IAU Commission 47:

IAU Commission 47 deals with all aspects of Cosmology, especially


John Peacock (UK) jap@roe.ac.uk

Vice President

Simon Lilly (Canada) simon.lilly@phys.ethz.ch

Organizing Committee

Gustavo Bruzual (Venezuela) bruzual@cida.ve
Luis Campusano (Chile) lcampusa@das.uchile.cl
Yaoquan Chu (China) yqchu@ustc.edu.cn
Luis DaCosta (Germany) ldacosta@eso.org
Jaan Einasto (Estonia) einasto@jupiter.aai.ee
George Ellis (South Africa) ellis@maths.uct.ac.za
David Koo (USA) koo@ucolick.org
Olivier LeFevre (France) lefevre@astrsp-mrs.fr
Jayant Narlikar (India) jvn@iucaa.ernet.in
Peter Shaver (Germany) pshaver@eso.org
Yasushi Suto (Japan) suto@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Alexander Szalay (USA) szalay@jhu.edu
Rachael Webster (Australia) rwebster@isis.ph.unimelb.edu.au
Simon White (Germany) swhite@mpa-garching.mpg.de
Arthur Wolfe (USA) art@cass150.ucsd.edu

Commission members

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