Package invocations :: Package cu2 :: Module replaceJpgs
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Source Code for Module invocations.cu2.replaceJpgs

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 10105 2013-10-09 13:55:50Z EckhardSutorius $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Move the redone JPGs from their redo/ dirs into the original directories. 
  7     @author: Eckhard Sutorius 
  8     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
  9  """ 
 10  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 11  from   collections import defaultdict 
 12  import inspect 
 13  import os 
 15  from   wsatools.CLI                    import CLI 
 16  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession    import DbSession 
 17  from   wsatools.File                   import File 
 18  import wsatools.FitsUtils                  as fits 
 19  from   wsatools.Logger                 import ForLoopMonitor 
 20  from   wsatools.DbConnect.IngCuSession import IngCuSession 
 21  from   wsatools.DbConnect.IngIngester  import IngestLogger as Logger 
 22  from   wsatools.SystemConstants        import SystemConstants 
 23  import wsatools.Utilities                  as utils 
24 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25 -class ReplaceJpgs(IngCuSession):
26 """ 27 Replace old JPGs with reprocessed ones. 28 """
29 - def __init__(self, 30 curator=CLI.getOptDef("curator"), 31 database=DbSession.database, 32 beginDate=CLI.getOptDef("begin"), 33 endDate=CLI.getOptDef("end"), 34 versionStr=CLI.getOptDef("version"), 35 redoDir=CLI.getOptDef("redodir"), 36 fileType=CLI.getOptDef("type"), 37 isTrialRun=DbSession.isTrialRun, 38 comment=CLI.getArgDef("comment")):
39 """ 40 @param curator: Name of curator. 41 @type curator: str 42 @param comment: Descriptive comment as to why curation task is 43 being performed. 44 @type comment: str 45 @param beginDate: First date to process, eg. 20050101. 46 @type beginDate: int 47 @param endDate: Last date to process, eg. 20050131. 48 @type endDate: int 49 @param fileType: The file type to be replaced. 50 @type fileType: str 51 @param isTrialRun: If True, do not perform database modifications. 52 @type isTrialRun: bool 53 @param redoDir Path to the directory, where re-done JPGs reside. 54 @type redoDir str 55 @param versionStr: Version number of the data. 56 @type versionStr: str 57 58 """ 59 60 typeTranslation = {"curator":str, 61 "database":str, 62 "beginDate":type(IngCuSession.beginDateDef), 63 "endDate":type(IngCuSession.endDateDef), 64 "versionStr":str, 65 "redoDir":str, 66 "fileType":list, 67 "isTrialRun":bool, 68 "comment":str} 69 70 super(ReplaceJpgs, self).attributesFromArguments( 71 inspect.getargspec(ReplaceJpgs.__init__)[0], locals(), 72 types=typeTranslation) 73 74 # Initialize parent class 75 super(ReplaceJpgs, self).__init__(cuNum=0, 76 curator=self.curator, 77 comment=self.comment, 78 reqWorkDir=False, 79 database=self.database, 80 autoCommit=False, 81 isTrialRun=self.isTrialRun) 82 83 # create the dictionary listing all dates for every jpeg dir. 84 self.jpegDirs = fits.FitsList(self.sysc, 'jpg') 85 self.jpegDirs.createFitsDateDict( 86 ingestDirectory=self.sysc.compressImDir, 87 beginDateStr=str(self.beginDate), endDateStr=str(self.endDate), 88 versionStr=self.versionStr, forceLists=True) 89 if self.isTrialRun: 90 print("JD:", self.jpegDirs.invFitsDateDict) 91 92 # create the dictionary listing all dates for every re-done jpeg dir. 93 self.redoDirs = fits.FitsList(self.sysc, 'rjpg') 94 self.redoDirs.createFitsDateDict( 95 disklist=[self.redoDir], 96 ingestDirectory=self.redoDir, 97 beginDateStr=str(self.beginDate), endDateStr=str(self.endDate), 98 versionStr=self.versionStr, forceLists=True) 99 if self.isTrialRun: 100 print("RD:", self.redoDirs.invFitsDateDict)
101 102 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103
104 - def _onRun(self):
105 """ run 106 """ 107 # get all full paths to the original JPGs grouped by dateVersStr/fileID 108 origJpgsDict = self.getJpgs(self.jpegDirs, self.fileType, 109 fullPath=True) 110 Logger.addMessage("Orig: %d jpgs" % sum(len(list(utils.unpackList( 111 origJpgsDict[x].values()))) for x in origJpgsDict)) 112 113 # get all subdir/basename for re-done JPGs grouped by dateVersStr/fileID 114 redoJpgsDict = self.getJpgs(self.redoDirs, self.fileType, 115 fullPath=False) 116 Logger.addMessage("Redo: %d jpgs" % sum(len(list(utils.unpackList( 117 redoJpgsDict[x].values()))) for x in origJpgsDict)) 118 119 # check for missing JPGs 120 Logger.addMessage("Checking for missing JPGs...") 121 missingDict = self.checkRedoing(origJpgsDict, redoJpgsDict) 122 123 if missingDict: 124 for dateVersStr in sorted(missingDict): 125 misFile = File("./missing_%s.list" % dateVersStr) 126 misFile.wopen() 127 for fileID in sorted(missingDict[dateVersStr]): 128 for entry in sorted(missingDict[dateVersStr][fileID]): 129 misFile.writetheline(entry) 130 misFile.close() 131 Logger.addMessage( 132 "Missing JPGs written to ./missing_%s.list" % dateVersStr) 133 134 135 # move re-done JPGs into old place 136 self.movJpgs(origJpgsDict, redoJpgsDict)
137 138 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 140 @staticmethod
141 - def checkRedoing(origJpgsDict, redoJpgsDict):
142 """Check if all files are created. 143 144 @param origJpgsDict: Dictionary of the original JPGs. 145 @type origJpgsDict: dict 146 @param redoJpgsDict: Dictionary of the re-done JPGs. 147 @type redoJpgsDict: dict 148 149 @return: Dict of all JPGs where no re-done JPG is found. 150 @rtype: dict 151 152 """ 153 missingDict = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list)) 154 for dateVersStr in sorted(origJpgsDict): 155 for fileID in origJpgsDict[dateVersStr]: 156 if fileID in redoJpgsDict[dateVersStr]: 157 for fileName in origJpgsDict[dateVersStr][fileID]: 158 theFile = File(fileName) 159 if os.path.join(theFile.subdir, theFile.base) \ 160 not in redoJpgsDict[dateVersStr][fileID]: 161 missingDict[dateVersStr][fileID].append( 162 163 del theFile 164 else: 165 missingDict[dateVersStr][fileID] = \ 166 origJpgsDict[dateVersStr][fileID] 167 return missingDict
168 169 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 170 171 @staticmethod
172 - def getFilesInDir(dirName, fileType, fullPath):
173 """ Get all the files in the directory. 174 175 @param dirName: Directory path. 176 @type dirName: str 177 @param fileType: The file type to be replaced. 178 @type fileType: str 179 @param fullPath: If true write the full path else only the fileID. 180 @type fullPath: bool 181 182 @return: Dict of all JPGs where no re-done JPG is found. 183 @rtype: dict 184 185 """ 186 tmpDict = defaultdict(list) 187 Logger.addMessage("reading %s ..." % dirName) 188 for path, dirs, files in os.walk(dirName): 189 # prune dirs 190 for dotDir in (".svn", ".emacs_backups"): 191 if dotDir in dirs: 192 dirs.remove(dotDir) 193 for fileName in files: 194 if not fileName.startswith(".stats"): 195 theFile = File(os.path.join(path, fileName)) 196 theType = theFile.ftype 197 thePath = ( if fullPath 198 else os.path.join(theFile.subdir, theFile.base)) 199 if "all" in fileType \ 200 or any(x in theType for x in fileType): 201 tmpDict[theFile.fileID.rpartition('_')[0]].append( 202 thePath) 203 del theFile 204 return tmpDict
205 206 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207
208 - def getJpgs(self, theDirs, fileType, fullPath=True):
209 """Create a dictionary containing info about the paths to each JPG. 210 211 @param theDirs: Contains info about all the JPG dirs. 212 @type theDirs: FitsList obj 213 @param fileType: The file type to be replaced. 214 @type fileType: str 215 @param fullPath: If true write the full path else only the fileID. 216 @type fullPath: bool 217 218 @return: Dict of all JPGs by dateVersStr and fileID. 219 @rtype: dict 220 221 """ 222 jpgSum = 0 223 jpegDict = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list)) 224 for dateVersStr in theDirs.invFitsDateDict: 225 for jpgDir in theDirs.invFitsDateDict[dateVersStr]: 226 jpegDict[dateVersStr].update(self.getFilesInDir( 227 os.path.join(jpgDir, dateVersStr), fileType, fullPath)) 228 return jpegDict
229 230 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 231
232 - def movJpgs(self, origJpgsDict, redoJpgsDict):
233 """Move re-done JPGs into place of old ones. 234 235 @param origJpgsDict: Dictionary of the original JPGs. 236 @type origJpgsDict: dict 237 @param redoJpgsDict: Dictionary of the re-done JPGs. 238 @type redoJpgsDict: dict 239 240 """ 241 for dateVersStr in sorted(redoJpgsDict): 242 Logger.addMessage("Moving %s ..." % dateVersStr) 243 counter = 0 244 if self.isTrialRun: 245 print("The first 10 move commands are:") 246 else: 247 progress = ForLoopMonitor(redoJpgsDict[dateVersStr].keys()) 248 for fileID in redoJpgsDict[dateVersStr]: 249 for fileName in redoJpgsDict[dateVersStr][fileID]: 250 theFile = File(os.path.join(self.redoDir, fileName)) 251 for origFileName in origJpgsDict[dateVersStr][fileID]: 252 if fileName in origFileName: 253 cmd = "mv -f %s %s" % (, origFileName) 254 if self.isTrialRun: 255 if counter<11: 256 print(cmd) 257 elif counter == 11: 258 print("...") 259 else: 260 self.runSysCmd(cmd) 261 counter += 1 262 if not self.isTrialRun: 263 progress.testForOutput() 264 265 Logger.addMessage("%s: %d files moved." % (dateVersStr, counter))
266 267 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 268 # 269 # Entry point for replaceJpgs 270 271 if __name__ == '__main__': 272 CLI.progOpts += [ 273 CLI.Option('T', "type", "file type to be replaced", 274 "TYPE", "all"), 275 CLI.Option('b', "begin", "first date to process, eg. 20050101", 276 "DATE", str(IngCuSession.beginDateDef)), 277 CLI.Option('e', "end", "last date to process, eg. 20050131", 278 "DATE", str(IngCuSession.endDateDef)), 279 CLI.Option('v', "version", "version number of the data", 280 "STR", '1'), 281 CLI.Option('r', "redodisk", 282 "Path where the re-done /<archive>/redo/%s subdirectory" 283 " is." % SystemConstants.compressImDir, "PATH", 284 os.path.dirname(SystemConstants.developDisks[0]))] 285 286 cli = CLI(ReplaceJpgs, "$Revision: 10105 $") 287 Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 288 redoDir = os.path.join(cli.getOpt("redodisk"), 289 cli.getArg("database").rpartition('.')[2].lower(), 290 "redo", SystemConstants.compressImDir) 291 Logger.addMessage("The re-done JPGs are looked up in: %s" % redoDir) 292 293 repl = ReplaceJpgs(cli.getOpt("curator"), 294 cli.getArg("database"), 295 cli.getOpt("begin"), 296 cli.getOpt("end"), 297 cli.getOpt("version"), 298 redoDir, 299 cli.getOpt("type"), 300 cli.getOpt("test"), 301 cli.getArg("comment")) 302 303