Package invocations :: Package cu8 :: Module cu8
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Source Code for Module invocations.cu8.cu8

   1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
   2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
   3  #$Id: 10034 2013-09-02 17:08:12Z RossCollins $ 
   4  """ 
   5     Invoke CU8. Updates the photometric zero-point values in FITS files and in 
   6     the database. 
   8     If the database update fails for any reason, re-run the script from the last 
   9     catalogue that was not updated using the -f/--from option, once the problem 
  10     is fixed. If any FITS files fail to update, an error message is logged. Fix 
  11     these files, and either recalibrate by hand (placing in the correct HISTORY 
  12     card for the current recalibration revision), or if many still need 
  13     recalibration, then run the script again in -t/--test mode which only 
  14     updates FITS files that need updating and not the database (make use of 
  15     -f/--from option too to save time). FITS files that have already been 
  16     updated will not be re-updated as there will be HISTORY card noting that 
  17     file has been updated for this present recalibration version. 
  19     To apply the same set of recalibration values to files that have been 
  20     freshly transfered from CASU, go through the same procedure but add the 
  21     -r/--rerun option with the name of the transfer log. Just the re-transfered 
  22     files will be updated, and the previous recalibration version number will be 
  23     applied to them. 
  25     @todo: CU8 *still* has issues with interrupts and not closing down properly 
  26            may be sensible to give up with the multi-threading idea... 
  27     @todo: Order FITS updates in disk order?? 
  28     @todo: Reduce code replication, break up into functions further, document, 
  29            improve calib table parser. 
  30     @todo: Tidy up calibrateZeroPoint. 
  31     @todo: Separate out FITS Writing code etc. into a FitsUtils.Writer class, 
  32            for CU6 etc. 
  33     @todo: Implement global recalibration solution. 
  35     @author: N.J.G. Cross 
  36     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
  38     @newfield contributors: Contributors, Contributors (Alphabetical Order) 
  39     @contributors: R.S. Collins 
  41     @requires: PyFITS 
  42  """ 
  43  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  44  from __future__ import division, print_function 
  46  from   collections import defaultdict 
  47  import math 
  48  import numpy 
  49  from   operator    import itemgetter 
  50  import os 
  51  from   threading   import Thread 
  52  import time 
  54  import wsatools.Calibration             as calib 
  55  from   wsatools.CLI                 import CLI 
  56  import wsatools.CSV                     as csv 
  57  import wsatools.DbConnect.CommonQueries as queries 
  58  from   wsatools.DbConnect.CuSession import CuSession 
  59  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession import Join, SelectSQL 
  60  import wsatools.DbConnect.DbConstants   as dbc 
  61  import wsatools.DbConnect.Schema        as schema 
  62  import wsatools.FitsUtils               as fits 
  63  from   wsatools.Logger              import Logger, ForLoopMonitor 
  64  from   wsatools.SystemConstants     import DepCodes 
  65  import wsatools.Utilities               as utils 
  66  import wsatools.DataFactory             as df 
  67  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
69 -class Cu8(CuSession):
70 """ 71 Updates the photometric zero-point values in FITS files and in the database, 72 from the values provided in the CASU-supplied calibration table file if 73 specified with -m/--manual option otherwise a global solution to all data 74 is applied (not implemented yet!). 75 76 """ 77 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 # Define class constants (access as Cu8.varName) 79 80 cuNum = 8 81 calibKeys = [('MAGZPT', 'Photometric ZP (mags) for default extinction'), 82 ('MAGZRR', 'Photometric ZP error (mags)'), 83 ('NUMZPT', 'Number of standards used'), 84 ('NIGHTZPT', 'Average photometric ZP (mags) for night'), 85 ('NIGHTZRR', 'Photometric ZP sigma for night (mags)'), 86 ('NIGHTNUM', 'Number of ZP used in band for night')] 87 maxDeltaZP = 0.05 88 # @TODO: These are unnecessary - already in calibKeys 89 zpComment = "Photometric ZP (mags) for default extinction" 90 zpErrComment = "Photometric ZP error (mags)" 91 numZPComment = " Number of standards used" 92 nightZPComment = "Average photometric ZP (mags) for night" 93 nightZPErrComment = "Photometric ZP sigma for night (mags)" 94 nightNumComment = "Number of ZP used in band for night" 95 96 """ List of MultiframeDetector attributes to update together with their 97 calibration FITS keywords and descriptions. Order determines the 98 sequence that the old values are listed in new HISTORY card. 99 """ 100 highDeltaZP = 0.5 101 """ Warn if change in zero-point is greater than this value. 102 """ 103 minimumDeltaZP = 5.0e-4 104 """ Only recalibrate detection table if change in zero-point is greater 105 than this value. 106 """ 107 misplacedKeys = ['MAGZPT', 'MAGZRR'] 108 """ List of keys that should be removed from primary header. 109 """ 110 paddingLine = "WFAU added block padding" 111 """ Comment line to pad out excess space in FITS headers. 112 """ 113 testDir = 'cu8_test_' + os.getenv('USER') 114 """ Name of testing directory to store FITS file copies. 115 """ 116 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117 # Define public member variable default values (access as obj.varName) 118 # these need to be set from command-line options 119 120 copyFits = False 121 """ Update copies of the FITS files instead of originals? 122 """ 123 dateRange = CuSession.sysc.obsCal.dateRange() 124 """ Include data observed between these nights only when doing the 125 automatic calibration of multi-epoch data. 126 """ 127 fromMf = None 128 """ Continue recalibrations from this multiframe ID and catalogue file 129 onwards in the list (format tuple(int, str)). If no catalogue given, 130 then not FITS updates will occur. If mfID=0 then all multiframes in the 131 list are updated. 132 """ 133 releaseNum = None 134 """ Current release number of products to be automatically calibrated. 135 """ 136 reqProdRange = None 137 """ Only apply the automatic calibration of multi-epoch data to this 138 product ID range. 139 """ 140 tablePathName = '' 141 """ Path to the file containing the table of new calibration values. 142 """ 143 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 # Define private member variable default values (access prohibited) 145 146 _fitsThread = None 147 """ A separate thread to run the FITS file updater. 148 """ 149 _mfdAttrKeys = None 150 """ List of MultiframeDetector attributes to update, and corresponding FITS 151 keys. Created by parsing the schema. 152 """ 153 _newVersNum = 0 154 """ Current recalibration version number. 155 """ 156 _numErrors = 0 157 """ Counter for number of run-time errors raised. 158 """ 159 _numWarnings = 0 160 """ Counter for number of run-time warnings raised. 161 """ 162 _prevMDZPattrs = '' 163 """ Comma-separated string of MultiframeDetector attributes to copy into 164 the PreviousMDZP table. Created by parsing the schema for PreviousMDZP, 165 and setting versNum to the current version. 166 """ 167 _recalSchema = None 168 """ Dictionary of lists of columns for recalibration attributes referenced 169 by the detection table for every programme that is to be recalibrated. 170 """ 171 _timeStamp = '' 172 """ Time stamp to place into HISTORY card, denoting time of FITS update. 173 """ 174 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
176 - def _onRun(self):
177 """ Run CU8 178 """ 179 if self.programmeID: 180 # Automatic calibration of programme's multi-epoch data required 181 if not self._calibrateZeroPoint(): 182 return 183 184 self.programmeID = set([self.programmeID]) 185 186 Logger.addMessage("Determining current recalibration revision...") 187 self._determineVersionNumber() 188 Logger.addMessage("...this will be revision %s" % self._newVersNum) 189 Logger.addMessage("Parsing schemas...") 190 self._parseSchemas() 191 192 Logger.addMessage("Retrieving multiframeIDs from database...") 193 mfDetails = dict() 194 # A given catalogue can apply to more than one programme 195 mfProgs = defaultdict(set) 196 # Query db for details of each file inc. full paths to files 197 for mfID, progID, imgPathName, catPathName in self.archive.query( 198 selectStr="M.multiframeID, programmeID, fileName, catName", 199 fromStr="Multiframe AS M, ProgrammeFrame AS P", 200 whereStr="M.multiframeID=P.multiframeID AND M.multiframeID>0 AND " 201 "deprecated<128 AND catName NOT LIKE '%empty%' " 202 "ORDER BY programmeID ASC"): 203 # Entries for each catalogue have just the highest assigned progID 204 mfDetails[os.path.basename(catPathName.split(':')[-1])] = \ 205 [mfID, imgPathName.split(':')[-1], catPathName.split(':')[-1]] 206 # Keep a complete record of all progIDs assigned to this programme 207 mfProgs[mfID].add(progID) 208 209 # Calibration table is either from the CASU-supplied values or is 210 # calculated from a global solution, which is not yet implemented. 211 # @@TODO: Should fitsCalibList be returned by parseCalibTableFile, 212 # which therefore has access to mfDetails? 213 fitsCalibList = [] 214 for catFileName, extNums, newZpValues \ 215 in (self._parseCalibTableFile(self.tablePathName) 216 if self.tablePathName else []): 217 try: 218 fitsCalibList.append( 219 mfDetails[catFileName] + [extNums, newZpValues]) 220 except KeyError: 221 self._numWarnings += 1 222 self.logBrokenFile(catFileName, 223 self.sysc.filesNotIngestedPath()) 224 225 if self._numWarnings: 226 Logger.addMessage("<Warning> %s files not found in archive. Please" 227 " inspect %s for complete list." % (self._numWarnings, 228 self.sysc.filesNotIngestedPath())) 229 230 self._numWarnings = 1 231 232 Logger.addMessage("Sorting database calibration list only into " 233 "programmeID order...") 234 # Sort by mfID first 235 dbCalibList = sorted(fitsCalibList, key=itemgetter(0)) 236 progSeq = [self.programme.getProgIDfromName('uds'), 237 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('uds_sv'), 238 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('dxs'), 239 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('dxs_sv'), 240 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('gcs'), 241 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('gcs_sv'), 242 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('las'), 243 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('las_sv'), 244 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('gps'), 245 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('gps_sv'), 246 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('pts'), 247 self.programme.getProgIDfromName('cal')] 248 249 dbCalibList = utils.arbSort(dbCalibList, progSeq, 250 key=lambda x: max(mfProgs[x[0]]), isFullKeySet=False) 251 252 if self.fromMf: # Continuing from where we left off 253 # A starting mfID of 0 means do all mfIDs in list 254 if self.fromMf[0]: 255 try: 256 idx = map(itemgetter(0), dbCalibList).index(self.fromMf[0]) 257 except ValueError: 258 self._numErrors += 1 259 raise Cu8.CuError("Cannot find the given starting " 260 "multiframe ID %s in the list of recalibrations!" 261 % self.fromMf[0]) 262 else: 263 dbCalibList = dbCalibList[idx:] 264 265 # If no starting catalogue then FITS list already complete 266 if len(self.fromMf) == 1: 267 fitsCalibList = [] 268 else: # Trim the FITS list 269 firstIdx = 0 270 for index, (mfID, _i, cat, _n, _z) in enumerate(fitsCalibList): 271 if cat.endswith(self.fromMf[1]): 272 firstIdx = index 273 break 274 if firstIdx: 275 fitsCalibList = fitsCalibList[firstIdx:] 276 else: 277 self._numErrors += 1 278 raise Cu8.CuError( 279 "Cannot find the given starting catalogue %s in the list" 280 " of recalibrations!" % self.fromMf[1]) 281 282 if not dbCalibList and not fitsCalibList: 283 raise Cu8.CuError("Nothing to be done.") 284 285 Logger.addMessage("Updating recalibration revision database details") 286 self._updatePhotCalVers() 287 288 # Do the FITS file updates in a separate thread simultaneously with 289 # database updates to improve performance. Hopefully, FITS files 290 # updates will have completed prior to database update completion. This 291 # also allows interrupts to occur at the later stages without fear of 292 # data corruption. 293 if fitsCalibList: 294 self._fitsThread = Thread(target=self._updateFiles, 295 args=(fitsCalibList,)) 296 Logger.addMessage("Starting FITS update thread") 297 self._fitsThread.start() 298 299 Logger.addMessage("Starting DB update thread") 300 Logger.addMessage("DB: %s multiframes will be updated." 301 % len(dbCalibList)) 302 303 progress = ForLoopMonitor(dbCalibList, threadID="DB") 304 for mfID, imgPathName, catPathName, extNums, zpValues in dbCalibList: 305 frameType = fits.determineFrameType(imgPathName) 306 prodType = 'mosaic' if 'mosaic' in frameType else None 307 if not prodType: 308 prodType = 'tile' if 'tile' in frameType else 'stack' 309 progIDs = mfProgs[mfID] - set([dbc.intDefault()]) 310 311 # Too much logging makes errors hard to spot, but if there is 312 # an error it's very useful to have this record. 313 Logger.addMessage("DB: Updating multiframeID %s of programme(s) %s" 314 % (mfID, ', '.join(self.programme.getAcronym(progID).upper() 315 for progID in progIDs)), echoOff=True) 316 317 # Some programmes share a detection table, so don't update twice 318 tables = set(self.programme.getPhotometryTable(programmeID=progID) 319 for progID in progIDs) 320 321 tables = tables.union(set(self.programme.getSynopticSourceTable(programmeID=progID) 322 for progID in progIDs 323 if self.programme.getSynopticSourceTable(programmeID=progID) 324 != dbc.charDefault() and prodType == self.programme.getAttr("epochFrameType", programmeID=progID))) 325 try: 326 self._updateArchive(mfID, extNums, tables, zpValues) 327 # Commit database updates for this mfID only 328 self.archive.commitTransaction() 329 # Update list of programmes curated 330 self.programmeID.update(progIDs) 331 except: 332 self._numErrors += 1 333 Logger.addMessage("DB: <ERROR> Updating database for " 334 "multiframeID %s, programmeID(s) %s, catalogue file %s" 335 % (mfID, csv.join(progIDs), catPathName)) 336 raise 337 338 progress.testForOutput() 339 340 # Need to wait for FITS update to complete before ending the task! 341 if self._fitsThread: 342 self._fitsThread.join() 343 del self._fitsThread # Required to keep garbage collector working! 344 345 if self._numWarnings > 0 or self._numErrors > 0: 346 Logger.addMessage( 347 "<Info> Number of Warnings: %s, Number of Errors: %s" % 348 (self._numWarnings, self._numErrors)) 349 350 # Useful check for when the recalibration is split over several runs 351 numRecals = self.archive.queryNumRows("PreviousMFDZP", 352 "versNum=%s" % self._newVersNum, distinctAttr="multiframeID") 353 Logger.addMessage("<Info> %s multiframes have been recalibrated in " 354 "revision %s" % (numRecals, self._newVersNum))
355 356 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 357
358 - def _onException(self):
359 """ Report warning count if CU8 is interrupted. """ 360 super(Cu8, self)._onException() 361 if self._fitsThread: 362 self._fitsThread.join() 363 del self._fitsThread # Required to keep garbage collector working! 364 if self._numWarnings > 0 or self._numErrors > 0: 365 Logger.addMessage( 366 "<IMPORTANT> Number of Warnings: %s, Number of Errors: %s" 367 % (self._numWarnings, self._numErrors))
368 369 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370
371 - def _calibrateZeroPoint(self):
372 """ 373 Calculates new zero-point values that can be used by CU8 to recalibrate 374 data in the database. Compares the photometry in multi-epoch products 375 to single epoch observations to find the zero-point offsets for the 376 single epoch frames. 377 378 @return: True, if new calibrations need to be applied. 379 @rtype: bool 380 381 """ 382 Logger.addMessage("Calibrating single epoch observations of " 383 "multi-epoch products...") 384 385 isCasuExtractor = self.programme.getAttr("extractTool") == "CASU" 386 detTables = (self.programme.getDetectionTable(), 387 self.programme.getAstrometryTable(), 388 self.programme.getPhotometryTable()) 389 390 detJoin = Join(detTables, ["multiframeID", "extNum", "seqNum"]) 391 mfdJoin = Join(detTables + ("MultiframeDetector",), 392 ["multiframeID", "extNum"]) 393 394 395 396 # If WSA and SExtractor used then catalogues are not aperture corrected 397 aperture = (3 if isCasuExtractor or self.sysc.isVSA() else 7) 398 correction = ("+aperCor%s" % aperture if not (isCasuExtractor or self.sysc.isVSA()) else '') 399 400 predicates = ("aperMag%dErr BETWEEN 0 AND %s AND class=-1 AND " 401 "ppErrBits=0 AND " % (aperture, 5 * self.sysc.phtErrLimit) 402 + detTables[0] + ".multiframeID IN (%s)") 403 404 mfdPred = ("%s.seqNum=%s.seqNum AND %s.seqNum=%s.seqNum AND " 405 % (detTables[0], detTables[1], detTables[0], detTables[2]) 406 + "MultiframeDetector.%s AND %s" 407 % (DepCodes.selectNonDeprecated, predicates)) 408 409 # Decide which product layer 410 # @@TODO make consistent between layers: ZP and deprecations 411 intProdType = self.programme.getAttr("epochFrameType") 412 srcProdType = self.programme.getAttr("sourceProdType") 413 reqProducts = \ 414 self.reqProdRange or queries.getRequiredProductIDs(self.programme) 415 416 Logger.addMessage("Selecting deep products...") 417 418 # First get deep stack data... 419 frameTypeSel = (queries.getFrameSelection(srcProdType) 420 + " AND frameType like '%deep%'") 421 422 finalDeepStacks = self.archive.query( 423 selectStr="productID, Multiframe.multiframeID, catName", 424 fromStr=Join(["Multiframe", "ProgrammeFrame"], ["multiframeID"]), 425 whereStr="deprecated=0 AND " + frameTypeSel + " AND programmeID=%s" 426 " AND productID BETWEEN %s AND %s AND releaseNum=%s" 427 % (self.programmeID, reqProducts[0], reqProducts[-1], 428 self.releaseNum)) 429 430 if not finalDeepStacks: 431 Logger.addMessage("<Info> No multi-epoch products to calibrate") 432 return False 433 434 # @@TODO: Check this carefully. 435 dmfIDs = ','.join(map(str, map(itemgetter(1), finalDeepStacks))) 436 detector = "%s.multiframeID, %s.extNum" % detTables[:2] 437 factNo = (20000 if srcProdType == 'mosaic' or srcProdType == 'tile' else 438 5000) 439 440 deepPhotCounts = self.archive.queryNumRows(detJoin, predicates % dmfIDs, 441 groupBy=detector) 442 443 if not deepPhotCounts: 444 raise Cu8.CuError("No deep detections found. " 445 "Check that CU4 ran correctly") 446 447 medianCount = numpy.median([det.count for det in deepPhotCounts]) 448 fact = math.floor(medianCount / factNo) if medianCount > factNo else 1 449 predicates2 = predicates + " AND (%s.seqNum %% %s)=0" 450 deepPhotCounts = self.archive.queryNumRows(detJoin, 451 predicates2 % (dmfIDs, detTables[0], fact), groupBy=detector) 452 453 Logger.addMessage("Getting deep photometry...") 454 deepStackPhotom = numpy.array(self.archive.query( 455 selectStr=detector + ", ra, dec, aperMag%d, aperMag%dErr" 456 % (aperture, aperture), 457 fromStr=detJoin, 458 whereStr=predicates2 % (dmfIDs, detTables[0], fact) 459 + " ORDER BY %s, dec OPTION (MAXDOP 1)" % detector)) 460 461 isMosaic = intProdType == 'stack' and (srcProdType == 'mosaic' 462 or srcProdType == 'tile') 463 464 Logger.addMessage("...will calibrate for %s products..." 465 % len(finalDeepStacks)) 466 467 problemExtensions = [] 468 calibrationLines = [] 469 progress = ForLoopMonitor(finalDeepStacks) 470 for productID, dmfID, deepStackCatName in finalDeepStacks: 471 Logger.addMessage( 472 "Checking photometry against deep stack %s and cat %s" 473 % (dmfID, deepStackCatName), alwaysLog=False) 474 475 deepExtList = self.archive.query("extNum", "MultiframeDetector", 476 whereStr="multiframeID=%s AND deprecated=0" % dmfID, 477 orderBy="extNum") 478 479 # @@TODO May need to have to change to componentID? 480 deepPhotom = calib.getIntermedPhotometry(dmfID, deepPhotCounts, 481 deepStackPhotom, deepExtList) 482 483 if not deepPhotom \ 484 or max([deepPhotom[key].size for key in deepPhotom]) == 0: 485 raise Cu8.CuError("Deep frame, mfID=%s has no detections. " 486 "Check that CU4 ran correctly" % dmfID) 487 488 Logger.addMessage("Recalibrating intermediate stacks in " 489 "productID=%d" % productID, alwaysLog=False) 490 491 if srcProdType == 'tile' and intProdType == 'stack': 492 # Use ProductLinks to go between. 493 intProductIDs = self.archive.query("intProductID", "ProductLinks", 494 "programmeID=%s and combiProdType='%s' and intProdType='%s' " 495 "and combiProductID=%s" % (self.programmeID, srcProdType, 496 intProdType, productID)) 497 498 intStacks = sorted(queries.getIntStacks(self.archive, 499 self.programmeID, intProductIDs, intProdType, self.dateRange, 500 intFrameType=intProdType)) 501 else: 502 intStacks = sorted(queries.getIntStacks(self.archive, 503 self.programmeID, [productID], srcProdType, self.dateRange, 504 intFrameType=intProdType)) 505 506 if intStacks: 507 mfIDs = ','.join(str(mfID) for mfID in intStacks) 508 # Get previous history of updates from tiles to stacks 509 if intProdType == 'tile': 510 pawPrintZPDict = getZPHistory(self.archive, mfIDs) 511 512 intStkZPs = self.archive.query( 513 selectStr="multiframeID, extNum, photZPCat, photZPErrCat, " 514 "numZPCat, nightZPCat, nightZPErrCat, nightZPNum", 515 fromStr="MultiframeDetector", 516 whereStr="multiframeID IN (%s) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)" % mfIDs) 517 518 intPhotCounts = self.archive.queryNumRows(mfdJoin, 519 mfdPred % mfIDs, groupBy=detector) 520 521 factNo = 20000 if intProdType == 'tile' else 5000 522 fact = (math.floor(numpy.median(intPhotCounts) / factNo) 523 if numpy.median(intPhotCounts) > factNo else 1) 524 525 mfdPred2 = mfdPred + " AND (%s.seqNum %% %s)=0" 526 intPhotCounts = self.archive.queryNumRows(mfdJoin, 527 mfdPred2 % (mfIDs, detTables[0], fact), groupBy=detector) 528 529 intermediateStackPhotometry = numpy.array(self.archive.query( 530 selectStr=detector + ", ra, dec, (aperMag%d-photZPCat%s), " 531 "aperMag%dErr" % (aperture, correction, aperture), 532 fromStr=mfdJoin, 533 whereStr=mfdPred2 % (mfIDs, detTables[0], fact) 534 + " ORDER BY %s OPTION (MAXDOP 1)" % detector)) 535 536 Logger.addMessage("Got intermediate frame photometry", 537 alwaysLog=False) 538 539 for mfID in intStacks: 540 catName = self.archive.query("catName", "Multiframe", 541 whereStr="multiframeID=%s" % mfID, 542 firstOnly=True).split(':')[-1] 543 544 Logger.addMessage( 545 "Calibrating int stack %s and catalogue %s" % (mfID, catName), 546 alwaysLog=False) 547 548 extNumList = [eNum for frameID, eNum, _number in intPhotCounts 549 if frameID == mfID] 550 551 # @@TODO: Do I want to use deepExtList or extNumList? 552 intPhotDict = calib.getIntermedPhotometry(mfID, intPhotCounts, 553 intermediateStackPhotometry, extNumList) 554 555 newZPDict = calib.checkAstrometryPhotometry( 556 [(dmfID, deepPhotom)], sorted(intPhotDict.items()), 557 isMosaic=isMosaic, 558 compDict={dmfID: deepStackCatName}, isRecalMode=True) 559 560 oldZPInfo = self._oldZPDict(intStkZPs, mfID) 561 Logger.addMessage("Old ZP dict %s, new ZP dict %s for mfID %s" 562 % (oldZPInfo, newZPDict, mfID), alwaysLog=False) 563 564 for extNum in extNumList: 565 if abs(newZPDict[extNum][0] - 566 oldZPInfo[extNum]['MAGZPT']) > Cu8.maxDeltaZP: 567 568 problemExtensions.append("%d, %d, %6.4f\n" 569 % (mfID, extNum, newZPDict[extNum][0] 570 - oldZPInfo[extNum]['MAGZPT'])) 571 572 curDet = \ 573 "multiframeID=%s AND extNum=%s" % (mfID, extNum) 574 575 Logger.addMessage("<Info> New ZP for %s is: %.4f, %.4f" 576 " after matching to deep frame %s. The old zeropoint" 577 " is %.4f. This frame will be deprecated." % (curDet, 578 newZPDict[extNum][0], newZPDict[extNum][1], dmfID, 579 oldZPInfo[extNum]['MAGZPT'])) 580 581 # Deprecate detector frame and its detections 582 self.archive.update("MultiframeDetector", 583 [("deprecated", DepCodes.poorPhotom)], where=curDet) 584 self.archive.update(self.programme.getDetectionTable(), 585 [("deprecated", DepCodes.propDepDet)], where=curDet) 586 else: 587 history = "Recalibrated ZP using deep stack %s at %s" \ 588 % (os.path.join( 589 os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(deepStackCatName)), 590 os.path.basename(deepStackCatName)), 591 utils.makeDateTime()) 592 593 calibrationLines += [ 594 "%s #%d\n" % (os.path.basename(catName), (extNum - 1)), 595 "MAGZPT = %5.4f / %s\n" % 596 (newZPDict[extNum][0], Cu8.zpComment), 597 "MAGZRR = %5.4f / %s\n" % 598 (newZPDict[extNum][1], Cu8.zpErrComment), 599 "NUMZPT = %d / %s\n" % 600 (oldZPInfo[extNum]['NUMZPT'], Cu8.numZPComment), 601 "NIGHTZPT = %5.4f / %s\n" % 602 (oldZPInfo[extNum]['NIGHTZPT'], Cu8.nightZPComment), 603 "NIGHTZRR = %5.4f / %s\n" % 604 (oldZPInfo[extNum]['NIGHTZRR'], Cu8.nightZPErrComment), 605 "NIGHTNUM = %d / %s\n" % 606 (oldZPInfo[extNum]['NIGHTNUM'], Cu8.nightNumComment), 607 "HISTORY %s\n" % (history)] 608 if intProdType == 'tile': 609 deltaZP = newZPDict[extNum][0] - oldZPInfo[extNum]['MAGZPT'] 610 calibrationLines += getPawPrintCalLines( 611 pawPrintZPDict[mfID], deltaZP, history) 612 613 # If all detectors deprecated then deprecate the multiframe. 614 if not self.archive.queryEntriesExist("MultiframeDetector", 615 where="multiframeID=%s AND %s" 616 % (mfID, DepCodes.selectNonDeprecated)): 617 618 self.archive.update("Multiframe", 619 [("deprecated", DepCodes.propDepFra)], 620 where="multiframeID=%s AND %s" 621 % (mfID, DepCodes.selectNonDeprecated)) 622 623 progress.testForOutput() 624 625 if not calibrationLines: 626 Logger.addMessage("No new calibrations required") 627 return False 628 629 Logger.addMessage("Writing new calibrations to file " 630 + self.tablePathName) 631 632 file(self.tablePathName, "w").writelines(calibrationLines) 633 return True
634 635 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 636
637 - def _determineVersionNumber(self):
638 """ Looks in table PhotCalVers for the previous recalibration version 639 number and increments. If this is a re-run or we are just updating 640 FITS files the previous version number is used. 641 """ 642 self._newVersNum = self._getNextID("versNum", "PhotCalVers") 643 if self.archive.isTrialRun or (self.fromMf and self.fromMf[0] != 0): 644 self._newVersNum -= 1
645 646 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 647
648 - def _oldZPDict(self, intStkZPs, multiframeID):
649 """ ? 650 """ 651 headerZPDict = {} 652 for mfID, eNum, photZP, photZPErr, numZP, nightZP, nightZPErr, \ 653 nightNum in intStkZPs: 654 if mfID == multiframeID: 655 headerZPDict[eNum] = {"MAGZPT": photZP, "MAGZRR": photZPErr, 656 "NUMZPT": numZP, "NIGHTZPT": nightZP, 657 "NIGHTZRR": nightZPErr, 658 "NIGHTNUM": nightNum} 659 660 return headerZPDict
661 662 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 663
664 - def _parseSchemas(self):
665 """ Parses WSA_MultiframeSchema.sql to determine MultiframeDetector 666 and PreviousMFDZP table attributes. Also, the programme schemas 667 for every programme to be recalibrated to determine the photometry 668 attributes to be recalibrated. 669 670 @warning: This function must be called after the new version number 671 is set. 672 """ 673 mfdSchema, pzpSchema = schema.parseTables("WSA_MultiframeSchema.sql", 674 ["MultiframeDetector", "PreviousMFDZP"]) 675 676 keys = [key for key, _desc in Cu8.calibKeys] 677 self._mfdAttrKeys = [(, attr.fitsKeyword) 678 for attr in mfdSchema.columns if attr.fitsKeyword in keys] 679 680 self._prevMDZPattrs = utils.joinNested(pzpSchema.columns)\ 681 .replace("versNum", "'%s'" % self._newVersNum) 682 683 self._recalSchema = {} 684 for progID in self.programme.getProgIDList(): 685 self.programme.setCurRow(programmeID=progID) 686 detTable = self.programme.getPhotometryTable() 687 if detTable not in self._recalSchema: 688 script = self.programme.getSchemaScript() 689 try: 690 detTableSchema = schema.parseTables(script, [detTable])[0] 691 except IOError as error: 692 if script != dbc.charDefault(): 693 Logger.addExceptionWarning(error) 694 script = None 695 if not script: 696 # Take typical schema: programme 101 697 Logger.addMessage("<Warning> Cannot find schema for " 698 "programme %s. Will use typical schema (prog=101) for " 699 "detection table attributes." % progID) 700 self.programme.setCurRow(programmeID=101) 701 table = self.programme.getPhotometryTable() 702 script = self.programme.getSchemaScript() 703 detTableSchema = schema.parseTables(script, [table])[0] 704 705 self._recalSchema[detTable] = [ 706 for attr in detTableSchema.columns 707 if ('Mag' in and 'err' not in and 708 != 'deltaMag')] 709 # Also SynopticSource schema 710 synSrcTable = self.programme.getSynopticSourceTable() 711 if synSrcTable != dbc.charDefault() and synSrcTable not in self._recalSchema: 712 script = self.programme.getSchemaScript() 713 try: 714 synSrcSchema = schema.parseTables(script, [synSrcTable])[0] 715 except IOError as error: 716 if script != dbc.charDefault(): 717 Logger.addExceptionWarning(error) 718 script = None 719 if script: 720 self._recalSchema[synSrcTable] = [ 721 for attr in synSrcSchema.columns 722 if ('Mag' in and 'err' not in 723 or ('Pnt' in and 'err' not in]
724 725 726 727 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 728
729 - def _propagateChanges(self, mfID, newZPDict, oldZPInfo):
730 """ 731 """
732 733 734
735 - def _updatePhotCalVers(self):
736 """ Updates end date of last recalibration version entry in table 737 PhotCalVers and inserts details for new recalibration version. An 738 additional entry is added for re-runs, with an alternative start 739 date. This is to record the complete set of cuEventID for a 740 recalibration version number. 741 """ 742 utDate = utils.makeMssqlTimeStamp() 743 self.archive.updateEntries("PhotCalVers", [("endDate", repr(utDate))], 744 [("versNum", self._newVersNum - 1)]) 745 self.archive.insertData("PhotCalVers", [self._newVersNum, 746 self.cuEventID, utDate, str(self.sysc.obsCal.lateDefaultDateTime)], 747 enforcePKC=True)
748 749 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 750
751 - def _parseCalibTableFile(self, tablePathName):
752 """ 753 Convert calibration table file to a dictionary of useful entities. 754 755 @todo: This should be a self-contained function, abolishing need for 756 curInfo + helper func, would optimised parsing. 757 758 @param tablePathName: Path to the file containing the table of new 759 calibration values. 760 @type tablePathName: str 761 762 @return: A list of pairs: FITS file name, and dictionary of FITS header 763 keyword/value pairs. 764 @rtype: list(tuple(str, dict)) INCORRECT! 765 766 """ 767 tableInfo = [] 768 curFileName = '' 769 curInfo = [] 770 Logger.addMessage("Parsing calibration table in: %s" % tablePathName) 771 for line in file(tablePathName): 772 columns = line.split() 773 if columns[0].endswith('.fits'): 774 fileName = columns[0] 775 if not curFileName: # First file in the list 776 curFileName = fileName 777 # If reached a new file, store the accumulated info for last file 778 if fileName != curFileName: 779 tableInfo.append(self._getDict(curFileName, curInfo)) 780 curFileName = fileName 781 curInfo = [] 782 # Accumulate current FITS header info 783 curInfo.append(line) 784 785 # Store final FITS file header info. 786 if curFileName: 787 tableInfo.append(self._getDict(curFileName, curInfo)) 788 789 return tableInfo
790 791 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 792
793 - def _getDict(self, fitsName, infoArray):
794 """Produces dictionary of FITS updates from table. 795 """ 796 nLines = len(infoArray) 797 extNos = [] 798 for ii in range(nLines): 799 wrds = infoArray[ii].split() 800 if wrds[0] == fitsName: 801 extNos.append((int(wrds[1][1:]), ii)) 802 nExt = len(extNos) 803 keys = [key for key, _desc in Cu8.calibKeys] + ['HISTORY'] 804 extnInfo = [] 805 extList = [(det + 1) for det, _lineNo in extNos] 806 for extn in range(nExt): 807 minRwNo = extNos[extn][1] 808 if extn < (nExt - 1): 809 maxRwNo = extNos[extn + 1][1] 810 else: 811 maxRwNo = nLines 812 nRows = maxRwNo - minRwNo 813 for row in range(nRows): 814 rwNo = row + minRwNo 815 for key in keys: 816 tmp = self._getAttr(key, infoArray, rwNo) 817 if tmp != None: 818 extnInfo.append((key + '_' + str(extNos[extn][0]), tmp)) 819 return fitsName, extList, dict(extnInfo)
820 821 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 822
823 - def _addHistory(self, historyPhrase, header, numSpareKeys):
824 """ 825 Update the FITS header to consolidate previous CASU HISTORY cards, and 826 to add in a new HISTORY card with supplied details. If the number of 827 header keys are reduced such that the few header block are required, 828 then additional padding lines are inserted to maintain the number of 829 header blocks, hence the file update will not require the entire FITS 830 file to be written (just the header). 831 832 @param historyPhrase: New HISTORY card. 833 @type historyPhrase: str 834 @param header: FITS file header to update. 835 @type header: pyfits.Header 836 @param numSpareKeys: Number of spare keywords available in current 837 header block. 838 @type numSpareKeys: int 839 840 """ 841 # Consolidate CASU histories 842 numSpareKeys += self._shrinkHistory(header) 843 844 while True: 845 if len(historyPhrase) > fits.maxHdrEntryLen(): 846 # Want to break the line at a neat location 847 breakIndex = 1 + \ 848 historyPhrase.rfind(' ', 0, fits.maxHdrEntryLen()) 849 if not breakIndex \ 850 or historyPhrase[fits.maxHdrEntryLen()] == ' ': 851 breakIndex = fits.maxHdrEntryLen() 852 header.add_history(historyPhrase[:breakIndex]) 853 numSpareKeys -= 1 854 else: 855 header.add_history(historyPhrase) 856 numSpareKeys -= 1 857 break 858 historyPhrase = '(cont.) ' + historyPhrase[breakIndex:].lstrip() 859 860 # If we've freed up a block add in dummy keys to maintain block, it is 861 # not >= because PyFITS keeps an empty block if previous block is full. 862 if numSpareKeys > fits.maxHdrBlockKeys(): 863 for _key in range(numSpareKeys - fits.maxHdrBlockKeys()): 864 header.add_comment(Cu8.paddingLine)
865 866 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 867
868 - def _deprecateKeywords(self, pHeader):
869 """ 870 Remove misplaced keys from the primary header and update HISTORY card. 871 872 @param pHeader: FITS file primary header. 873 @type pHeader: pyfits.Header 874 875 """ 876 # Remove padding 877 while True: 878 if pHeader[-1] == Cu8.paddingLine: 879 del pHeader[-1] 880 else: 881 break 882 # Check free room in current header block 883 numSpareKeys = (fits.maxHdrBlockKeys() - len(pHeader.items()) 884 % fits.maxHdrBlockKeys()) 885 history = [] 886 for key in Cu8.misplacedKeys: 887 oldValue = pHeader.get(key) 888 if oldValue is not None: 889 history.append('%s=%s' % (key, oldValue)) 890 del pHeader[key] 891 numSpareKeys += len(history) 892 893 if history: # if we've deleted some keys add HISTORY card 894 historyPhrase = Cu8.__name__ + ' r%s at %s deprecated: ' % \ 895 (self._newVersNum, self._timeStamp) + ' '.join(history) 896 897 self._addHistory(historyPhrase, pHeader, numSpareKeys) 898 899 if self.copyFits: 900 Logger.addMessage("FITS: 0) " + historyPhrase, alwaysLog=False)
901 902 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 903
904 - def _getAttr(self, kywrd, infoArray, row):
905 if infoArray[row][:len(kywrd)] == kywrd: 906 if kywrd != 'HISTORY' and 'NUM' not in kywrd: 907 return float(infoArray[row].split('=')[1].split()[0]) 908 elif 'NUM' in kywrd: 909 return int(infoArray[row].split('=')[1].split()[0]) 910 else: 911 return infoArray[row][7:-1]
912 913 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914
915 - def _requiresUpdate(self, header):
916 """ 917 Tests whether a FITS header has already been updated with the latest 918 recalibration values. 919 920 @param header: 921 @type header: 922 923 @return: True if update required. 924 @rtype: 925 926 """ 927 for key, value in header.items(): 928 if key == 'HISTORY' and value.startswith(Cu8.__name__): 929 revNum = value.split()[1].replace('r', '') 930 if revNum.isdigit() and int(revNum) == self._newVersNum: 931 return False 932 return True
933 934 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 935
936 - def _shrinkHistory(self, header):
937 """ 938 Consolidates previous CASU HISTORY cards into a smaller amount of 939 header space, to help prevent the creation of new header blocks. 940 941 @param header: FITS file header to update. 942 @type header: pyfits.Header 943 944 @return: Number of header keys freed up. 945 @rtype: int 946 947 """ 948 # Create new nicely formatted HISTORY cards 949 casuHistoryIndices = [] 950 prevLine = '' 951 numAdded = 0 952 # @@TODO: Darn, would be nice to use a Py2.5 defaultdict here! :-) 953 for index, (key, value) in enumerate(header.items()): 954 if key == 'HISTORY': 955 # Standard two-line cir_* type CASU HEADER card 956 if prevLine and prevLine.split()[0].isdigit(): 957 casuHistoryIndices += [index - 1, index] 958 combinedLine = '%s at %s' % (' '.join(value.split()[1:5]), 959 prevLine) 960 # @@TODO: Reduce code replication with _addHistory here 961 # and cope with multiple lines. 962 if len(combinedLine) > fits.maxHdrEntryLen(): 963 breakIndex = 1 + \ 964 combinedLine.rfind(' ', 0, fits.maxHdrEntryLen()) 965 if not breakIndex \ 966 or combinedLine[fits.maxHdrEntryLen()] == ' ': 967 breakIndex = fits.maxHdrEntryLen() 968 header.add_history(combinedLine[:breakIndex]) 969 numAdded += 1 970 combinedLine = '(cont.) ' + combinedLine[breakIndex:].lstrip() 971 header.add_history(combinedLine) 972 numAdded += 1 973 # "Alternative" CASU HEADER card 974 elif value.strip().startswith('$'): 975 casuHistoryIndices += [index] 976 try: # MJI photom_wfcam style 977 header.add_history(' '.join(value.split()[1:6])) 978 except: # General style 979 header.add_history( 980 value.replace('$', '').replace('Id:', '').strip()) 981 numAdded += 1 982 prevLine = value 983 984 # Delete old HISTORY cards 985 numDeleted = 0 986 for index in casuHistoryIndices: 987 del header[index - numDeleted] # NB: modifying a changing list 988 numDeleted += 1 989 990 return numDeleted - numAdded
991 992 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 993
994 - def _updateArchive(self, mfID, extNums, tables, zpValues):
995 """ 996 Updates the database multiframe entry for the new zero-point values, 997 copying the old values into the PreviousMFDZP table. Then applies 998 zero-point change to detections from that multiframe as a photometric 999 magnitude recalibration. 1000 1001 @param mfID: Multiframe ID to update. 1002 @type mfID: int 1003 @param extNums: List of extensions to be updated for this multiframe. 1004 @type extNums: list(int) 1005 @param tables: Set of detection tables containing detections from 1006 this multiframe. 1007 @type tables: set(str) 1008 @param zpValues: The new zero-point values referenced by FITS keywords. 1009 @type zpValues: dict(str:float) 1010 1011 """ 1012 filterTable = df.Table("Filter", self.archive) 1013 1014 # Update one detector at a time 1015 for extNum in extNums: 1016 curExt = "multiframeID=%s AND extNum=%s" % (mfID, extNum) 1017 1018 # Get old and new zero-point values 1019 oldZP, filterID = self.archive.query("photZPCat,filterID", 1020 "MultiframeDetector", 1021 curExt, firstOnly=True, default=dbc.realDefault()) 1022 newZP = zpValues.get("MAGZPT_%s" % (extNum - 1), dbc.realDefault()) 1023 1024 filterTable.setCurRow(filterID=filterID) 1025 shortName = filterTable.getAttr("shortName") 1026 # Calculate zero-point change 1027 # @@TODO Use ex_numeric to calculate what detectionTable ZP 1028 # actually is at the moment to correct any inconsistencies 1029 if newZP > 0 and oldZP > 0: 1030 deltaZP = newZP - oldZP 1031 else: 1032 deltaZP = 0 1033 self._numWarnings += 1 1034 Logger.addMessage("DB: <Warning> Negative zero-point in %s.\n" 1035 "Original zero-point = %s\nNew zero-point = %s" % 1036 (curExt, oldZP, newZP)) 1037 1038 if abs(deltaZP) > Cu8.highDeltaZP: 1039 self._numWarnings += 1 1040 Logger.addMessage("DB: <Warning> Large change in " 1041 "zero-point of %s magnitude for %s" % (deltaZP, curExt)) 1042 1043 # Obtain list of new values with which to update frame metadata. 1044 newValues = [] 1045 for attr, keyword in self._mfdAttrKeys: 1046 try: 1047 newValues.append( 1048 (attr, str(zpValues[keyword + "_%s" % (extNum - 1)]))) 1049 except KeyError: 1050 pass # Don't update where we don't have data 1051 1052 if not newValues: 1053 raise RuntimeError("Request to update %s, but no zero-point " 1054 "values were supplied! In this case, such a request should " 1055 "not have been made and indicates a software design error." 1056 % curExt) 1057 1058 # Save a copy of the pre-recalibration frame metadata values 1059 self.archive.copyIntoTable("PreviousMFDZP", "MultiframeDetector", 1060 self._prevMDZPattrs, where=curExt) 1061 1062 # Update frame metadata with the new recalibrated values 1063 self.archive.update("MultiframeDetector", newValues, curExt) 1064 1065 # Update detection table(s) - plural if multiframe shared 1066 if abs(deltaZP) > Cu8.minimumDeltaZP: 1067 for photTable in tables: 1068 # Change zero-point in detection table by deltaZP mag 1069 # Must update all magnitudes at the same time, 1070 # difference in default values is less than precision 1071 if photTable.endswith('SynopticSource'): 1072 self._updateSynopticSource(photTable, deltaZP, 1073 shortName, mfID, extNum) 1074 1075 else: 1076 attrUpdates = [(attr, '%s+%s' % (attr, deltaZP)) 1077 for attr in self._recalSchema[photTable]] 1078 1079 self.archive.update(photTable, attrUpdates, curExt)
1080 1081 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1082
1083 - def _updateSynopticSource(self, photTable, deltaZP, shortName, mfID, extNum):
1084 """ ? 1085 """ 1086 attrUpdates = [(attr, '%s+%s' % (attr, deltaZP)) 1087 for attr in self._recalSchema[photTable] 1088 if shortName.lower() in attr and 'pnt' not in attr.lower()] 1089 1090 mergeLog = photTable.replace("Source", "MergeLog") + " AS l" 1091 whereStr = "l.synFrameSetID=%s.synFrameSetID AND " 1092 whereStr += "l.%smfID=%s AND l.%seNum=%s AND %sseqNum>0" 1093 whereStr %= (photTable, shortName, mfID, shortName, extNum, shortName) 1094 1095 self.archive.update(photTable, attrUpdates, whereStr, mergeLog) 1096 1097 # colours 1098 colUpdates = [[(attr, '%s+%s' % (attr, deltaZP)) 1099 for attr in self._recalSchema[photTable] 1100 if 'pnt' in attr.lower() and shortName.lower() + 'm' in attr]] 1101 1102 deltaZP = ("-%s" % deltaZP if deltaZP >= 0 else "+%s" % abs(deltaZP)) 1103 colUpdates.append([(attr, attr + deltaZP) 1104 for attr in self._recalSchema[photTable] 1105 if 'pnt' in attr.lower() and 'm' + shortName.lower() in attr]) 1106 1107 for attrUpdates in colUpdates: 1108 if attrUpdates: 1109 self.archive.update(photTable, attrUpdates, whereStr, mergeLog)
1110 1111 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1112
1113 - def _updateFiles(self, calibList):
1114 """ 1115 WRITE SOMETHING HERE 1116 """ 1117 Logger.addMessage("FITS: %s files will be updated." % len(calibList)) 1118 progress = ForLoopMonitor(calibList, threadID="FITS") 1119 1120 for _mfID, imgPathName, catPathName, _extNums, zpValues in calibList: 1121 1122 if self._success == False: # as opposed to None or True 1123 Logger.addMessage("Halting FITS thread early. Please restart " 1124 "from file: " + catPathName) 1125 break 1126 1127 if self.copyFits: # Work on copies of the FITS files 1128 testPath = self.sysc.testOutputPath(Cu8.testDir) 1129 if not os.path.exists(testPath): 1130 os.mkdir(testPath) 1131 1132 newImgPathName = \ 1133 os.path.join(testPath, os.path.basename(imgPathName)) 1134 if not os.path.exists(newImgPathName): 1135 os.system('cp -auvfx %s %s' 1136 % (imgPathName, newImgPathName)) 1137 imgPathName = newImgPathName 1138 1139 newCatPathName = \ 1140 os.path.join(testPath, os.path.basename(catPathName)) 1141 if not os.path.exists(newCatPathName): 1142 os.system('cp -auvfx %s %s' 1143 % (catPathName, newCatPathName)) 1144 catPathName = newCatPathName 1145 1146 self._timeStamp = utils.makeTimeStamp() 1147 1148 # Update Catalogue file 1149 try: 1150 self._updateCatalogueFile(catPathName, zpValues) 1151 except Exception as error: 1152 self._numErrors += 1 1153 eType, eMessage = Logger.extractExceptionDetails(error) 1154 Logger.addMessage("FITS: <ERROR> Could not update file %s " 1155 "error message: %s: %s" % (catPathName, eType, eMessage)) 1156 self.logBrokenFile(catPathName) 1157 1158 # Update Image file 1159 try: 1160 self._updateImageFile(imgPathName, zpValues) 1161 except Exception as error: 1162 self._numErrors += 1 1163 eType, eMessage = Logger.extractExceptionDetails(error) 1164 Logger.addMessage("FITS: <ERROR> Could not update file %s " 1165 "error message: %s: %s" % (imgPathName, eType, eMessage)) 1166 self.logBrokenFile(imgPathName) 1167 1168 progress.testForOutput()
1169 1170 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1171
1172 - def _updateCatalogueFile(self, catPathName, zpValues):
1173 """ 1174 WRITE SOMETHING HERE 1175 """ 1176 # Keep original modification time, so CU1 can spot CASU changes 1177 origModTime = os.stat(catPathName).st_mtime 1178 catFile =, 'update') 1179 try: 1180 # Just test first image extension to see if update required 1181 if self._requiresUpdate(catFile[1].header): 1182 for extNum, hdu in enumerate(catFile): 1183 # Not interested in primary extension and can't use 1184 # catFile[1:] else save won't work! 1185 if extNum is not 0: 1186 self._updateKeywords(hdu.header, extNum, zpValues) 1187 # Fix-up any broken keyword values, so we can flush OK 1188 fits.fixExponentBug(hdu.header) 1189 1190 if self.copyFits and Logger.isVerbose: 1191 # Time to save file noted to spot block overruns 1192 catStart = time.time() 1193 1194 catFile.flush() 1195 1196 # Too much logging makes errors hard to spot, but if there is 1197 # an error it's very useful to have this record. 1198 Logger.addMessage("FITS: Updated " + catPathName, echoOff=True) 1199 if self.copyFits and Logger.isVerbose: 1200 Logger.addMessage("FITS: Closing Catalogue: %s s" % 1201 (time.time() - catStart), alwaysLog=False) 1202 else: 1203 Logger.addMessage("FITS: No update required for " 1204 + catPathName, echoOff=True) 1205 finally: 1206 catFile.close() 1207 os.utime(catPathName, (time.time(), origModTime))
1208 1209 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1210
1211 - def _updateImageFile(self, imgPathName, zpValues):
1212 """ 1213 WRITE SOMETHING HERE 1214 """ 1215 # Keep original modification time, so CU1 can spot CASU changes 1216 origModTime = os.stat(imgPathName).st_mtime 1217 imgFile =, 'update') 1218 try: 1219 # Just test first image extension to see if update required 1220 if self._requiresUpdate(imgFile[1].header): 1221 # Primary header - remove obsolete keywords 1222 pHeader = imgFile[0].header 1223 self._deprecateKeywords(pHeader) 1224 # Fix-up any broken keyword values, so we can flush OK 1225 fits.fixExponentBug(pHeader) 1226 1227 # All image extensions 1228 for extNum, hdu in enumerate(imgFile): 1229 # Can't use imgFile[1:] else save won't work! 1230 if extNum is not 0: 1231 self._updateKeywords(hdu.header, extNum, zpValues) 1232 1233 if self.copyFits and Logger.isVerbose: 1234 # Time to save file noted to spot block overruns 1235 imgStart = time.time() 1236 1237 imgFile.flush() 1238 1239 # Too much logging makes errors hard to spot, but if there is 1240 # an error it's very useful to have this record. 1241 Logger.addMessage("FITS: Updated " + imgPathName, echoOff=True) 1242 if self.copyFits and Logger.isVerbose: 1243 Logger.addMessage("FITS: Closing Image: %s s" % 1244 (time.time() - imgStart), alwaysLog=False) 1245 else: 1246 Logger.addMessage("FITS: No update required for " 1247 + imgPathName, echoOff=True) 1248 finally: 1249 imgFile.close() 1250 os.utime(imgPathName, (time.time(), origModTime))
1251 1252 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1253
1254 - def _updateKeywords(self, header, extNum, zpValues):
1255 """ 1256 Update keywords for latest recalibration values and update 1257 HISTORY card. 1258 1259 @param header: FITS file header to update. 1260 @type header: pyfits.Header 1261 @param extNum: Extension number of given header. 1262 @type extNum: int 1263 1264 """ 1265 # Remove padding 1266 while True: 1267 if header[-1] == Cu8.paddingLine: 1268 del header[-1] 1269 else: 1270 break 1271 # Check free room in current header block 1272 numSpareKeys = (fits.maxHdrBlockKeys() - len(header.items()) 1273 % fits.maxHdrBlockKeys()) 1274 1275 historyPhrase = Cu8.__name__ + ' r%s ' % self._newVersNum 1276 casuHistory = zpValues.get('HISTORY_%s' % extNum, '') 1277 if casuHistory: 1278 try: # Modify to just keep the interesting stuff 1279 casuHistory = ' '.join(casuHistory.split()[1:3]) 1280 except: # If fails do something basic 1281 casuHistory = \ 1282 casuHistory.replace('$', '').replace('Id:', '').strip() 1283 historyPhrase += 'via %s ' % casuHistory 1284 historyPhrase += 'at %s' % self._timeStamp 1285 1286 history = [] 1287 for key, desc in Cu8.calibKeys: 1288 # Update file with new keyword value if supplied 1289 newValue = zpValues.get('%s_%s' % (key, extNum)) 1290 if newValue is not None: 1291 # If original keyword is missing, it will be added, so reduce 1292 # previous estimate of number of spare keys 1293 if not header.has_key(key): 1294 numSpareKeys -= 1 1295 # Save the old keyword value in the HISTORY card 1296 history.append('%s=%s' % (key, header.get(key, 'None'))) 1297 1298 header.update(key, newValue, desc) 1299 1300 if history: 1301 historyPhrase += ' old values: ' + ' '.join(history) 1302 self._addHistory(historyPhrase, header, numSpareKeys) 1303 1304 if self.copyFits and history: 1305 Logger.addMessage("FITS: %s) " % extNum + historyPhrase, 1306 alwaysLog=False)
1307 1308 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1309
1310 -def getZPHistory(db, mfIDs):
1311 """ Check whether tile ZP updates have been propagated to pawprints. 1312 using versNum. If not calculate difference in ZP so far. 1313 """ 1314 tilePrev = db.query( 1315 selectStr="multiframeID,pmz.versNum,photZPCat", 1316 fromStr="PreviousMfdZP as pmz, PhotCalVers as pcv," 1317 "ArchiveCurationHistory as ach", 1318 whereStr="multiframeID in (%s) and pmz.versNum=pcv.versNum and " 1319 "pcv.cuEventID=ach.cuEventID and ach.comment like " 1320 "'%%Relative recalibration%%'" % mfIDs) 1321 tilePrevDict = defaultdict(list) 1322 for key, val, phZP in tilePrev: 1323 tilePrevDict[key].append((val, phZP)) 1324 # Get input stacks. 1325 inpStacks = SelectSQL("multiframeID", "Provenance", 1326 "combiframeID in (%s)" % mfIDs) 1327 # Each good extension 1328 mfExts = db.query( 1329 selectStr="d.multiframeID,d.extNum,dt.photZPCat,combiFrameID," 1330 "d.photZPCat,d.photZPErrCat,d.numZPCat,d.nightZPCat,d.nightZPErrCat," 1331 "d.nightZPNum, catName", 1332 fromStr="MultiframeDetector as d,Provenance as p," 1333 "MultiframeDetector as dt,Multiframe as m", 1334 whereStr="d.multiframeID=p.multiframeID and p.combiframeID in " 1335 "(%s) and d.%s and p.combiframeID=dt.multiframeID and " 1336 "m.multiframeID=d.multiframeID" 1337 % (mfIDs, DepCodes.selectNonDeprecated)) 1338 # Find last good version of each mfExt 1339 lastRecalPaw = db.query( 1340 selectStr="multiframeID,extNum,max(pmz.versNum)", 1341 fromStr="PreviousMfdZP as pmz, PhotCalVers as pcv," 1342 "ArchiveCurationHistory as ach", 1343 whereStr="multiframeID in (%s) and pmz.versNum=pcv.versNum and " 1344 "pcv.cuEventID=ach.cuEventID and ach.comment like " 1345 "'%%Relative recalibration%%' group by multiframeID,extNum" 1346 % inpStacks) 1347 lastNonRecalPaw = db.query( 1348 selectStr="multiframeID,extNum,max(pmz.versNum)", 1349 fromStr="PreviousMfdZP as pmz, PhotCalVers as pcv," 1350 "ArchiveCurationHistory as ach", 1351 whereStr="multiframeID in (%s) and pmz.versNum=pcv.versNum and " 1352 "pcv.cuEventID=ach.cuEventID and ach.comment not like " 1353 "'%%Relative recalibration%%' group by multiframeID,extNum" 1354 % inpStacks) 1355 1356 deltaZPDict = defaultdict(list) 1357 1358 for mfID, extN, curTileZP, tileMfID, curZP, curZPErr, curZPNum, \ 1359 nightZP, nightZPErr, nightNum, catName in mfExts: 1360 vers = [maxVN for mf, ex, maxVN in lastRecalPaw 1361 if mf == mfID and ex == extN] 1362 othRecalVers = [maxVN for mf, ex, maxVN in lastNonRecalPaw 1363 if mf == mfID and ex == extN] 1364 #versNoDict[(mfID, extN)] = vers[0] if vers else 0 1365 recalVers = vers[0] if vers else 0 1366 othVers = othRecalVers[0] if othRecalVers else 0 1367 # calc deltaZP 1368 unPropVers = [versNo for versNo, _ZP in tilePrevDict[tileMfID] 1369 if versNo > recalVers] 1370 earlyUnPropVers = min(unPropVers) if unPropVers else None 1371 1372 if unPropVers and earlyUnPropVers < othVers: 1373 # More complicated 1374 raise Cu8.CuError("External recalibration in between update " 1375 "of pawprints - need to finish off code") 1376 elif unPropVers: 1377 deltaZP = curTileZP - [ZP for versNo, ZP in tilePrevDict[tileMfID] 1378 if versNo == earlyUnPropVers][0] 1379 else: 1380 deltaZP = 0 1381 deltaZPDict[tileMfID].append((mfID, extN, deltaZP, curZP, curZPErr, 1382 curZPNum, nightZP, nightZPErr, nightNum, 1383 catName)) 1384 return deltaZPDict
1385 1386 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1387
1388 -def getPawPrintCalLines(pawPrintZPList, deltaZP, history):
1389 """ Produce calibration lines 1390 """ 1391 calibrationLines = [] 1392 1393 for _mfID, extNum, dZP, zp, zpErr, zpN, nZP, nZPErr, nZPNum, catName \ 1394 in pawPrintZPList: 1395 newZP = zp + dZP + deltaZP 1396 calibrationLines += [ 1397 "%s #%d\n" % (os.path.basename(catName), (extNum - 1)), 1398 "MAGZPT = %5.4f / %s\n" % (newZP, Cu8.zpComment), 1399 "MAGZRR = %5.4f / %s\n" % (zpErr, Cu8.zpErrComment), 1400 "NUMZPT = %d / %s\n" % (zpN, Cu8.numZPComment), 1401 "NIGHTZPT = %5.4f / %s\n" % (nZP, Cu8.nightZPComment), 1402 "NIGHTZRR = %5.4f / %s\n" % (nZPErr, Cu8.nightZPErrComment), 1403 "NIGHTNUM = %d / %s\n" % (nZPNum, Cu8.nightNumComment), 1404 "HISTORY %s\n" % (history)] 1405 return calibrationLines
1406 1407 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1408 # Entry point for script. 1409 1410 # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 1411 if __name__ == '__main__': 1412 # Define specific command-line interface settings required by CU8 1413 CLI.progOpts += [ 1414 CLI.Option('f', 'from', "continues recalibration from this multiframeID " 1415 "and catalogue file onwards, if no file given then no FITS " 1416 "updates, if MFID=0 then all multiframes in list are updated." 1417 " (example: --from='478529, w200YMMDD_XXXXX_st_cat.fits')", 1418 'MFID, FILE', isValOK=lambda x: csv.values(x)[0].isdigit()), 1419 CLI.Option('m', 'manual', 1420 'manually apply values in this CASU-supplied file', 'FILE', 1421 isValOK=CLI.assertFileExists), 1422 CLI.Option('n', 'no_update', 1423 "don't update original FITS files only copies"), 1424 CLI.Option('v', 'verbose', 'display FITS update time details')] 1425 1426 cli = CLI(Cu8.__name__, "$Revision: 10034 $", Cu8.__doc__) 1427 Logger.isVerbose = cli.getOpt('verbose') 1428 Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 1429 1430 cu = Cu8(cli=cli) 1431 cu.copyFits = cli.getOpt('no_update') 1432 if cli.getOpt('manual'): 1433 cu.tablePathName = cli.getOpt('manual') 1434 if cli.getOpt('from'): 1435 fromMf = list(csv.values(cli.getOpt('from'))) 1436 fromMf[0] = int(fromMf[0]) 1437 cu.fromMf = tuple(fromMf) 1438 1439 1440 del cu # Required to keep garbage collector working when threading 1441 1442 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1443 # Change log: 1444 # 1445 # 31-Aug-2005, NJC: Original version (very incomplete). 1446 # 1-Sep-2006, RSC: Reworked CU8 into OO framework 1447 # 12-Dec-2006, RSC: Merged in functionality that was in and 1448 # to create a general purpose CU8 script, 1449 # fixing bugs and simplifing along the way... 1450 # 15-Dec-2006, NJC: Fixed error for multiframes with no programmeID 1451 # 4-Jan-2007, RSC: Database transactions are now committed on a multiframe by 1452 # multiframe basis, allowing us to both freely stop/start 1453 # CU8 and to try and keep the transaction log at a 1454 # reasonable size. Also, to aid us breaking CU8 up into 1455 # chunks (as we now expect it to take of the order of weeks 1456 # to run), I've included a -f/--from option to specify which 1457 # catalogue file in the list we should start from, which 1458 # maintains the previous recalibration revision number. 1459 # Changed test directory name from testZP to cu8_test_$USER, 1460 # to avoid permission conflicts when different users are 1461 # testing, and to avoid hacks to the script. 1462 # 11-Jan-2007, NJC: Edited _updateArchive so that all the magnitudes in 1463 # the detection table for one detector are done at once: 1464 # no checking whether the flux is default or not. This 1465 # should be much quicker and the changes are smaller than 1466 # the precision of the default values. The change 1467 # has also been applied to the magnitudes and colours in the 1468 # source table. 1469 # 17-Jan-2007, RSC: Grouped list of multiframes to be re-calibrated by 1470 # programme, which may possibly speed up detection table 1471 # updates. Also, --from option is now multiframeID. 1472 # 18-Jan-2007, RSC: Relaxed large change in magnitude warning from 0.1 to 0.5. 1473 # New PhotCalVers version is now committed when first 1474 # multiframe update has been made, rather than at the end of 1475 # the CU, so that the database is in a correct state if the 1476 # CU is interrupted. 1477 # 19-Jan-2007, RSC: CU8 now runs two separate simultaneous threads - one to 1478 # update the FITS files and one to update the database. This 1479 # ensures no time is lost whilst waiting for the database 1480 # client to update the database. Also, as the FITS file 1481 # update will be completed prior to the database update, the 1482 # CU8 process can be interrupted safely at this stage, and 1483 # later restarted, without fear of data corruption. 1484 # Updated -f/--from option again to reflect this change. 1485 # 22-Jan-2007, RSC: Grouped SV data recalibration with survey data as it's all 1486 # in the same table. 1487 # 23-Apr-2007, NJC: Changed minimum deltaZP from 1.0x10-3 to 5.0x10-4. 1488 # 4-May-2007, RSC: Fixed to work with default ProgrammeFrame row. 1489 # 15-May-2007, RSC: Replaced SQL in script with DB API methods. 1490 # 26-Jul-2007, RSC: Included support for updating more than one detection 1491 # table if a frame is assigned to more than one programme 1492 # in table ProgrammeFrame. Made more schema driven. 1493 # 28-Sep-2007, RSC: Made logging more verbose in case of power-cut. 1494 # 22-Oct-2007, RSC: * Bug fix for non-survey programmes that are assigned to 1495 # the default programmeID as well the correct programmeID. 1496 # * Included support for logging lists of broken files. 1497 # * Removed the -r/--rerun option as it was a red herring. 1498 # 06-Feb-2008, NJC: If no Schema, it uses detection table schema from LAS. 1499