame.filterID, frame.multiframeID, 267 frame.extNum] 268 269 coords = astro.convPixelToCartSky(detEdges, wcs=wcs, 270 projection=self._projection) 271 values.append(astro.calcHSpaces(coords, initPos, nCoordInHSDef)) 272 # namespace 273 halfSpaces.append(values) 274 return halfSpaces
275 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 276
277 - def parseFile(self, fileName):
278 """ 279 """ 280 # @TODO: For now assume ASCII 281 lines = file(fileName).readlines() 282 ltype = None 283 dataList = [] 284 self.additionalConstraintsDict = {} 285 for line in lines: 286 if line[0] == '#': 287 if 'MINMAXRADEC' in line: 288 ltype = 1 289 elif 'NAMECENTRE' in line: 290 ltype = 2 291 elif 'POSANGLE' in line: 292 self.additionalConstraintsDict['POSANGLE'] = float(line.split('=')[1]) 293 elif 'RAEXTENT' in line: 294 self.additionalConstraintsDict['RAEXTENT'] = float(line.split('=')[1]) 295 elif 'DECEXTENT' in line: 296 self.additionalConstraintsDict['DECEXTENT'] = float(line.split('=')[1]) 297 else: 298 dataList.append(self.parseLine(line, ltype)) 299 return dataList
300 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301
302 - def parseLine(self, line, ltype):
303 """ 304 """ 305 if ltype == 1: 306 if len(line.split(' ')) != 5: 307 raise InputError("File has incorrect format") 308 parts = line.split(' ') 309 # @TODO: not elegant 310 return [parts[0], float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), 311 float(parts[3]), float(parts[4])] 312 elif ltype == 2: 313 name = line.split(' ')[0] 314 id = 0 315 parts = name.split('_') 316 raCen = float(parts[1]) 317 decCen = float(parts[2]) 318 # set up RequiredMosaic-like nametuple 319 #reqMos = OverlappingFileFinder.RequiredMosaic(*[id, raCen, decCen, 320 # self.additionalConstraintsDict['RAEXTENT'], 321 # self.additionalConstraintsDict['DECEXTENT'], 322 # self.additionalConstraintsDict['POSANGLE']]) 323 #corners = astro.calcMosaicProductCorners([reqMos])[id] 324 #print("POINTING: ", name, corners) 325 raMin = raCen - 0.5 * self.additionalConstraintsDict['RAEXTENT'] 326 raMax = raCen + 0.5 * self.additionalConstraintsDict['RAEXTENT'] 327 decMin = decCen - 0.5 * self.additionalConstraintsDict['DECEXTENT'] 328 decMax = decCen + 0.5 * self.additionalConstraintsDict['DECEXTENT'] 329 return [name, raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax]
330 331 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 332
333 - def findOverlaps(self):
334 """ 335 """
336 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 337
338 -class InputError(Exception):
339 """ 340 Exception raised for errors in the input. 341 """ 342
343 - def __init__(self, msg):
344 self.msg = msg
345 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 346
347 -def fileExists(fileName):
348 """ 349 """ 350 return fileName and os.path.exists(fileName)
351 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 352
353 -def createGrid(minRa, maxRa, minDec, maxDec, scaleSize):
354 """ 355 """ 356 #@TODO: use corners or hSpaces here instead 357 noPoints = int(math.ceil((maxDec - minDec) / scaleSize)) 358 gridRa = numpy.ones([noPoints, noPoints], numpy.float64) 359 gridDec = numpy.ones([noPoints, noPoints], numpy.float64) 360 raArray = numpy.radians(minRa + ((maxRa - minRa) / noPoints) * numpy.arange(noPoints)) 361 decArray = numpy.radians(minDec + ((maxDec - minDec) / noPoints) * numpy.arange(noPoints)) 362 gridRa = gridRa * raArray 363 gridDec = numpy.transpose(numpy.transpose(gridDec) * decArray) 364 coords = numpy.zeros([noPoints * noPoints, 2], numpy.float64) 365 coords[:, 0] = numpy.reshape(gridRa, [1, noPoints * noPoints])[0] 366 coords[:, 1] = numpy.reshape(gridDec, [1, noPoints * noPoints])[0] 367 return astro.convSkyToCartesian(coords)
368 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 369
370 -def getMatchingFrames(coords, halfSpaces):
371 """ 372 """ 373 fileNameSet = set() 374 hSpaceArray = numpy.array([hSp for _fileName, _fID, 375 _mfID, _extNum, hSp in halfSpaces]) 376 for coord in coords: 377 isInHSpace = numpy.ones(len(halfSpaces), numpy.bool) 378 for edgeNo in range(4): 379 normVec = hSpaceArray[:, 4 * edgeNo:4 * edgeNo + 3] 380 constVec = hSpaceArray[:, 4 * edgeNo + 3] 381 isInHSpace = numpy.logical_and(isInHSpace, 382 numpy.less_equal(, coord), constVec)) 383 fileNameSet = fileNameSet.union(set([(fileName, fID) 384 for ii, (fileName, fID, _mfID, _extNum, hSp) in enumerate(halfSpaces) 385 if isInHSpace[ii]])) 386 return fileNameSet
387 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 388 389 if __name__ == "__main__": 390 # Define additional command-line interface options for QualityFlagUpdater 391 # Do ALL or 1 392 CLI.progArgs.remove("database") 393 CLI.progArgs += [ 394 CLI.Argument("mainSurvey", "CFHT"), 395 CLI.Argument("comparisonSurvey", "VIKING"), 396 CLI.Argument("mainData", "/disk34/sys/test/"), 397 CLI.Argument("compData", "ramses3.VIKINGv20111019")] 398 CLI.progOpts += [ 399 CLI.Option("p", "productType", 400 "Type of product to select from comparison", "NAME")] 401 402 # Reset the default comment 403 CLI.progArgs["comment"] = "Comparing positions of files" 404 405 cli = CLI(OverlappingFileFinder, "$Revision: 8986 $") 406 Logger.isVerbose = False 407 Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 408 409 cu = OverlappingFileFinder(cli.getArg("mainSurvey"), 410 cli.getArg("comparisonSurvey"), 411 cli.getArg("mainData"), 412 cli.getArg("compData")) 413 if cli.getOpt("productType"): 414 cu.productType = cli.getOpt("productType") 415 416