Package wsatools :: Module ExternalProcess
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Source Code for Module wsatools.ExternalProcess

  1  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  2  #$Id: 9555 2012-12-07 16:39:22Z RossCollins $ 
  3  """ 
  4     Run external processes with logging of message output. 
  6     Usage 
  7     ===== 
  9     To run an external process, e.g. C{mkmerge}, in an "sh" shell, with just 
 10     error messages logged:: 
 11         import wsatools.ExternalProcess as extp 
 12         try: 
 13   "mkmerge -opt=1 arg") 
 14         except ExternalProcess.Error as error: 
 15           Logger.addExceptionMessage(error) 
 16           raise SystemExit 
 18     However, you don't always need to do this and it is faster to not run in an 
 19     shell. To avoid running the shell, supply the command as a list of strings 
 20     (with just a single item if there are no arguments):: 
 22["mkmerge", "-opt=1", "arg"]) 
 24     To disable an ExternalProcess.Error exception from being raised if any 
 25     output is sent to stdErr (i.e. there is an error), just issue this keyword 
 26     argument:: 
 28         raiseOnError=False 
 30     This is important for certain CASU programs, for example, that send normal 
 31     output to stdErr. In this case, stderr is redirected to stdout. Note that 
 32     ExternalProcess will always raise OSError exceptions when they occur 
 33     irrespective of this setting. 
 35     Turn on various L{run()} options to enhance logging features. The full log 
 36     as a list of lines is always returned, but doesn't need to be assigned to 
 37     a variable. If you wish to inspect the program's terminal output, either 
 38     do:: 
 40         output ="mkmerge -opt=1 arg") 
 42     or:: 
 44         for line in"mkmerge -opt=1 arg"): 
 45             Logger.addMessage(line) 
 47     The output is always stripped. To get iterable raw output in a direct 
 48     replacement for os.popen() use the L{out()} method. However, this should 
 49     only be used when output to stderr does not need to be monitored for 
 50     exception purposes:: 
 52         for line in extp.out("ls"): 
 53             Logger.addMessage(line) 
 55     To add/change any environment variables for just this run of the command, 
 56     issue this keyword argument:: 
 58         env={"ENV_VARIABLE": "value", ...} 
 60     If you want to parse return codes then both parseStdOut and raiseOnError 
 61     must be set to False, or else access subprocess.Popen directly. In general, 
 62     it's better to parse stdErr than return codes, since it contains more 
 63     information and if a command fails then it generally sends something to 
 64     stdErr anyway. However, this does depend on your particular command. 
 66     @author: R.S. Collins 
 67     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
 69     @newfield contributors: Contributors, Contributors (Alphabetical Order) 
 70     @contributors: I.A. Bond, E. Sutorius 
 72     @note: Always try to replace most standard shell commands, e.g. ls, rm, mv, 
 73            cp, chmod etc. with shutil/glob/os equivalents instead of using this 
 74            module. 
 76     @todo: If we really want to be pedantic we should enclose the Popen call in 
 77            a with-block, e.g. "with Popen() as proc:". 
 78  """ 
 79  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 80  from __future__ import division, print_function 
 82  from   subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT 
 83  import time 
 85  from   wsatools.Logger import Logger 
 86  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
88 -class Error(Exception):
89 """ Exception thrown if some problem occurs when running the external 90 program, e.g. it crashes. 91 """ 92 stdErr = None #: External process' log to std_err 93
94 - def __init__(self, msg, stdErr=None):
95 """ 96 @param msg: Error message. 97 @type msg: str 98 @param stdErr: List of lines sent to stdErr. 99 @type stdErr: list(str) 100 101 """ 102 self.stdErr = stdErr 103 super(Error, self).__init__(msg)
104 105 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106
107 -def out(command, stdIn='', cwd=None, env=None, close_fds=True, 108 isVerbose=True):
109 """ 110 Straight replacement for iterative parsing of os.popen(), it's just 111 L{run()} with a simplified interface, so see this function for description. 112 113 @note: This method cannot raise exceptions if there is output to stdErr, so 114 you should always use L{run()} if this is required. 115 116 @return: Iterable file object for stdout. 117 @rtype: file 118 119 """ 120 return run(command, stdIn, cwd=cwd, env=env, close_fds=close_fds, 121 isVerbose=isVerbose, _isIterable=True)
122 123 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 124
125 -def run(command, stdIn='', raiseOnError=True, parseStdOut=True, cwd=None, 126 env=None, close_fds=True, isVerbose=True, _isIterable=False, 127 ignoreMsgs=None):
128 """ 129 Run the given external program. Unless overridden, an exception is thrown 130 on error and the output is logged. 131 132 @param command: Command string to execute. Use a single string with 133 all arguments to run in shell, use a list of the 134 command with arguments as separate elements to not 135 run in a shell (faster if shell not needed). 136 @type command: str or list(str) 137 @param stdIn: Optionally supply some input for stdin. 138 @type stdIn: str 139 @param raiseOnError: If True, if the external process sends anything to 140 stdErr then an exception is raised and the complete 141 programme is logged. Otherwise, stdErr is just always 142 redirected to stdOut. 143 @type raiseOnError: bool 144 @param parseStdOut: If True, stdout is captured, not print to screen, and 145 returned by this function, otherwise stdout is left 146 alone and will be sent to terminal as normal. 147 @type parseStdOut: bool 148 @param cwd: Run the external process with this directory as its 149 working directory. 150 @type cwd: str 151 @param env: Environment variables for the external process. 152 @type env: dict(str:str) 153 @param close_fds: If True, close all open file-like objects before 154 executing external process. 155 @type close_fds: bool 156 @param isVerbose: If False, don't log the full command that was 157 executed, even when Logger is in verbose mode. 158 @type isVerbose: bool 159 @param _isIterable: Return an iterable stdout. NB: Use the L{out()} 160 function instead of this option. 161 @type _isIterable: bool 162 @param ignoreMsgs: List of strings that if they appear in stderr should 163 override the raiseOnError if it is set to True. 164 @type ignoreMsgs: list(str) 165 166 @return: Messages sent to stdout if parsed, otherwise an iterable file 167 object for stdout if _isIterable, else a return a code. 168 @rtype: list(str) or file or int 169 170 """ 171 cmdStr = (command if isinstance(command, str) else ' '.join(command)) 172 if isVerbose: 173 Logger.addMessage(cmdStr, alwaysLog=False) 174 175 parseStdOut = parseStdOut or _isIterable 176 parseStdErr = raiseOnError and not _isIterable 177 isMemError = False 178 while True: 179 try: 180 proc = Popen(command, shell=isinstance(command, str), 181 stdin=(PIPE if stdIn else None), 182 stdout=(PIPE if parseStdOut else None), 183 stderr=(PIPE if parseStdErr else STDOUT), 184 close_fds=close_fds, cwd=cwd, env=env) 185 except OSError as error: 186 if "[Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory" not in str(error): 187 raise 188 if not isMemError: 189 Logger.addMessage("Memory allocation problem; delaying...") 190 isMemError = True 191 close_fds = True 192 time.sleep(60) 193 else: 194 if isMemError: 195 Logger.addMessage("Problem fixed; continuing...") 196 break 197 198 if stdIn: 199 proc.stdin.write(stdIn + '\n') 200 proc.stdin.flush() 201 202 if _isIterable: 203 return proc.stdout 204 205 stdOut = [] 206 stdErr = [] 207 try: 208 if parseStdOut: 209 # Calling readlines() instead of iterating through stdout ensures 210 # that KeyboardInterrupts are handled correctly. 211 stdOut = [line.strip() for line in proc.stdout.readlines()] 212 if raiseOnError: 213 stdErr = [line.strip() for line in proc.stderr] 214 215 if not parseStdOut and not raiseOnError: 216 return proc.wait() 217 # except KeyboardInterrupt:# # Block future keyboard interrupts until process has finished cleanly 218 # with utils.noInterrupt(): 219 # Logger.addMessage("KeyboardInterrupt - %s interrupted, " 220 # "waiting for process to end cleanly..." % 221 # os.path.basename(command.split()[0])) 222 # if parseStdOut: 223 # print(''.join(proc.stdout)) 224 # if parseStdErr: 225 # print(''.join(proc.stderr)) 226 # proc.wait() 227 # raise 228 except IOError as error: 229 # Sometimes a KeyboardInterrupt is translated into an IOError - I think 230 # this may just be due to a bug in PyFITS messing with signals, as only 231 # seems to happen when the PyFITS ignoring KeyboardInterrupt occurs. 232 if "Interrupted system call" in str(error): 233 raise KeyboardInterrupt 234 raise 235 236 # If the stdErr messages are benign then ignore them 237 if stdErr and ignoreMsgs: 238 for stdErrStr in stdErr[:]: 239 if any(msg in stdErrStr for msg in ignoreMsgs): 240 stdErr.remove(stdErrStr) 241 242 if stdErr: 243 Logger.setEchoOn() 244 if raiseOnError and (not isVerbose or not Logger.isVerbose): 245 Logger.addMessage(cmdStr) 246 247 for line in stdOut: 248 Logger.addMessage(line) 249 250 for line in stdErr: 251 Logger.addMessage('# ' + line) 252 253 if raiseOnError: 254 cmd = cmdStr.split(';')[-1].split()[0] 255 if cmd == "python": 256 cmd = ' '.join(cmdStr.split()[:2]) 257 258 raise Error(cmd + " failed", stdErr) 259 260 return stdOut
261 262 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 263 # Change log: 264 # 265 # 24-Jun-2004, IAB: Added more documentation. 266 # 1-Mar-2005, ETWS: Added error list as return variable 267 # 13-Apr-2005, ETWS: bug fix: out_dir -> fin_dir 268 # 14-Apr-2005, ETWS: split up error list into lists of ingested and 269 # partially ingested files 270 # 25-Apr-2005, ETWS: Included nan value error in not ingested list 271 # 27-May-2005, ETWS: Excluded "writing success" error from excpetions 272 # 7-Jun-2005, ETWS: Passing objectID onwards for CU4 273 # 13-Jun-2005, ETWS: Included default value for lastobjid 274 # 6-Jul-2005, ETWS: Included re to find non/partly ingestable files 275 # 8-Aug-2005, ETWS: Expanded on error messages from exmeta 276 # 19-Sep-2005, ETWS: Moved parsing of stdOut, StdErr to CuFunctions. 277 # Moved parseExternalOutput back in. 278 # 3-Oct-2005, ETWS: fixed bugs (missing import re,typo in systc) 279 # 12-Dec-2005, ETWS: Included more error messages from exnumeric/exmeta 280 # 30-Mar-2006, ETWS: Fixed bug in re.compile 281 # 2-Aug-2006, RSC: * Completed documentation and updated to current standard. 282 # * Major refactor / redesign for simplicity: 283 # * doit() is now run() and interface has been cleaned up. 284 # * ExternalProcess.ExternalProcessException is now 285 # ExternalProcess.Error 286 # * Moved parseExternalOutput() into 287 # 16-Mar-2007, ETWS: Included different handling of external CASU processes 288 # since C printfs without linebreak can't be handled by 289 # popen3. 290 # 11-Sep-2007, NJC: Allows a standard input to be entered into the process. 291 # 3-Nov-2008, ETWS: Added error output to terminal. 292 # 17-Feb-2009, RSC: Upgraded to use subprocess and be more flexible. 293