Package helpers :: Module RedoFiles
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Source Code for Module helpers.RedoFiles

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  # $Id: 7146 2010-06-29 15:10:06Z EckhardSutorius $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Upload files from CASU, deprecate existing ones, update the databases 
  6     and create a list for CU2 to 4. 
  8     @author: E. Sutorius 
  9     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
 10  """ 
 11  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 12  import getopt 
 13  import os 
 14  import sys 
 16  from   wsatools.File                import File 
 17  import wsatools.FitsUtils               as fits 
 18  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession import DbSession 
 19  import wsatools.SystemConstants         as sysc 
 20  import wsatools.Utilities               as utils 
 21  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
23 -def getFreeDisk():
24 """ 25 Get the disk with the most free disk space. 26 27 @return: Disk name. 28 @rtype: str 29 30 """ 31 spacePerDisk = utils.getDiskSpace( 32 set(sysc.massStorageRaidFileSystem())-set(sysc.excludedRaidFileSystem())) 33 34 freeDiskSpace = utils.Ratings((d, -spacePerDisk[d][1]) 35 for d in spacePerDisk if spacePerDisk[d][1] > sysc.leaveSpaceOnMSRFS()[d]) 36 37 return utils.Ratings((key, freeDiskSpace.rating(key)) 38 for key in freeDiskSpace).getKeyByRating(0)
39 40 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41
42 -def getJpgDict(fileDict):
43 """ 44 Get a dictionary of jpegs per date directory name. 45 46 @param fileDict: A dictionary containig FITS file names per dateVersDir. 47 @type fileDict: dict 48 49 @return: Dict containing jpg names for each dateDir. 50 @rtype: dict(str, list(str)) 51 52 """ 53 jpgDict = {} 54 for dateVersStr in fileDict: 55 for fileName in fileDict[dateVersStr]: 56 if fileName.endswith(sysc.mefType()): 57 cmd = ''.join(["ls -1 /disk??/wsa/products/jpgs/", 58 dateVersStr, "/", fileName.rpartition('.')[0], 59 "_[1234].jpg"]) 60 jpgDict.setdefault(dateVersStr, []) 61 jpgDict.extend(x.rstrip() for x in os.popen(cmd)) 62 return jpgDict
63 64 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65
66 -def readFileList(fileName, casuSysDict):
67 """ 68 Read the data from a log file containing FITS file names in CASU format. 69 @param fileName: Name of the file. 70 @type fileName: str 71 @param casuSysDict: Dictionary containing CASU dir info. 72 @type casuSysDict: dict 73 @return: Dict containing the file names for each date. 74 @rtype: dict(str: list(str)) 75 """ 76 logFile = File(fileName) 77 logFile.ropen() 78 fileNames = logFile.readlines(strip=True) 79 logFile.close() 80 fileDict = {} 81 for line in fileNames: 82 if line: 83 dateStr, fitsName = line.split('/') 84 dateVersStr = ''.join([ 85 dateStr, "_v", casuSysDict[dateStr][0][1].partition('.')[0]]) 86 fileDict.setdefault(dateVersStr, []).append(fitsName) 87 return fileDict
88 89 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 90
91 -def readVersion(direc, archive, light):
92 """ 93 Create a dictionary for each date containing the path and version 94 number at CASU. 95 @param direc: CASU directory name. 96 @type direc: str 97 @param light: Flag if UKLight is used. 98 @type light: bool 99 @return: Dict containing path and version number tuples for each directory. 100 @rtype: dict(str: (str, str)) 101 """ 102 cmd = ''.join(["ssh ", sysc.scp_user(), "@", 103 sysc.scp_server(archive, light), 104 " \"find ", direc, " -name 'VERSION_*' -print\""]) 105 106 versDirs = sorted(x.replace('\n', '') for x in os.popen(cmd)) 107 versDict = {} 108 for entry in versDirs: 109 dirPath, version = os.path.split(entry) 110 versNum = version.partition('_')[2] 111 versDict.setdefault(os.path.basename(dirPath), []).append([dirPath, 112 versNum]) 113 return versDict
114 115 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116
117 -def usage():
118 print "usage: ./ [-j/--janet] [-o/--outdisk] CASUlistfile" 119 print " -j/--janet: switch to Janet" 120 print " -o/--outdisk: Disk where the deprecated data is moved to, default: disk with most space." 121 print " CASUlistfile file name list from CASU with data that needs to be replaced.\n"
122 123 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 124
125 -def main(argv):
126 casuSysDict = {} 127 light = True 128 archive = "WSA" 129 outDisk = getFreeDisk() 130 scriptDir = "redo" 131 os.system("rm -rf " + scriptDir) 132 133 try: 134 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ahjo:", 135 ["archive", "help", "janet", "outdisk="]) 136 137 except getopt.GetoptError: 138 # print help information and exit: 139 print argv 140 usage() 141 raise SystemExit 142 143 for o, a in opts: 144 if o in ("-a", "--archive"): 145 archive = a 146 if o in ("-j", "--janet"): 147 light = False 148 if o in ("-h","--help"): 149 usage() 150 raise SystemExit 151 if o in ("-o", "--outdisk"): 152 outDisk = a 153 154 if len(args) == 1: 155 inputFile = args[0] 156 else: 157 usage() 158 raise SystemExit 159 160 utils.ensureDirExist(scriptDir) 161 # get version numbers and directory paths from CASU 162 for direc in sysc.casuFileSystem(): 163 casuSysDict.update(readVersion(direc, archive, light)) 164 # get directories here 165 disks = sysc.availableRaidFileSystem() 166 wfauSysDict = utils.invertDict(fits.getAllPaths(disks)) 167 # read file names from log (CASU format: <date>/<filename>) 168 fileDict = readFileList(inputFile, casuSysDict) 169 # get jpgDirs 170 jpgDict = getJpgDict(fileDict) 171 # get multiframeIDs 172 sqlFileList = [] 173 for dateVersStr in fileDict: 174 wfauDir = os.path.join(wfauSysDict[dateVersStr], dateVersStr) 175 for fileName in fileDict[dateVersStr]: 176 sqlFileList.append(os.path.join(''.join( 177 [sysc.pixelServerHostName(), wfauDir]), fileName)) 178 179 mfIDs = DbSession().query("multiframeID, fileName", "Multiframe", 180 "fileName IN ('%s')" % "','".join(sqlFileList)) 181 182 mfIDofFile = dict((fileName.partition(sysc.fitsDir()+os.sep)[2], mfID) 183 for mfID, fileName in mfIDs) 184 185 cuRuns = {} 186 # create scripts 187 moveScript = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, "")) 188 moveScript.wopen() 189 moveScript.writetheline("#! /bin/tcsh") 190 updateLog = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, "02_updateMoved.log")) 191 updateLog.wopen() 192 updateJpgLog = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, "03_updateJpgs.log")) 193 updateJpgLog.wopen() 194 updateScript = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, "")) 195 updateScript.wopen() 196 updateScript.writetheline(' '.join([ 197 os.path.join(sysc.helpersPath(), ""), 198 "-M dbpub::UKIDSSDR2PLUS", "-D", "-f",])) 199 updateScript.writetheline(' '.join([ 200 os.path.join(sysc.helpersPath(), ""), 201 "-M dbload::WSA", "-D", "-f",])) 202 updateScript.writetheline(' '.join([ 203 os.path.join(sysc.helpersPath(), ""), 204 "-M dbpub::UKIDSSDR2PLUS", "-j",])) 205 updateScript.writetheline(' '.join([ 206 os.path.join(sysc.helpersPath(), ""), 207 "-M dbload::WSA", "-j",])) 208 updateScript.close() 209 cuScript = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, "")) 210 cuScript.wopen() 211 transferScript = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, "")) 212 transferScript.wopen() 213 transferScript.writetheline("#! /bin/tcsh") 214 transferMarker = "cmd" 215 transferScript.writetheline(''.join([sysc.ftp_method(), " ", 216 sysc.scp_server(archive, light), 217 " << ", transferMarker])) 218 transferScript.writetheline("bin") 219 220 for dateVersStr in sorted(fileDict.keys()): 221 dateStr, versNum = dateVersStr.partition("_v")[::2] 222 # Directory names 223 wfauDir = os.path.join(wfauSysDict[dateVersStr], dateVersStr) 224 deprDir = os.path.join(outDisk, sysc.deprecatedDir(), dateVersStr) 225 utils.ensureDirExist(deprDir) 226 deprJpgDir = os.path.join(outDisk, sysc.deprecatedComprImDir(), 227 dateVersStr) 228 utils.ensureDirExist(deprJpgDir) 229 # log file containing list of transferred files (by version number) 230 cuLog = File(os.path.join(scriptDir, ''.join(["06_newFiles_v", 231 versNum, ".log"]))) 232 cuLog.aopen() 233 for fileName in fileDict[dateVersStr]: 234 casuPath = os.path.join(casuSysDict[dateStr][0][0], fileName) 235 wfauPath = os.path.join(wfauDir, fileName) 236 deprWfauPath = os.path.join(deprDir, fileName) 237 if os.path.exists(wfauPath): 238 moveScript.writetheline(' '.join(["mv", wfauPath, 239 deprWfauPath])) 240 updateLog.writetheline(','.join([ 241 ''.join([sysc.pixelServerHostName(), wfauPath]), 242 ''.join([sysc.pixelServerHostName(), deprWfauPath])])) 243 transferScript.writetheline(' '.join(["get", casuPath, wfauPath])) 244 cuLog.writetheline(wfauPath) 245 cuLog.close() 246 # move the deprecated jpgs 247 for fileName in jpgDict[dateVersStr]: 248 deprJpegPath = os.path.join(deprJpgDir, os.path.basename(fileName)) 249 moveScript.writetheline( 250 ' '.join(["mv", fileName, deprJpegPath])) 251 fitsBase, extNum = \ 252 fileName.partition(sysc.compressImDir() \ 253 + os.sep)[2].rpartition('_')[::2] 254 updateJpgLog.writetheline(','.join([ 255 str(mfIDofFile[''.join([fitsBase, sysc.mefType()])]), 256 extNum.partition('.')[0], deprJpegPath])) 257 258 # create new cu commands 259 cuRuns.setdefault("cu1", set()).add(' '.join(["./", 260 "-l",, 261 "-v", versNum, 262 "-m -r -x 1"])) 263 cuRuns.setdefault("cu2", set()).add(' '.join(["./", 264 "-b", dateStr, 265 "-e", dateStr, 266 "-x 2"])) 267 cuRuns.setdefault("cu3", set()).add(' '.join(["./", 268 "-l",, 269 "-v", versNum, 270 "-n -x 3"])) 271 cuRuns.setdefault("cu4", set()).add(' '.join(["./", 272 "-l",, 273 "-v", versNum, 274 "-x 4"])) 275 for cu in sorted(cuRuns.keys()): 276 cuScript.writelines(cuRuns[cu]) 277 moveScript.close() 278 updateLog.close() 279 updateJpgLog.close() 280 cuScript.close() 281 transferScript.writetheline("quit") 282 transferScript.writetheline(transferMarker) 283 transferScript.close() 284 os.system("chmod 755 " + 285 os.system("chmod 755 " + 286 os.system("chmod 755 " + 287 os.system("chmod 755 " + 288 print ''.join(["\nRun the scripts in ", scriptDir, 289 " in the following order (from ", 290 sysc.helpersPath(), "):\n", 291 ">./",, '\n', 292 ">./",, '\n', 293 ">./",, '\n', 294 "and copy ",, " to ", 295 os.path.join(sysc.curationCodePath(), "invocations/cu0"), 296 " and run it there:\n", ">./",])
297 298 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 299 300 if __name__ == "__main__": 301 main(sys.argv) 302 303 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 304 # Change log: 305 # 306 # 11-Sep-2007, ETWS: Original version. 307 # 14-Sep-2007, ETWS: Included deprecation flag in updateScript calls. 308 # 20-Sep-2007, ETWS: Moved the multiframeID writing from CU3 to CU1 command. 309