Applying to use UKST Plates, Films and SuperCOSMOS scanning

(applicants for 6dF time go here.)

Applications for new photography on the UK Schmidt are only considered under exceptional circumstances and must be submitted to the Director, AAO.

Web based application forms for:

Many scientific applications can be satisfied using archive UKST material (plates or films). Proposals for SuperCOSMOS time are usually assessed by a panel though some small requests can be approved by the SuperCOSMOS unit). Applications can be submitted at any time.

Information on SuperCOSMOS can be found here The catalogue of existing UKST plates can be interrogated via a web form

Applicants should consult the technical information on the UK Schmidt Telescope in these pages and/or read the UKST handbook prior to submitting a request.

Users are advised to contact who are able,on request, to check existing photographic material to ensure that it is suitable for the requested project.

UK Schmidt 
Royal Observatory 
Blackford Hill
Edinburgh EH9 3HJ     e-mail:
Scotland              tel: 0131 668 8330  

updated August 2004

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