Package invocations :: Package cu2 :: Module makejpegs
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Source Code for Module invocations.cu2.makejpegs

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 6157 2009-10-21 08:30:21Z RossCollins $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Wrapper to create jpegs automatically. Uses helpers/, 
  6     cu2/, cu2/ 
  8     @author: Eckhard Sutorius 
  9     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
 10  """ 
 11  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 12  import dircache as dc 
 13  import getopt 
 14  import os 
 15  import sys 
 17  import wsatools.CSV             as csv 
 18  from   wsatools.File            import File 
 19  import wsatools.SystemConstants as sysc 
 20  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
22 -def usage():
23 print "usage: [-b/--begin startdate] [-e/--end enddate] [-k/--disk disklist] [-d/--dir directory] [-s/--subdir directory] [-M/--mosaic] [-r/--redo] version\n" 24 print "startdate = start date of directories to check" 25 print "enddate = end date of directories to check" 26 print "disklist = list of disks, eg. '/disk01/wsa,/disk02/wsa'; default is massStorageRaidFileSystem()" 27 print "directory = fits directory, eg. 'products/stacks default is fin_dir()" 28 print "version = version number of the data dir" 29 print "subdir = jpg sub-directory where products/jpgs is created; default is 'None'" 30 print "mosaic = forces making mosaics, may break if size is bigger than 2 GB." 31 print "redo = re-do the jpegs."
32 33 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34
35 -def cleanUp(cu2Path, datumVersStr):
36 cmd = ' '.join(["rm -f", os.path.join(cu2Path, "*%s*.log" % datumVersStr), 37 os.path.join(cu2Path, "*%s.tbl" % datumVersStr), 38 os.path.join(cu2Path, "autoruncu2_%s" % datumVersStr)]) 39 os.system(cmd)
40 41 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42
43 -def main(argv):
44 """Wrapper to create jpegs automatically. 45 46 startdate is the start date of directories to check. 47 enddate is the end date of directories to check. 48 version is the version number of the data dir. 49 50 """ 51 # read the arguments 52 try: 53 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "b:e:d:k:o:Mr", 54 ["begin=", "end=", "dir=", 55 "disk=", "outpath=", "mosaic", "redo"]) 56 except getopt.GetoptError: 57 # print help information and exit: 58 print argv 59 usage() 60 raise SystemExit 61 62 startdate = '00000000' 63 enddate = '99999999' 64 directory = sysc.fitsDir() 65 disklist = sysc.availableRaidFileSystem() 66 jpgPathOptFlag = '' 67 jpgPathOpt = '' 68 forceMosaic = False 69 reDo = False 70 71 for o, a in opts: 72 if o in ("-b", "--begin"): 73 startdate = a 74 elif o in ("-e", "--end"): 75 enddate = a 76 elif o in ("-d","--dir"): 77 directory = a 78 elif o in ("-k","--disk"): 79 disklist = a.split(',') 80 elif o in ("-o","--outpath"): 81 jpgPathOptFlag = "-o" 82 jpgPathOpt = a 83 elif o in ("-M","--mosaic"): 84 forceMosaic = True 85 elif o in ("-r","--redo"): 86 reDo = True 87 88 if len(args) == 0: 89 usage() 90 raise SystemExit 91 92 version = args[0] 93 datumVersStr = '_v'.join([startdate, version]) 94 95 cu2Path = os.path.join(sysc.curationCodePath(), "invocations/cu2") 96 97 cleanUp(cu2Path, datumVersStr) 98 # create a fits date dictionary 99 fitsdatedict = {} 100 for direc in disklist: 101 fdir = os.path.join(direc,directory) 102 if os.path.exists(fdir): 103 listdir = [elem for elem in dc.listdir(fdir) 104 if elem[:2] == "20" and elem.find('_') > 0] 105 fitsdatedict[fdir]=listdir 106 if len(fitsdatedict[fdir]) == 0: 107 del fitsdatedict[fdir] 108 109 # find a begin and end date 110 maxdate = '00000000' 111 mindate = '99999999' 112 113 for direc in fitsdatedict.iterkeys(): 114 datelist = fitsdatedict[direc] 115 datelist.sort() 116 if datelist[0][:datelist[0].find('_')] < mindate: 117 mindate = datelist[0][:datelist[0].find('_')] 118 if datelist[-1][:datelist[0].find('_')] > maxdate: 119 maxdate = datelist[-1][:datelist[0].find('_')] 120 121 if startdate > mindate: 122 mindate = startdate 123 if enddate < maxdate: 124 maxdate = enddate 125 126 # get a list only of disks used 127 fitsdatedisklist = [x[:len(disklist[0])] for x in fitsdatedict.keys()] 128 tmplist = [] 129 for elem in disklist: 130 if fitsdatedisklist.count(elem) > 0: 131 tmplist.append(elem) 132 disklist = tmplist 133 134 # check for fits files and their jpegs 135 # writes non-processed dirs to 'notprocdirs.log' and reprocessable 136 # files to 'reprocfiles.log' 137 cmd = ' '.join([os.path.join(cu2Path, ""), 138 "-k", csv.join(disklist), 139 "-d", directory]) 140 if forceMosaic: 141 cmd = ' '.join([cmd, "-M"]) 142 if reDo: 143 cmd = ' '.join([cmd, "-r"]) 144 cmd = ' '.join([cmd, jpgPathOptFlag, jpgPathOpt, 145 mindate, maxdate, version]) 146 os.system(cmd) 147 148 # make lists of pixel data files for each non-processed dir 149 notProcFile = File(os.path.join( 150 cu2Path, "notprocdirs_%s.log" % datumVersStr)) 151 if notProcFile.exists() and notProcFile.getsize() > 0: 152 notProcFile.ropen() 153 npdirlines = notProcFile.readlines() 154 notProcFile.close() 155 for line in npdirlines: 156 date = line[line.rfind('/')+1:line.rfind('_')] 157 diskstr = line[:len(disklist[0])] 158 cmd = ' '.join([os.path.join(sysc.helpersPath(), ""), 159 "-c c -n 1000", 160 "-o", cu2Path, 161 "-k", diskstr, 162 "-d", directory, 163 date, date, version]) 164 os.system(cmd) 165 166 # create a list of log files for the actual making of jpegs 167 cu2dirList = dc.listdir(cu2Path) 168 pixlist = [] 169 reProcFileName = os.path.join(cu2Path, "reprocfiles_%s.log" % datumVersStr) 170 if os.path.exists(reProcFileName) \ 171 and os.path.getsize(reProcFileName) > 0: 172 pixlist.append(reProcFileName) 173 for entry in cu2dirList: 174 if "pixlist" in entry and datumVersStr in entry: 175 pixlist.append(entry) 176 177 # create the autorun file 178 autoRunFile = File(os.path.join(cu2Path, "autoruncu2_%s" % datumVersStr)) 179 autoRunFile.wopen() 180 cu2JpegFileName = os.path.join(cu2Path, "") 181 for entry in pixlist: 182 cmd = ' '.join([cu2JpegFileName, jpgPathOptFlag, jpgPathOpt, 183 os.getenv('USER'), entry, "'Running CU2'"]) 184 autoRunFile.writetheline(cmd) 185 autoRunFile.close() 186 autoRunFile.chmod(0744) 187 os.system( 188 cleanUp(cu2Path, datumVersStr)
189 190 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 191 # 192 if __name__ == '__main__': 193 main(sys.argv) 194 195 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196 # Change log: 197 # 198 # 5-Aug-2005, ETWS: Original version. 199 # 3-Oct-2005, ETWS: Included versioning of data dirs. 200 # 17-Nov-2005, ETWS: Included disklist parameter to; 201 # major refactoring; included disklist parameter 202 # for checkcu2 203 # 6-Jan-2006, ETWS: included input arguments (startdate, enddate, version) 204 # 30-Jan-2006, ETWS: Included optional 'disk' and 'directory' parameters 205 # to list other dirs than 'ingest/fits' 206 # 15-Mar-2006, ETWS: Switched on the automatic processing again. 207 # 5-Jul-2006, RSC: Upgraded to use new module. 208 # 01-May-2007, ETWS: Updated for use with CU0 209 # 10-Jul-2007, ETWS: Updated for use with test cases. 210 # 29-Jan-2008, ETWS: Included possibility to force mosaic jpeg creation 211 # and to re-process existing jpegs. 212 # 3-Mar-2008, ETWS: Updated to use only the available RaidFileSystem. 213 # 30-Jul-2008, ETWS: Enabled possibility to be run on multiple processors. 214 # 1-Aug-2008, RPB: Make sure it tidies up .tbl as well as .log files 215