UK Astronomy Technology Centre
Royal Observatory Edinburgh
A European workshop on far-IR interferometry technology development which aims to review the current status and plans for FIR space interferometry missions, establish a group to coordinate a programme of relevant technology development in Europe, and set up a study of the possible feasibility, scientific case and technical benefits of an Antarctic-based FIR interferometer.
The agenda details have been published and are available from the following link:
Agenda for the European Workshop on Far-Infrared Interferometry Technology
SOC: Frank Bertoldi (Bonn), Matt Griffin (Cardiff), Frank Helmich (SRON), Rob Ivison (Edinburgh), David Leisawitz (NASA), Vincent Minier (CEA), Luigi Spinoglio (IFSI), John Storey (UNSW)
To register for the workshop please refer to the information provided on the payment details page:
Information about the accommodation in the area is provided on the accommodation page: