Get ready for the JWST proposal round 4 deadline.
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Get ready for the JWST proposal round 4 deadline.
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The STFC Webb fellows are hosting a 2-day, free JWST proposal planning workshop at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh on the 17th and 18th of September 2024. The aim is to support the UK astronomy community for the upcoming JWST Cycle 4 call (proposal are due 16 October 2024).
The in person workshop will feature talks, hands-on sessions and strategic advice for proposal writing. There will be JWST experts in the room, and some unstructured time for you to ask for help on your own proposals. As well as worked examples for using the Astronomer’s Proposal Tool (APT) and exposure time calculator (ETC).
This workshop is free and open to everyone within the community, and we strongly encourage early career scientists to take part. We expect participants to attend both days. Lunches and coffees will be provided.
09:15 Arrive / Welcome
09:30 Talk: Introduction to Observatory and Instrument Modes - Henrik Melin
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Talk: Introduction to APT and ETC - Henrik Melin
11:45 Hands on: NIRCam and MIRI Imaging - Olivia Jones
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Hands on: APT - Henrik Malin
15:30 Coffee & Cake
16:30 Talk: Intro to JWST Spectrocopy Modes - Olivia Jones
09:00 Unconference Session with ESA Support - Peter Zeidler
10:00 Hands on / Demo: NIRSpec / MIRI IFU - Henrik Melin
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Hands on / Demo: NIRSpec / MIRI IFU (Continued) - Henrik Melin
11:30 Hands on: MOS / Fixed Slit Spectroscopy - Olivia Jones
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Work on own proposals or exampes With Experts in Room to help
15:00 Talk: Grading / TAC Procedure - Laura Watkins
15:30 Coffee & Cake
16:00 Unconference Session
Edinburgh is well-served for accommodation. Please see the
for suggestions.
The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh is situated on Blackford Hill, to the south of the city, and should not be confused with the pre-1893 Royal Observatory (or City Observatory) on Calton Hill. The Royal Observatory is sign-posted from the Cameron Toll roundabout, Mayfield Road and Blackford Avenue.
Edinburgh's principal railway station, Edinburgh Waverley (EDB), is well placed on the UK rail network and is served by a number of rail operators. It is conveniently located in the heart of the city.
The taxi rank is on Market Street, follow signs in station. A black cab will cost around £12-£15 and should take around 15 minutes, depending on traffic.
See below for details about buses from the city centre.
From Cameron Toll Shopping Centre: (bus + 20 minute walk)
Many buses regularly travel from the City Centre to Cameron Toll Shopping Centre including the 3, 8, 12, 24, 29, 31, 33, 37 and 37A. Alight at Cameron Toll Shopping Centre. Walk west (left) on Lady Road. Cross the Craigmillar junction and continue walking on Esslemont Road. Go straight across to West Mains Road. Continue walking until you come to Observatory Road on your left. Go through the red sandstone archway and continue to the top of the hill.
From Blackford Avenue: (bus + 10 to 15 minute walk)
Take the 24 from Princes Street or the 41 from the Mound (Art Galleries) in Edinburgh’s City Centre and alight at Blackford Station. Walk along the second half of Blackford Avenue (away from the City Centre) until you reach the red sandstone archway at the bottom of Observatory Road. Turn right and climb the hill. Every half hour the 41 continues up the second half of Blackford Avenue to Kings Buildings so you can alight close to the red sandstone arch.
Additional buses
Service 38: Connects the Royal Observatory and King's Buildings (stops on West Mains Road) with Morningside, Gorgie and the Balgreen tram stop (providing a convenient connection to Edinburgh airport that avoids the city centre).
Leave the bypass at Straiton Junction. Follow the signs to Edinburgh South and City Centre (A701). Follow along Howdenhall Road and continue down Liberton Brae. Take a left-hand fork onto Mayfield Road. At the lights, turn left onto West Mains Road and continue until you come to the red sandstone archway at the foot of Observatory Road. Turn left and go to the top of the hill.
A journey to the ROE takes about 20–30 minutes (longer at peak times).
Leave the airport and join the A8 heading for Edinburgh. Proceed along this road until you reach the Gogar roundabout. Turn right onto the A720 city bypass southbound. Leave the bypass at Straiton Junction. Follow the signs to Edinburgh South and City Centre (A701). Follow along Howdenhall Road and continue down Liberton Brae. Take a left-hand fork onto Mayfield Road. At the lights, turn left onto West Mains Road and continue until you come to the red sandstone archway at the foot of Observatory Road. Turn left and go to the top of the hill.
A tram service connects Edinburgh Airport with the city centre, running at least every 10 minutes from early morning until late night. Get off at Princes Street and then catch 9 bus on Hanover Street direct to King's Buildings campus or ROE, see below for more details.
Two alternative tram connections avoiding the city centre - get off the tram at Balgreen and take bus 38 to West Mains Road or ROE, or get off the tram at Haymarket and take bus 12 to Mayfield Road.
Airlink 100 runs from the airport terminal to the city centre. This is a limited-stop express bus running every 10 minutes, 24 hours per day. Get off the bus at the final stop then walk to Hanover Street and take bus route 9 direct to King's Building campus or ROE, see below for more details.
Registration is now open. In the event of over-subscription, we will be contacting interested attendees in August to confirm that they still wish to attend. If needed, we will prioritise places for early career researchers and maintain a waitlist.
Please note that participation in this workshop is in-person only and that the room capacity is limited.
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Register NowBe ready for the Cycle 4 deadline
JWST proposal planning workshop
17th and 18th of September 2024
Royal Observatory
Blackford Hill
To learn more, don't hesitate to get in touch:
The organizers are committed to making this meeting productive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality or religion. We will not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. All participants are required to abide by the following Code of Conduct to help us achieve a safe and positive workshop for everyone. Please follow these guidelines:
Any participant who wishes to report a violation of this policy is asked to speak, in confidence, to the organizers