Package invocations :: Package cu8 :: Module removeDuplicates
[hide private]

Source Code for Module invocations.cu8.removeDuplicates

 1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
 2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 3  #$Id: 4534 2008-02-18 19:06:00Z RossCollins $ 
 4  """ 
 5     Removes duplicates in a log file, but keeps the same order, so that 
 6     cu8 can be rerun without any problems. 
 8     @author: N.J. Cross 
 9     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
10  """ 
11  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
12  import os 
13  import sys 
15  import wsatools.DbConnect.DbConstants as dbc 
16  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
17  # Entry point for script. 
19  # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 
20  if __name__ == '__main__': 
21      logFilePath=sys.argv[1]       # recalibration log name 
22      outLogFilePath=os.path.splitext(logFilePath)[0]+'_rmdup.log' 
24      lines=file(logFilePath).readlines() 
25      # first produce dictionary of initial lines 
26      catFileDict={} 
27      catFileList=[] 
28      for index,line in enumerate(lines): 
29          wrds=line.split() 
30          if wrds[0][:4]=="w200" and wrds[1]=="#1": 
31              catFileList.append(wrds[0]) 
32              catFileDict[wrds[0]]=index 
33      middleCatFileList = sorted(set(catFileList)) 
34      # must be in same order as original 
35      finalCatFileList=[] 
36      for catName in catFileList: 
37          index=dbc.intDefault() 
38          for ii,cName in enumerate(middleCatFileList): 
39              if catName==cName: 
40                  index=ii 
41          if index>=0: 
42              finalCatFileList.append(catName) 
43              middleCatFileList.pop(index) 
44      newLines=[] 
45      for catName in finalCatFileList: 
46          try: 
47              index=catFileDict[catName] 
48          except: 
49              continue 
50          test=False 
51          while not test: 
52              if lines[index][0]=="w" and lines[index].split()[0]!=catName: 
53                  test=True 
54              else: 
55                  newLines.append(lines[index]) 
56              index+=1 
57              if index==len(lines): 
58                  test=True 
59      file(outLogFilePath,'w').writelines(newLines) 
61  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
62  # Change log: 
63  # 
64  # 23-Oct-2007,  NJC: Original version