Package helpers :: Module UpdateTableData
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Source Code for Module helpers.UpdateTableData

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 7146 2010-06-29 15:10:06Z EckhardSutorius $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Update database tables with new data from a file for given date range. 
  7     @author: E. Sutorius 
  8     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
 10     @newfield contributors: Contributors, Contributors (Alphabetical Order) 
 11     @contributors: R.S. Collins 
 13     @todo: Needs to be upgraded to become a CuSession to save curation history. 
 14  """ 
 15  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 16  import dircache as dc 
 17  import os 
 19  from   wsatools.CLI                 import CLI 
 20  import wsatools.CSV                     as csv 
 21  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession import DbSession 
 22  from   wsatools.Logger              import ForLoopMonitor, Logger 
 23  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
25 -def makelist(indir, preflist, verslist, startdate, enddate):
26 # sort out prefix 27 tmpfilelist = [elem for elem in dc.listdir(indir) 28 for pref in preflist if elem.startswith(pref)] 29 # sort out versionnr 30 filelist = [elem for elem in tmpfilelist 31 for vers in verslist 32 if elem[:elem.find(".list")].endswith('_'+vers)] 33 datedlist = [] 34 for entry in filelist: 35 filestart = int(entry[entry.find("_20")+1:entry.find("_20")+9]) 36 fileend = int(entry[entry.rfind("_20")+1:entry.rfind("_20")+9]) 37 if startdate == enddate == filestart == fileend: 38 return [entry] 39 elif startdate <= fileend and enddate >= filestart: 40 datedlist.append(entry) 41 return datedlist
42 43 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44
45 -def updateDb(archive, table, filePath, format):
46 try: 47 Logger.addMessage("Updating table...") 48 updates = csv.File(filePath) 49 progress = ForLoopMonitor(updates) 50 for values in updates: 51 archive.update(table, zip(format, values), 52 where="%s LIKE '%%%s' AND %s=%s" % 53 (format[0], values[0], format[1], values[1])) 54 progress.testForOutput() 55 archive.commitTransaction() 56 57 except Exception, details: 58 Logger.addExceptionMessage(details) 59 archive.rollbackTransaction() 60 print("rolled back!") 61 else: 62 print("updated successfully!")
63 64 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65 # Entry point for script. 66 67 # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 68 if __name__ == '__main__': 69 # Define additional command-line interface options 70 CLI.progArgs += [ 71 CLI.Argument('startdate', '20051213', isValOK=CLI.isDateOK), 72 CLI.Argument('enddate', '20051224', isValOK=CLI.isDateOK)] 73 CLI.progOpts += [ 74 CLI.Option('f', 'format', 75 'a csv list of the attributes in the given files', 'LIST', 76 'fileName,multiframeID,darkID,confID,flatID,frinID,skyID,maskID'), 77 CLI.Option('i', 'indir', 78 "the directory where the files 'fileprefix*' are", 'DIR', 79 'prodoutput'), 80 CLI.Option('l', 'list', 81 'a list of file prefixes which are to be ingested', 'LIST', 82 'wrongprod'), 83 CLI.Option('v', 'version', 84 "a list of versions to update", 'LIST', '1,2', 85 isValOK=lambda x: all(y.replace('.', '').isdigit() 86 for y in csv.values(x)))] 87 88 cli = CLI("UpdateTableData", '$Revision: 7146 $', __doc__) 89 Logger.isVerbose = False 90 Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 91 92 startdate = int(cli.getArg('startdate')) 93 enddate = int(cli.getArg('enddate')) 94 95 format = csv.values(cli.getOpt('format')) 96 filepref = csv.values(cli.getOpt('list')) 97 versions = csv.values(cli.getOpt('version')) 98 indir = cli.getOpt('indir') 99 if not os.path.exists(indir): 100 raise SystemExit("No dir %s" % indir) 101 102 table = "Multiframe" 103 104 for filename in makelist(indir, filepref, versions, startdate, enddate): 105 filePathName = os.path.join(indir, filename) 106 updateDb(DbSession(cli=cli), table, filePathName, format) 107 108 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 109 # Change log: 110 # 111 # 11-Apr-2006, ETWS: Original version. 112 # 8-May-2006, ETWS: Added input directory 113 # 22-Feb-2007, RSC: Updated to reflect move of loadServerHost() constant from 114 # DbConstants to SystemConstants 115 # 30-May-2007, RSC: Upgraded to use DbSession and CSV modules, removed 116 # dependence on obsoleted methods. 117 # 3-Dec-2007, RSC: Upgraded to use CLI and updated for new DbSession i/f. 118