Package wsatools :: Module Astrometry
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Source Code for Module wsatools.Astrometry

   1  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
   2  #$Id: 9850 2013-05-23 16:12:13Z RossCollins $ 
   3  """ 
   4     Astrometric calculations. Routines for positional calculations in the 
   5     celestial sphere derived from FORTRAN SLALIB of P.T. Wallace. Functions to 
   6     convert between pixel (X, Y) co-ordinates in the detector plane and sky 
   7     (RA, Dec) co-ordinates in the celestial sphere, use our PyWCS wrapper to the 
   8     WCS routines of Starlink's AST library. 
  10     Pairing module replacement functions:: 
  11         import wsatools.pairing as pairing 
  12         pairing.multiPair(inputList, matchRadius, workPath) 
  13         pairing.pairOff(set0, set1, pFile0, pFile1, pairCriterion) 
  14     becomes:: 
  15         import wsatools.Astrometry as astro 
  16         astro.pairObjects(inputList, matchRadius, workPath) 
  17         astro.pairObjects([set0, set1], pairCriterion, pFile0, oneWay=True) 
  19     @author: R.S. Collins, N.C. Hambly 
  20     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
  22     @requires: Starlink-AST, Numpy, PyWCS 
  23  """ 
  24  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  25  from   __future__      import division, print_function 
  26  from   future_builtins import zip 
  28  from   bisect          import bisect 
  29  from   collections     import namedtuple 
  30  import ctypes 
  31  import math 
  32  import numpy 
  33  import os 
  34  import struct 
  36  import wsatools.DbConnect.DbConstants   as dbc 
  37  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession import DbSession, Join 
  38  import wsatools.pywcs                   as pywcs 
  39  import wsatools.Statistics              as stats 
  40  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  41  # Data types used in this module 
  43  #: Pixel position data. 
  44  Pixel = namedtuple("Pixel", "x y") 
  46  #: Sky position data. 
  47  SkyPos = namedtuple("SkyPos", "ra dec") 
  49  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
51 -def angDiff(angle1, angle2, minVal= -180, cycleLength=360):
52 """ 53 Calculates the angular difference between the given two angles accounting 54 for zero crossings. 55 56 @param angle1: First angle (default is degrees). 57 @type angle1: float 58 @param angle2: Second angle (default is degrees). 59 @type angle2: float 60 @param minVal: Value of the angle at the "zero crossing". 61 @type minVal: float 62 @param cycleLength: Difference between minimum and maximum values, i.e. 63 separation of values at "zero crossing". 64 @type cycleLength: float 65 66 @return: Angular difference between two angles. 67 @rtype: float 68 69 """ 70 delta = angle2 - angle1 71 if delta < minVal: 72 delta += cycleLength 73 elif delta > minVal + cycleLength: 74 delta -= cycleLength 75 76 return delta
77 78 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79
80 -def angularSep(pos1, pos2):
81 """ 82 Angle between two points on a sphere. 83 84 @note: Based on the SLALIB algorithms dsep() and dsepv() by P.T. Wallace. 85 86 @param pos1: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians of the first point, 87 (RA, Dec), though can be any spherical co-ordinate. 88 @type pos1: tuple(float, float) 89 @param pos2: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians of the second 90 point, (RA, Dec), though can be any spherical co-ordinate. 91 @type pos2: tuple(float, float) 92 93 @return: Angle in radians (always positive) between the two points. 94 @rtype: float 95 96 """ 97 v1 = convSkyToCartesian(pos1) 98 v2 = convSkyToCartesian(pos2) 99 100 # Angle between the two vectors, based on SLALIB's dsep(), always positive 101 # 102 # 1 There is no requirement for the vectors to be unit length. 103 # 104 # 2 If either vector is null, zero is returned. 105 # 106 # 3 The simplest formulation would use dot product alone. However, 107 # this would reduce the accuracy for angles near zero and pi. The 108 # algorithm uses both cross product and dot product, which maintains 109 # accuracy for all sizes of angle. 110 111 v1xv2 = numpy.cross(v1, v2) 112 modulus = numpy.sqrt(numpy.vdot(v1xv2, v1xv2)) 113 return math.atan2(modulus, numpy.vdot(v1, v2)) if modulus else 0.0
114 115 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116
117 -def angularSepArr(v1, v2, isEqu=False):
118 """ 119 Angle between two arrays of points on a sphere or plane. 120 121 @note: Based on the SLALIB algorithms dsep() and dsepv() by P.T. Wallace. 122 123 @param v1: Co-ordinates in radians of the first points, e.g. (RA, Dec). 124 @type v1: numpy.array 125 @param v2: Co-ordinates in radians of the second points, e.g. (RA, Dec). 126 @type v2: numpy.array 127 @param isEqu: True, if equatorial (spherical/celestial) co-ordinates. 128 @type isEqu: bool 129 130 @return: Angle in radians (always positive) between the two points. 131 @rtype: float 132 133 """ 134 if isEqu: 135 # Convert to Cartesian 136 v1 = convSkyToCartesian(v1) 137 v2 = convSkyToCartesian(v2) 138 139 # Angle between the two vectors, based on SLALIB's dsep(), always positive 140 # 141 # 1 There is no requirement for the vectors to be unit length. 142 # 143 # 2 If either vector is null, zero is returned. 144 # 145 # 3 The simplest formulation would use dot product alone. However, 146 # this would reduce the accuracy for angles near zero and pi. The 147 # algorithm uses both cross product and dot product, which maintains 148 # accuracy for all sizes of angle. 149 150 v1xv2 = numpy.cross(v1, v2) 151 modulus = \ 152 numpy.sqrt(numpy.diagonal(, numpy.transpose(v1xv2)))) 153 154 return numpy.where(numpy.greater(modulus, 0), 155 numpy.arctan2(modulus, 156 numpy.diagonal(, numpy.transpose(v2)))), 157 0)
158 159 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 160
161 -def calcGroupCentre(cartPosList, isWeighted=False):
162 """ 163 Takes list of positions in radians and returns centre in radians. 164 165 @param cartPosList: Array of RA, Dec co-ordinate positions in radians. 166 @type cartPosList: numpy.array 167 @param isWeighted: If True, calculate using weights. 168 @type isWeighted: bool 169 170 @return: Centre of list of positions in RA, Dec co-ordinates with errors 171 (radians). 172 @rtype: tuple(float, float, float, float) 173 174 """ 175 if isWeighted: 176 mX, errX = \ 177 stats.clippedWeightedMean(cartPosList[:, 0], cartPosList[:, 3], 3.) 178 179 mY, errY = \ 180 stats.clippedWeightedMean(cartPosList[:, 1], cartPosList[:, 3], 3.) 181 182 mZ, errZ = \ 183 stats.clippedWeightedMean(cartPosList[:, 2], cartPosList[:, 3], 3.) 184 185 nDof = cartPosList.size - 3 186 chiSq = numpy.sum( 187 numpy.power(((cartPosList[:, 0] - mX) / cartPosList[:, 3]), 2) 188 + numpy.power(((cartPosList[:, 1] - mY) / cartPosList[:, 3]), 2) 189 + numpy.power(((cartPosList[:, 2] - mZ) / cartPosList[:, 3]), 2)) \ 190 / nDof 191 192 expErrSize = 1 \ 193 / numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(1 / (cartPosList[:, 3] * cartPosList[:, 3]))) 194 195 expAstErr = numpy.hypot(expErrSize, expErrSize) 196 197 else: 198 mX, errX = stats.clippedHistogram(cartPosList[:, 0]) 199 mY, errY = stats.clippedHistogram(cartPosList[:, 1]) 200 mZ, errZ = stats.clippedHistogram(cartPosList[:, 2]) 201 202 # Calculate tangential errors... 203 # Easiest to think of second Cartesian system 204 # z' axis is normal to system. i.e. along r axis 205 # x' is normal to r and z 206 # y' is normal to x' and z' 207 isNormalCase = abs(mX) < 1 and abs(mY) <= 1 and abs(mZ) < 1 208 if abs(mZ) == 1: 209 # @@NOTE: This condition should never occur due to floating point errors 210 mRa, mDec = 0, mZ * math.pi / 2 211 errXd, errYd = errX, errY 212 213 elif isNormalCase or mX == 0: 214 mRa = (math.atan2(mY, mX) if isNormalCase else mY) 215 if -2 * math.pi < mRa < 0: 216 mRa += 2 * math.pi 217 218 mDec = math.asin(mZ) 219 xyC = math.hypot(mX, mY) 220 errXd = math.hypot(mY * errX / xyC, mX * errY / xyC) 221 errY2d = math.hypot(mX * mZ * errX / xyC, mY * mZ * errY / xyC) 222 errYd = math.hypot(xyC * errZ, errY2d) 223 224 else: 225 mRa = mDec = errXd = errYd = dbc.realDefault() 226 227 if isWeighted: 228 return mRa, mDec, errXd, errYd, chiSq, expAstErr 229 else: 230 return mRa, mDec, errXd, errYd
231 232 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 233
234 -def calcHSpaces(coords, initPos, nCoordInHSDef):
235 """ 236 Calculates hSpaces for a set of coordinates 237 238 @param coords: List of Cartesian coordinates on the sky 239 @type coords: list(tuple) 240 @param initPos: Initial positions of each new hspace in coords 241 @type initPos: list(int) 242 @param nCoordInHSDef: Number of coordinates used to define an H-space 243 @type nCoordInHSDef: int 244 245 @return: list of values, 4 for each half-space. The first 3 are the 246 Cartesian coordinates of the normal vector to the plane and the 247 4th is the offset of the plane from the origin. 248 @rtype: list 249 250 """ 251 hSpaces = [] 252 for index in initPos: 253 hsCoords = coords[index:index + nCoordInHSDef] 254 if nCoordInHSDef > 2: 255 planeCoords = hsCoords[1:3] - hsCoords[:2] 256 else: 257 planeCoords = hsCoords[:2] 258 259 norm = numpy.cross(planeCoords[0], planeCoords[1]) 260 norm /= numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(norm))) 261 hSpaces.extend(norm) 262 hSpaces.append([0], norm)) 263 264 return hSpaces
265 266 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 267
268 -def calcHtmIndex(ra, dec, level=20):
269 """ 270 Calculate an HTM index for the given position at the given level. 271 272 >>> calcHtmIndex(ra=200.981, dec=-1.06456, level=20) 273 11030377854233L 274 275 @param ra: Right ascension in degrees. 276 @type ra: float 277 @param dec: Declination in degrees. 278 @type dec: float 279 @param level: HTM level to calculate down to. 280 @type level: int 281 282 @return: HTM index of given position. 283 @rtype: long 284 285 """ 286 libhtm = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("") 287 libhtm.calcHtmId.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong 288 ra = ctypes.c_double(ra) 289 dec = ctypes.c_double(dec) 290 level = ctypes.c_int(level) 291 292 return libhtm.calcHtmId(ra, dec, level)
293 294 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 295
296 -def calcMosaicProductCorners(requiredMosaics):
297 """ 298 Takes a set of required mosaics and calculates a set of positions for the 299 corners. 300 301 @param requiredMosaics: List of namedtuples of RequiredMosaics attributes 302 @type requiredMosaics: list(namedtuple) 303 304 @return: Dictionary of 2D numpy arrays of Cartesian coordinates for the 305 corners of the mosaic of the given productID 306 @rtype: dict(int: numpy.array) 307 308 """ 309 # Required mosaic - corners defined by ra,dec,raExtent,decExtent,posAngle 310 # ID - (programmeID),productID 311 # Assume rectangular mosaic 312 corners = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)] 313 mosaicCornerPos = dict() 314 for mosaic in requiredMosaics: 315 angCorner = math.atan(mosaic.decExtent / mosaic.raExtent) 316 distCorner = math.radians(math.hypot(mosaic.raExtent, mosaic.decExtent)) 317 distCorner /= 2 318 coords = [] 319 for multFact, addFact in corners: 320 cornDirect = math.radians(mosaic.posAngle) + multFact * math.pi 321 cornDirect += addFact * angCorner 322 dDelta = math.asin(math.sin(distCorner) * math.cos(cornDirect)) 323 dAlpha = math.asin(math.sin(distCorner) * math.sin(cornDirect)) 324 alpha = math.radians(mosaic.ra) + dAlpha 325 delta = math.radians(mosaic.dec) + dDelta 326 coords.append((alpha, delta)) 327 328 cartCoords = convSkyToCartesian(numpy.array(coords)) 329 mosaicCornerPos[mosaic.productID] = cartCoords 330 331 return mosaicCornerPos
332 333 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 334
335 -def convCartesianToGalactic(skyVector):
336 """ 337 Converts a J2000 (FK5) Cartesian vector to a Galactic coordinate. 338 339 @param skyVector: 3-vector of Cartesian coordinates (FK5 J2000). 340 @type skyVector: numpy.array(float, float, float) 341 342 @return: Galactic coordinate (l, b) in degrees. 343 @rtype: tuple(float, float) 344 345 """ 346 galRotMatrix = numpy.array([ 347 [-0.054875539726, -0.873437108010, -0.483834985808], 348 [0.494109453312, -0.444829589425, 0.746982251810], 349 [-0.867666135858, -0.198076386122, 0.455983795705]]) 350 351 return convCartesianToSky(, skyVector))
352 353 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 354
355 -def convCartesianToSky(skyVector):
356 """ 357 Converts Cartesian vector to a spherical coordinate. The spherical 358 coordinate is longitude (+ve anticlockwise looking from the positive 359 latitude pole) and latitude. The Cartesian coordinate is right handed, 360 with the x-axis at zero longitude and latitude, and the z-axis at the 361 positive latitude pole. 362 363 @param skyVector: 3-vector of right-handed Cartesian coordinates. 364 @type skyVector: tuple(float, float, float) 365 366 @return: Coordinate on celestial sphere in degrees (RA, Dec), 367 though can be any spherical coordinate. 368 @rtype: tuple(float, float) 369 370 """ 371 cx, cy, cz = skyVector 372 isNormalCase = abs(cx) < 1 and abs(cy) <= 1 and abs(cz) < 1 373 if abs(cz) == 1: 374 # @NOTE: This condition should never occur due to f.p. errors 375 return 0, math.degrees(cz * math.pi / 2) 376 377 elif isNormalCase or cx == 0: 378 ra = math.atan2(cy, cx) if isNormalCase else cy 379 if -2 * math.pi < ra < 0: 380 ra += 2 * math.pi 381 382 dec = math.asin(cz) 383 384 return math.degrees(ra), math.degrees(dec) 385 386 return dbc.realDefault(), dbc.realDefault()
387 388 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 389
390 -def convPixelToCartSky(pixels, multiframeID=None, extNum=None, db=None, 391 wcs=None, projection="ZPN"):
392 """ 393 Converts from pixel (X,Y) co-ordinates in the detector plane to Cartesian 394 sky co-ordinates in the celestial sphere, for a given detector's 395 observation (e.g. multiframeID, extNum). If multiframeID and extNum 396 supplied it looks up WCS values in the database for this observation, 397 otherwise WCS must be supplied. Uses PyWCS to perform the conversion. 398 399 @param pixels: List of pixel (X,Y) co-ordinates. 400 @type pixels: list(tuple(float, float)) 401 @param multiframeID: MultiframeID of the observation. 402 @type multiframeID: int 403 @param extNum: Detector extension number. 404 @type extNum: int 405 @param db: Optional database connection to obtain WCS 406 co-ordinates. 407 @type db: DbSession 408 @param wcs: World Co-ordinate System for detector. 409 @type wcs: tuple(float) 410 @param projection: Projection, either ZPN or TAN. 411 @type projection: str 412 413 @return: Array of 3-vectors of right-handed Cartesian sky coordinates 414 ordered by and corresponding to the list of pixel co-ordinates. 415 @rtype: numpy.array(numpy.array(float, float, float)) 416 417 @todo: Would be more efficient if PyWCS performed multiple co-ordinate 418 conversions for a given WCS value set, using ctypes. 419 """ 420 wcs = wcs or _queryWCS(db or DbSession(), multiframeID, extNum) 421 coords = [pywcs.convPixelToSky(x, y, projection, wcs) for x, y in pixels] 422 423 return convSkyToCartesian(numpy.array(coords))
424 425 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 426
427 -def convPixelToSky(pixels, multiframeID=None, extNum=None, db=None, wcs=None, 428 projection="ZPN"):
429 """ 430 Converts from pixel (X,Y) co-ordinates in the detector plane to sky 431 (RA, Dec) co-ordinates in the celestial sphere, for a given detector's 432 observation (e.g. multiframeID, extNum). If multiframeID and extNum 433 supplied it looks up WCS values in the database for this observation, 434 otherwise WCS must be supplied. Uses PyWCS to perform the conversion. 435 436 @param pixels: List of pixel (X,Y) co-ordinates. 437 @type pixels: list(tuple(float, float)) 438 @param multiframeID: MultiframeID of the observation. 439 @type multiframeID: int 440 @param extNum: Detector extension number. 441 @type extNum: int 442 @param db: Optional database connection to obtain WCS 443 co-ordinates. 444 @type db: DbSession 445 @param wcs: World Co-ordinate System for detector. 446 @type wcs: tuple(float) 447 @param projection: Projection, either ZPN or TAN. 448 @type projection: str 449 450 @return: Sky (RA, Dec) co-ordinates in degrees ordered by and corresponding 451 to the list of pixel co-ordinates. 452 @rtype: list(SkyPos) 453 454 @todo: Would be more efficient if PyWCS performed multiple co-ordinate 455 conversions for a given WCS value set, using ctypes. 456 """ 457 wcs = wcs or _queryWCS(db or DbSession(), multiframeID, extNum) 458 459 coords = [pywcs.convPixelToSky(x, y, projection, wcs) for x, y in pixels] 460 461 return [SkyPos(math.degrees(normalAngle(ra)), math.degrees(dec)) 462 for ra, dec in coords]
463 464 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 465
466 -def convSkyToPixel(positions, multiframeID=None, extNum=None, db=None, 467 wcs=None, projection="ZPN"):
468 """ 469 Converts from sky (RA, Dec) co-ordinates in the celestial sphere to pixel 470 (X,Y) co-ordinates in the detector plane, for a given detector's 471 observation (e.g. multiframeID, extNum). If multiframeID and extNum 472 supplied it looks up WCS values in the database for this observation, 473 otherwise WCS must be supplied. Uses PyWCS to perform the conversion. 474 475 @param positions: List of sky (RA, Dec) co-ordinates in degrees. 476 @type positions: list(tuple(float, float)) 477 @param multiframeID: MultiframeID of the observation. 478 @type multiframeID: int 479 @param extNum: Detector extension number. 480 @type extNum: int 481 @param db: Optional database connection to obtain WCS 482 co-ordinates. 483 @type db: DbSession 484 @param wcs: World Co-ordinate System for detector. 485 @type wcs: tuple(float) 486 @param projection: Projection, either ZPN or TAN. 487 @type projection: str 488 489 @return: Pixel (X, Y) co-ordinates ordered by and corresponding to the list 490 of sky position co-ordinates. 491 @rtype: list(Pixel) 492 493 @todo: Would be more efficient if PyWCS performed multiple co-ordinate 494 conversions for a given WCS value set, using ctypes. 495 """ 496 wcs = wcs or _queryWCS(db or DbSession(), multiframeID, extNum) 497 return [Pixel(*pywcs.convSkyToPixel(math.radians(ra), math.radians(dec), 498 projection, wcs)) 499 for ra, dec in positions]
500 501 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 502
503 -def convSkyToCartesian(coords):
504 """ 505 Converts spherical coordinate(s) to Cartesian vector(s). The spherical 506 coordinates are longitude (+ve anticlockwise looking from the positive 507 latitude pole) and latitude. The Cartesian coordinates are right handed, 508 with the x-axis at zero longitude and latitude, and the z-axis at the 509 positive latitude pole. 510 511 @note: Based on the SLALIB algorithm dcs2c() by P.T. Wallace. 512 513 @param coords: Co-ordinate(s) on celestial sphere in radians (RA, Dec), 514 though can be any spherical co-ordinate. 515 @type coords: tuple(float, float) or numpy.array(numpy.array(float, float)) 516 517 @return: (Array of) 3-vector(s) of right-handed Cartesian coordinates. 518 @rtype: numpy.array(float, float, float) 519 or numpy.array(numpy.array(float, float, float)) 520 521 """ 522 if not isinstance(coords, numpy.ndarray) or coords.ndim == 1: 523 ra, dec = coords 524 cosDec = math.cos(dec) 525 526 return numpy.array([math.cos(ra) * cosDec, 527 math.sin(ra) * cosDec, 528 math.sin(dec)]) 529 530 cosDec = numpy.cos(coords[:, 1]) 531 cartCoords = numpy.zeros([len(coords), 3]) 532 cartCoords[:, 0] = numpy.cos(coords[:, 0]) * cosDec 533 cartCoords[:, 1] = numpy.sin(coords[:, 0]) * cosDec 534 cartCoords[:, 2] = numpy.sin(coords[:, 1]) 535 536 return cartCoords
537 538 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 539
540 -def convSkyToGalactic(coords):
541 """ 542 Converts B1950 (FK4) sky coordinate to Galactic coordinate. 543 544 @note: Based on Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator. Section 29 p43. 545 546 @param coords: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians (RA, Dec). 547 @type coords: tuple(float, float) 548 549 @return: Galactic coordinate (l, b) in degrees. 550 @rtype: tuple(float, float) 551 552 """ 553 gRa, gDec = math.radians(192.25), math.radians(27.4) 554 cosGDec = math.cos(gDec) 555 sinGDec = math.sin(gDec) 556 ra, dec = coords 557 ra -= gRa 558 cosDec = math.cos(dec) 559 sinDec = math.sin(dec) 560 sinB = cosDec * cosGDec * math.cos(ra) + sinDec * sinGDec 561 l = math.radians(33) 562 l += math.atan2(sinDec - sinB * sinGDec, cosDec * math.sin(ra) * cosGDec) 563 b = math.asin(sinB) 564 565 return math.degrees(l), math.degrees(b)
566 567 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 568
569 -def convSkyToTangent(pos, axis):
570 """ 571 Projection of spherical coordinates onto the tangent plane, also 572 known as the gnomic projection. Function translated from the SLALIB FORTRAN 573 source. 574 575 @note: Based on the SLALIB algorithm ds2tp() by P.T. Wallace. 576 577 @param pos: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians to be projected 578 (RA, Dec), though can be any spherical co-ordinate. 579 @type pos: tuple(float, float) 580 @param axis: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians of the tangent 581 point (RA, Dec), though can be any spherical co-ordinate. 582 @type axis: tuple(float, float) 583 584 @return: Tangent plane co-ordinates (Xi, Eta) in radians. 585 @rtype: float, float 586 587 """ 588 ra, dec = pos 589 raZ, decZ = axis 590 591 # Trig functions: 592 sDec, sDecZ = math.sin(dec), math.sin(decZ) 593 cDec, cDecZ = math.cos(dec), math.cos(decZ) 594 raDiff = ra - raZ 595 sRaDiff, cRaDiff = math.sin(raDiff), math.cos(raDiff) 596 597 # Reciprocal of star vector length to tangent plane 598 denom = sDec * sDecZ + cDec * cDecZ * cRaDiff 599 600 # Very small number for accuracy checks: 601 tiny = 1.0e-6 602 # Handle vectors too far from axis 603 if denom <= tiny: 604 if denom >= 0.0: 605 denom = tiny # Error, star too far from axis 606 elif denom > -tiny: 607 denom = -tiny # Error, antistar on tangent plane 608 # else: Error, antistar too far from axis 609 # else: OK, star on tangent plane 610 611 # Compute tangent plane coordinates (even in dubious cases) 612 xi = cDec * sRaDiff / denom 613 eta = (sDec * cDecZ - cDec * sDecZ * cRaDiff) / denom 614 return xi, eta
615 616 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 617
618 -def convTangentToSky(pos, axis):
619 """ 620 Transform tangent plane coordinates back to spherical given the 621 gnomic projection (standard) and tangent point coordinates. Function 622 translated from the SLALIB Fortran source. 623 624 @note: Based on the SLALIB algorithm dtp2s() by P.T. Wallace. 625 626 @param pos: Co-ordinate on tangent plane in radians (Xi, Eta). 627 @type pos: tuple(float, float) 628 @param axis: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians of the tangent 629 point (RA, Dec), though can be any spherical co-ordinate. 630 @type axis: tuple(float, float) 631 632 @return: Co-ordinate on celestial sphere in radians (RA, Dec), though can 633 be any spherical co-ordinate. 634 @rtype: float, float 635 636 """ 637 xi, eta = pos 638 raZ, decZ = axis 639 sDecZ, cDecZ = math.sin(decZ), math.cos(decZ) 640 denom = cDecZ - eta * sDecZ 641 ra = normalAngle(math.atan2(xi, denom) + raZ) 642 dec = math.atan2(sDecZ + eta * cDecZ, math.sqrt(xi * xi + denom * denom)) 643 644 return ra, dec
645 646 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 647
648 -def findCorners(multiframeID, extNum, db):
649 """ 650 Calculates the sky (RA, Dec) co-ordinates of the given detector's corners. 651 652 @param multiframeID: MultiframeID of the observation. 653 @type multiframeID: int 654 @param extNum: Detector extension number. 655 @type extNum: int 656 @param db: Database connection to use for metadata queries. 657 @type db: DbSession 658 659 @return: Sky (RA, Dec) co-ordinates in degrees of each corner. 660 @rtype: list(SkyPos) 661 662 """ 663 imageShape = db.query( 664 selectStr="axis1Length, axis2Length, tctyp3", 665 fromStr=Join([("MultiframeDetector", 'D'), ("CurrentAstrometry", 'A')], 666 ["multiframeID", "extNum"]), 667 whereStr="D.multiframeID=%s AND D.extNum=%s" % (multiframeID, extNum), 668 firstOnly=True) 669 670 pixels = [(1, 1), (1, imageShape.axis2Length), 671 (imageShape.axis1Length, imageShape.axis2Length), 672 (imageShape.axis1Length, 1)] 673 674 proj = imageShape.tctyp3[-3:] 675 676 return convPixelToSky(pixels, multiframeID, extNum, db, projection=proj)
677 678 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 679
680 -def findTileCentre(offsetCoords, offsetPos, posAngle):
681 """ Takes coordinates of pawprint, offsetPos and posAngle. 682 """ 683 offsetX, offsetY = getOffSetsFromPos(offsetPos) # in arcsec 684 685 # which way around? 686 offRa = math.radians((offsetX * math.cos(math.radians(posAngle)) 687 + offsetY * math.sin(math.radians(posAngle))) / 3600) 688 689 offDec = math.radians((-offsetX * math.sin(math.radians(posAngle)) 690 + offsetY * math.cos(math.radians(posAngle))) / 3600) 691 692 return convTangentToSky((offRa, offDec), offsetCoords)
693 694 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 695
696 -def getMedAngle(angles, expRange, minVal= -180, cycleLength=360):
697 """ @return: Median angle, taking into account cyclical nature of 698 measurement. 699 @rtype: float 700 """ 701 if len(angles) is 1: 702 return angles[0] 703 704 # Need to find spread of angles. (min,med,max) 705 if max(angles) > 0.5 * cycleLength - 2 * expRange \ 706 and min(angles) < -0.5 * cycleLength + 2 * expRange: 707 708 angles = [(angle + cycleLength if angle < 0 else angle) 709 for angle in angles] 710 711 median = float(stats.clippedMADHistogram(angles, retValues="med")[0]) 712 if median < minVal: 713 median += cycleLength 714 if median > minVal + cycleLength: 715 median -= cycleLength 716 717 return median
718 719 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 720
721 -def getOffSetsFromPos(offPos):
722 """ Get position within tile. 723 """ 724 if offPos == 6: 725 return dbc.realDefault(), dbc.realDefault() 726 727 if offPos == 7: 728 return 0, 0 729 730 tileOffSet = 329.779 # pixels 731 xPos = offPos // 3 or -1 732 yPos = offPos % 3 - 1 733 734 return xPos * tileOffSet, yPos * tileOffSet
735 736 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 737
738 -def getOffSetPos(offX, offY):
739 """ Get position within tile. 740 """ 741 if offX < -9.e8 and offY < -9.e8: 742 return 6 743 744 if offX == 0 and offY == 0: 745 return 7 746 747 if offY < 0: 748 jj = 0 749 elif offY == 0: 750 jj = 1 751 else: 752 jj = 2 753 754 return 3 * (0 if offX < 0 else 1) + jj
755 756 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 757
758 -def matchFrames(frames, raIndex, centrePos, tolerance, extNum=None, 759 extIndex=None):
760 """ 761 Returns a list of frames matching an input position. Takes a position, a 762 positional tolerance and a list of frames (or a frame-like list) and return 763 the subset of those matching that position within the specified tolerance. 764 765 Method: identifies the first frame that could be a match based on Dec in 766 the (ordered) input list, then cycles through the list checking all 767 possible matches up to the most distant Dec possible. Note that if the RA 768 and Dec come from a frame that is contained within the given list, that 769 frame will appear as a matched frame in the returned list in addition to 770 any other matches. The optional arguments are provided so that if frame 771 matching required that only common extension numbers are matched, and that 772 information is provided in those input arguments, then the function will 773 only match those. 774 775 @param frames: List of frames to match. 776 @type frames: list(tuple) 777 @param raIndex: Index in frame tuple of the RA co-ordinate (Dec is 778 assumed to be index+1). 779 @type raIndex: int 780 @param centrePos: Co-ordinate of central position (RA, Dec) in degrees. 781 @type centrePos: tuple(float, float) 782 @param tolerance: Positional matching tolerance for frames in a set 783 (degrees). 784 @type tolerance: float 785 @param extNum: Optionally specify a particular image extension to be 786 matched. 787 @type extNum: int 788 @param extIndex: If matching by image extension then provide the index of 789 the frame tuple that contains the extension number. 790 @type extIndex: int 791 792 @return: A subset of frames that match the given position. 793 @rtype: list(tuple) 794 795 """ 796 # Only do something if it's necessary: 797 if not frames: 798 return [] 799 800 ra, dec = centrePos 801 matchCentre = (math.radians(ra), math.radians(dec)) 802 matchTol = math.radians(tolerance) 803 matchingFrames = list() 804 805 # Find the index of the first item that can possibly be a match (ie. 806 # look for the first Dec that is >= the specified one minus the match 807 # tolerance) 808 i = bisect([frame[raIndex + 1] for frame in frames], dec - tolerance) 809 i = max(i - 1, 0) # bisect returns the next index, so subtract one 810 811 # Now cycle through the list, accumulating matching entries: 812 while frames[i][raIndex + 1] <= dec + tolerance: 813 # Quick check to see whether we need to bother with this frame: 814 if not extNum or frames[i][extIndex] is extNum: 815 frameCentre = (math.radians(frames[i][raIndex]), 816 math.radians(frames[i][raIndex + 1])) 817 if angularSep(matchCentre, frameCentre) <= matchTol: 818 matchingFrames.append(frames[i]) 819 820 i += 1 821 if i == len(frames): 822 break 823 824 return matchingFrames
825 826 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 827
828 -def _matchPairs(sourcesM, sourcesS, decsS, tolerance, cartSep):
829 """ 830 Matches given lists of detections and returns a pointing array. 831 832 @param sourcesM: List of sorted master detection declinations, record 833 number and Cartesian co-ordinates. 834 @type sourcesM: list(tuple(float, (int, float, float, float))) 835 @param sourcesS: List of sorted secondary detection declinations, record 836 number and Cartesian co-ordinates. 837 @type sourcesS: list(tuple(float, (int, float, float, float))) 838 @param decsS: List of sorted secondary detection declinations. 839 @type decsS: list(float) 840 @param tolerance: Pairing criterion in arcseconds with additional 10%. 841 @type tolerance: float 842 @param cartSep: Pairing criterion in Cartesian distance. 843 @type cartSep: float 844 845 @return: Pointing array of detection indices. 846 @rtype: numpy.array(int) 847 848 @note: Using xrange here instead of range gives major performance benefits. 849 @todo: Need to try a fully vectorised calculation in NumPy for performance. 850 @todo: Should be able to combine all three sub for-loops in this function 851 into one - only doing Cartesian separation calculations when in the 852 declination tolerance range. Also try slicing the list, but need to 853 be certain perf. is good, also can possibly do this as a find type 854 func. 855 """ 856 pp = numpy.zeros(len(sourcesM), numpy.int32) - 1 857 if not sourcesM or not sourcesS: 858 return pp 859 860 for decM, (idxM, cxM, cyM, czM) in sourcesM: 861 # Find the closest object in declination 862 idx = bisect(decsS, decM) 863 idx = max(idx - 1, 0) # bisect returns the next index, so subtract one 864 865 # Determine search range either side of the closest object in dec. 866 for i1 in reversed(xrange(1, idx + 1)): 867 if decM - decsS[i1] >= tolerance: 868 break 869 else: 870 i1 = 1 871 i1 -= 1 872 for i2 in xrange(idx, len(decsS) - 1): 873 if decsS[i2] - decM >= tolerance: 874 break 875 else: 876 i2 = len(decsS) - 2 877 878 # Calculate separations of all pairs in declination range 879 # Pre-allocating list memory seems to improve profile, if not speed 880 seps = [tuple()] * (2 + i2 - i1) 881 for i in xrange(2 + i2 - i1): 882 _decS, (idxS, cxS, cyS, czS) = sourcesS[i1 + i] 883 dx = cxS - cxM 884 dy = cyS - cyM 885 dz = czS - czM 886 seps[i] = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz, idxS) 887 888 # Find pair with the smallest separation 889 minSep, idxS = min(seps) 890 if math.sqrt(minSep) < cartSep: 891 pp[idxM] = idxS 892 893 return pp
894 895 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 896
897 -def normalAngle(radians):
898 """ 899 Normalize an angle into the range 0 to 2xPI radians. 900 901 @param radians: The angle to normalize (in radians). 902 @type radians: float 903 904 @return: The angle normalized to the range 0 to 2xPI. 905 @rtype: float 906 907 """ 908 angle = math.fmod(radians, 2.0 * math.pi) 909 return angle if angle >= 0.0 else angle + 2.0 * math.pi
910 911 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 912
913 -def pairObjects(inputList, matchRadius, outPathName, oneWay=False):
914 """ 915 Pairs object positions from given binary files, saving the resulting 916 pointings in binary files. 917 918 @param inputList: List of detection data sets, one for each passband, as 919 a tuple of (filePath, (raIndex, raSize, raUnit), 920 (decIndex, decSize, decUnit), recordLength) 921 @param inputList: list(tuple) 922 @param matchRadius: Pairing separation criterion in arcseconds. 923 @type matchRadius: float 924 @param outPathName: Path to write the pointing files too. File name must 925 be included if oneWay is True. 926 @type outPathName: str 927 @param oneWay: If True, don't prepare a reverse pointing file. 928 @type oneWay: bool 929 930 @todo: Make completely schema driven for both data types and units, 931 basically the caller gets raIndex/raSize/raUnit from schema file and 932 also passes raType, e.g. 'd' in this case. 933 @todo: Can be made even more Pythonic and faster if we include the merge 934 table in with this function, avoiding the need for index look-ups 935 and reading/writing to binary files... assuming memory req. are OK. 936 @note: NumPy is useful and fast for the pp array, but slow for the 937 Cartesian vectors since they are stored as a list. If the 938 calculations were fully vectorised then this wouldn't be an issue. 939 """ 940 convForUnit = {"DEG": math.radians(1), "HRS": math.pi / 12, "RAD": 1} 941 # Read in data and fill arrays... 942 decs = [] 943 sources = [] 944 for filePath, (raIndex, raSize, raUnit), (decIndex, decSize, decUnit), \ 945 recordLength in inputList: 946 decList = [] 947 srcList = [] 948 if filePath: 949 fileSize = os.path.getsize(filePath) 950 if fileSize % recordLength != 0: 951 raise Exception("File size is a non-integer multiple of row " 952 "length %s: %s" % (recordLength, filePath)) 953 954 with open(filePath, 'rb') as detFile: 955 raEnd = raIndex + raSize 956 decEnd = decIndex + decSize 957 for recNum in xrange(fileSize // recordLength): 958 row = 959 # @@TODO: This will be schema driven. 960 ra = struct.unpack('<d', row[raIndex:raEnd])[0] 961 dec = struct.unpack('<d', row[decIndex:decEnd])[0] 962 # @@NOTE: Old code would just multiply by zero for unknown 963 # unit. I think it's best to raise an exception. 964 ra *= convForUnit[raUnit] 965 dec *= convForUnit[decUnit] 966 cosDec = math.cos(dec) 967 # Store declinations in arcsecs and Cartesian co-ordinates 968 decList.append(3600 * math.degrees(dec)) 969 srcList.append((recNum, 970 math.cos(ra) * cosDec, math.sin(ra) * cosDec, math.sin(dec))) 971 972 decs.append(sorted(decList)) 973 sources.append(sorted(zip(decList, srcList))) 974 975 # Calculate pairing criterion quantities 976 tol = 1.1 * matchRadius 977 matchRadius = math.radians(matchRadius / 3600) 978 d = numpy.array((1 - math.cos(matchRadius), math.sin(matchRadius))) 979 cartSep = math.sqrt(, d)) 980 981 # Pair and save pointers to binary files 982 outPath = (outPathName if oneWay else 983 os.path.join(outPathName, "pointers_%s_%s.dat")) 984 for i1 in xrange(len(inputList)): 985 for i2 in xrange(i1 + 1, len(inputList)): 986 pp1 = _matchPairs(sources[i1], sources[i2], decs[i2], tol, cartSep) 987 pp2 = _matchPairs(sources[i2], sources[i1], decs[i1], tol, cartSep) 988 989 # Handshake and write to file 990 for index in xrange(len(pp1)): 991 if pp1[index] != -1 and pp2[pp1[index]] != index: 992 pp1[index] = -2 993 pp1.tofile(outPath if oneWay else outPath % (i1, i2)) 994 995 if not oneWay: # Create reverse pointings file. 996 for index in xrange(len(pp2)): 997 if pp2[index] != -1 and pp1[pp2[index]] != index: 998 pp2[index] = -2 999 pp2.tofile(outPath % (i2, i1))
1000 1001 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1002
1003 -def _queryWCS(db, multiframeID, extNum):
1004 """ 1005 Looks up WCS values in the database for given observation. 1006 1007 @param db: Database connection to obtain WCS co-ordinates. 1008 @type db: DbSession 1009 @param multiframeID: MultiframeID of the observation. 1010 @type multiframeID: int 1011 @param extNum: Detector extension number. 1012 @type extNum: int 1013 1014 @return: WCS co-ordinates tuple. 1015 @rtype: tuple(float) 1016 1017 """ 1018 if not multiframeID or not extNum: 1019 raise ValueError("Invalid multiframeID (%s) and/or extNum (%s)" 1020 % (multiframeID, extNum)) 1021 1022 wcsCols = "crPixX, crPixY, crValX, crValY, cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22" 1023 wcsCols += ", pv21, pv22, pv23" + (", pv24, pv25" if db.sysc.isVSA() else 1024 ", 0., 0.") 1025 1026 return db.query(wcsCols, "CurrentAstrometry", 1027 whereStr="multiframeID=%s AND extNum=%s" % (multiframeID, extNum), 1028 firstOnly=True)
1029 1030
1031 -def convertCoordEso(raDeg, decDeg, outString=False):
1032 """ Returns correct format of tileRa and tileDec 1033 """ 1034 raHMS = raDeg / 15. 1035 raH = int(raHMS) 1036 raHMS = 60.*(raHMS - raH) 1037 raM = int(raHMS) 1038 raHMS = 60.*(raHMS - raM) 1039 raS = round(raHMS, 3) 1040 tileRa = raH * 10000 + raM * 100 + raS 1041 sign = -1 if decDeg < 0 else 1. 1042 decDMS = abs(decDeg) 1043 decD = int(decDMS) 1044 decDMS = 60.*(decDMS - decD) 1045 decM = int(decDMS) 1046 decDMS = 60.*(decDMS - decM) 1047 decS = round(decDMS, 3) 1048 tileDec = sign * (decD * 10000 + decM * 100 + decS) 1049 if outString: 1050 tileRa = str(tileRa) 1051 tileDec = str(tileDec) 1052 return (tileRa, tileDec)
1053 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1054 # Change log: 1055 # 1056 # 22-Apr-2004, NCH: Original version incorporating dsep, dcs2c, dsepv, 1057 # dvxv, dvn, dvdv. 1058 # 14-Sep-2004, NCH: Added in ds2tp, dtp2s and dranrm; tidied up for Epydoc 1059 # documentation. 1060 # 16-Aug-2007, RSC: Renamed from to, moved in the 1061 # matchFrames() function from 1062 # 17-Aug-2007, RSC: Upgraded to use NumPy and renamed functions. 1063