Package invocations :: Package monitoring :: Module CheckReleasedNonSurvey
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Source Code for Module invocations.monitoring.CheckReleasedNonSurvey

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 6773 2010-04-06 15:55:21Z RossCollins $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Checks the size of non survey detection tables against the WSA. 
  7     @author: E.T.W. Sutorius 
  8     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
 10     @newfield contributors: Contributors, Contributors (Alphabetical Order) 
 11     @contributors: R.S. Collins 
 12  """ 
 13  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 14  from   collections import defaultdict 
 15  from   operator    import itemgetter 
 16  import os 
 18  from   wsatools.CLI                 import CLI 
 19  import wsatools.CSV                     as csv 
 20  from   wsatools.DataFactory         import ProgrammeTable 
 21  import wsatools.DbConnect.CommonQueries as queries 
 22  import wsatools.DbConnect.DbConstants   as dbc 
 23  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession import DbSession 
 24  from   wsatools.Logger              import Logger 
 25  import wsatools.SystemConstants         as sysc 
 26  import wsatools.Utilities               as utils 
 27  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 28  # Entry point for script. 
 30  # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 
 31  if __name__ == "__main__": 
 32      CLI.progArgs.remove("database") 
 33      CLI.progOpts.remove("test") 
 34      CLI.progOpts.remove("user") 
 35      CLI.progOpts += [ 
 36        CLI.Option('d', "db_list", 
 37          "a list of databases which should be checked (all by default)", 
 38          "LIST"), 
 39        CLI.Option('f', "from_table", 
 40          "if different from *Detection (must be the same for all queried DBs)", 
 41          "NAME"), 
 42        CLI.Option('o', "out_dir", 
 43          "where the log is written to", 
 44          "DIR", "/disk01/wsa/nonSurvey/"), 
 45        CLI.Option('p', "prog_list", 
 46          "a list of standard programmes (all by default, use 'none' for none)", 
 47          "LIST"), 
 48        CLI.Option('w', "where", 
 49          "additional where clause for counting entries", 
 50          "SQL")] 
 52      cli = CLI("CheckReleasedNonSurvey", "$Revision: 6773 $", __doc__) 
 53      Logger.isVerbose = False 
 54      Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 
 56      # create the dict entry for the public server 
 57      hostsOfDb = defaultdict(list) 
 58      for server in sysc.publicServerHosts(): 
 59          for database in queries.getAllDBs(server): 
 60              hostsOfDb[database].append(server) 
 62      # create list of DBs to check 
 63      allDbs = set(hostsOfDb.keys() if not cli.getOpt("db_list") else 
 64                   csv.values(cli.getOpt("db_list").upper())) 
 66      # get info about all programmes and their detection tables from load server 
 67      loadDb = DbSession() 
 68      progTable = ProgrammeTable(loadDb) 
 70      # set up lists for UKIDSS programmes 
 71      ukidssDbs = set(db for db in allDbs if db.startswith(("UKIDSS", "WORLD"))) 
 72      excludeDbs = ("WFCAM", "VESPA", "VSA", "TRANSIT") 
 73      # Determine programme IDs of released non-survey databases 
 74      relNSDbs = [(dbName, progTable.getProgIDfromName(dbName.split('v')[0])) 
 75                  for dbName in allDbs - ukidssDbs 
 76                   if not dbName.startswith(excludeDbs)] 
 78      unknownDbs = [dbName for dbName, progID in relNSDbs if progID is None] 
 79      if unknownDbs: 
 80          raise SystemExit( 
 81            "<ERROR> Unrecognised non-survey databases: %s" % unknownDbs) 
 83      progIDs = [] 
 84      if not cli.getOpt("prog_list"): 
 85          progIDs = [progID for progID in progTable.getProgIDList() 
 86                             if 100 < progID < 106] 
 87      elif cli.getOpt("prog_list").upper() != "NONE": 
 88          progIDs = [progTable.getProgIDfromName(prog) 
 89                     for prog in csv.values(cli.getOpt("prog_list"))] 
 91      specificFrom = cli.getOpt("from_table") 
 92      whereStr = "deprecated=0" 
 93      if cli.getOpt("where"): 
 94          whereStr += " AND " + cli.getOpt("where") 
 96      detCount = defaultdict(dict) 
 98      Logger.addMessage("Stage 1 of 3: Getting row counts from load server...") 
 99      allProgIDs = progIDs + map(itemgetter(1), relNSDbs) 
100      for num, progID in enumerate(allProgIDs): 
101          pName = progTable.getAcronym(progID).upper() 
102          detTable = progTable.getDetectionTable(programmeID=progID) 
103          Logger.addMessage("%s/%s: %s" % (num+1, len(allProgIDs), pName)) 
104          detCount[loadDb.server][pName] = \ 
105            loadDb.queryNumRows(specificFrom or detTable, whereStr) 
107      Logger.addMessage("Stage 2 of 3: " 
108        "Getting non-survey row counts from public servers...") 
109      for num, (dbName, progID) in enumerate(relNSDbs): 
110          pName = progTable.getAcronym(progID).upper() 
111          detTable = progTable.getAttr("detectionTable", programmeID=progID) 
112          Logger.addMessage("%s/%s: %s" % (num+1, len(relNSDbs), pName)) 
114          for dbServer in hostsOfDb[dbName]: 
115              detCount[dbServer][pName] = \ 
116                DbSession(dbServer+'.'+dbName, 
117                          userName=dbc.loadServerRwUsername())\ 
118                .queryNumRows(specificFrom or detTable, whereStr) 
120      Logger.addMessage("Stage 3 of 3: " 
121        "Getting survey row counts from public servers...") 
122      for num, progID in enumerate(progIDs): 
123          pName = progTable.getAcronym(progID).upper() 
124          detTable = progTable.getAttr("detectionTable", programmeID=progID) 
125          Logger.addMessage("%s/%s: %s" % (num+1, len(progIDs), pName)) 
127          for dbName in ukidssDbs: 
128              for dbServer in hostsOfDb[dbName]: 
129                  detCount[dbServer][dbName+'.'+pName] = \ 
130                    DbSession(dbServer+'.'+dbName, 
131                              userName=dbc.loadServerRwUsername())\ 
132                    .queryNumRows(specificFrom or detTable, whereStr) 
134      log = "" 
135      for dbServer in sysc.publicServerHosts(): 
136          if dbServer in detCount: 
137              log += "\n%20s:\n" % dbServer.title() 
138              log += "\n%20s %14s %14s\n" % ("DB","WSAsize","DBsize") 
139              log += "%20s %14s %14s\n" % ("--","-------","------") 
140              for db in sorted(detCount[dbServer]): 
141                  log += "%20s %14d %14d\n" % \ 
142                    (db, detCount[loadDb.server][db.split('.')[-1]], 
143                     detCount[dbServer][db]) 
144      print log 
145      logFileName = "checkReleasedNonSurvey%s.log" % utils.makeMssqlTimeStamp() 
146      utils.ensureDirExist(cli.getOpt("out_dir")) 
147      open(os.path.join(cli.getOpt("out_dir"), logFileName), 'w').write(log) 
149  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
150  # Change log: 
151  # 
152  # 24-May-2006, ETWS: First Version 
153  # 26-May-2006, ETWS: Included optional output directory. 
154  # 22-Feb-2007,  RSC: Upgraded to consider all public servers now stored in the 
155  #                    sysc.publicServerHosts() constant. 
156  # 02-Apr-2007, ETWS: Included possibility to check standard programmes as well. 
157  # 03-Apr-2007, ETWS: Included 'none' option for programmes. 
158  # 10-Jan-2008, ETWS: Updated to have more flexible checking options. 
159  # 10-Apr-2009,  RSC: Updated for new split detection tables, non-survey 
160  #                    database design and additional public server databases. 
161  #                    Also simplified by using the CLI, DbSession and 
162  #                    DataFactory APIs, and improved logging.