Package helpers :: Module FitsSchemaCheck
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Source Code for Module helpers.FitsSchemaCheck

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 7245 2010-07-20 12:52:03Z RossCollins $ 
  4  """ 
  5     Compares the header contents of the given FITS catalogue file (and the 
  6     corresponding image file) to the archive schema to spot new keywords. 
  8     @author: R.S. Collins 
  9     @org:    WFAU, IfA, University of Edinburgh 
 10  """ 
 11  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 12  from   wsatools.CLI             import CLI 
 13  import wsatools.DbConnect.Schema    as schema 
 14  import wsatools.FitsUtils           as fits 
 15  from   wsatools.Logger          import Logger 
 16  from   wsatools.SystemConstants import SystemConstants 
 17  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 19  # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 
 20  if __name__ == '__main__': 
 21      CLI.progArgs.append(CLI.Argument('cat_file', 
 22             '/disk04/wsa/ingest/fits/20061223_v1/w20061223_01713_st_cat.fits', 
 23             isValOK=CLI.assertFileExists)) 
 24      CLI.progOpts.append(CLI.Option('i', 'ignore_dupes', 
 25         "don't report on keywords duplicated between catalogue and image")) 
 26      CLI.progOpts.append(CLI.Option('s', 'strict', 
 27         'consider keys duplicated between primary and image extension headers')) 
 28      CLI.progOpts.append(CLI.Option('e', 'esokeys', 
 29         'include ESO keys and tables')) 
 30      CLI.progOpts.append(CLI.Option('m', 'missing', 
 31         'print only keys missing from schema')) 
 33      cli = CLI("FitsSchemaCheck", "$Revision: 7245 $", __doc__) 
 34      Logger.setEchoOn() 
 35      Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 
 37      try: 
 38          camera ='cat_file'))[0].header["INSTRUME"] 
 39      except KeyError: 
 40          try: 
 41              camera ='cat_file'))[1].header["INSTRUME"] 
 42          except KeyError: 
 43              raise SystemExit("Unrecognised FITS file") 
 45      sysc = SystemConstants(camera) 
 47      if not any([sysc.isVSA(), sysc.isWSA()]): 
 48          raise SystemExit("Unrecognised FITS file") 
 50      tableList = ["Multiframe", "MultiframeDetector", 
 51                   "CurrentAstrometry", "ProgrammeFrame"] 
 52      if cli.getOpt('esokeys'): 
 53          tableList.extend(["MultiframeEsoKeys", "MultiframeDetectorEsoKeys"]) 
 54      Logger.addMessage("Tables used: %s" % ', '.join(tableList)) 
 56      tSchema = schema.parseTables(sysc.metadataSchema(), tableList) 
 58      # Keys we know about that should not be defined in the schema, 
 59      # either because they are standard FITS keys or because they are hard-wired 
 60      # into the wfcamsrc C++ code and identified by --/Q tags in the schema 
 61      fitsStdKeys = [(0, "HISTORY"), (0, "COMMENT"), (0, "EXTEND"), (0, "SIMPLE"), 
 62                     (1, "HISTORY"), (1, "COMMENT"), (1, "EXTEND"), (1, "SIMPLE")] 
 63      qTagKeys = [(0, "UTDATE"), (0, "MJD-OBS"), (0, "PROJECT"), (0, "FILTER"), 
 64                  (0, "WSA_MFID"), (0, "WSA_TIME"), (0, "OBSNUM"), (1, "FLATCOR"), 
 65                  (1, "CIR_CPM"), (1, "SKYSUB"), (1, "XTENSION"), (1, "EXTNAME"), 
 66                  (1, "ZNAXIS"), (1, "ZNAXIS1"), (1, "ZNAXIS2"), (1, "NAXIS"), 
 67                  (1, "NAXIS1"), (1, "NAXIS2"), (1, "CRVAL1"), (1, "CRVAL2"), 
 68                  (1, "CD1_1"), (1, "CD1_2"), (1, "CD2_1"), (1, "CD2_2"), 
 69                  (1, "CAMNUM"), (1, "AMSTART"), (1, "AMEND"), (1, "MAGZPT"), 
 70                  (1, "MAGZRR"), (1, "EXTINCT"), 
 71                  (1, ("EXP_TIME" if sysc.isWSA() else "EXPTIME")), 
 72                  (1, "CRVAL1"), (1, "CRVAL2"),(0, "VSA_MFID"), (0, "VSA_TIME")] 
 73      otherKeys = [(1, "ZIMAGE"), (1, "PROJP3"), (1, "ZTILE1"), (1, "ZVAL1"), 
 74                   (1, "ZCMPTYPE"), (1, "ZBITPIX"), (1, "PROJP1"), (1, "ZNAME1"), 
 75                   (1, "ZTILE2"), (1, "ZNAME2"), (1, "ZSIMPLE"), (1, "ZVAL2"), 
 76                   (1, "ZEXTEND")] 
 78    = "CIROPM"; not in secondary headers 
 79      knownKeys = set(fitsStdKeys + qTagKeys + otherKeys) 
 81      if not cli.getOpt('strict'): 
 82          knownKeys.update(set((ext ^ 1, key) for ext, key in knownKeys)) 
 84      # Just need to check the schema of tables where some attribute values are 
 85      # filled from FITS header keyword values during CU3. 
 86      isTile = (True if "_tl" in cli.getArg('cat_file') else False) 
 87      schemaImgKeys = set((attr.fitsHDU, attr.fitsKeyword.replace('HIERARCH ','')) 
 88                          for table in tSchema 
 89                          for attr in table.columns 
 90                          if attr.fitsKeyword and not attr.isCatFile) 
 91      schemaCatKeys = set((attr.fitsHDU, attr.fitsKeyword.replace('HIERARCH ','')) 
 92                          for table in tSchema 
 93                          for attr in table.columns 
 94                          if attr.fitsKeyword and attr.isCatFile) 
 96      # Read image file header keywords 
 97      imgFile ='cat_file').replace('_cat.fits', '.fit')) 
 98      imgFile.close() 
 99      fitsImgKeys = set() 
100      for ext in xrange(2):  # Just the primary and one extension 
101          fitsImgKeys.update(set((ext, key) for key, value 
102                                            in imgFile[ext].header.items() 
103                                            if not key.startswith('PROV') and 
104                                               not key.startswith('SYMBOL') and 
105                                               not key.startswith('TTYPE') and 
106                                               not key.startswith('TUNIT') and 
107                                               not key.startswith('TFORM') and 
108                                               (not (key.startswith('ESO') or 
109                                                     key.startswith('HIERARCH')) 
110                                                if not cli.getOpt("esokeys") 
111                                                else True))) 
112      # Read catalogue file header keywords 
113      catFile ='cat_file')) 
114      catFile.close() 
115      fitsCatKeys = set() 
116      for ext in xrange(2):  # Just the primary and one extension 
117          fitsCatKeys.update(set((ext, key) for key, value 
118                                            in catFile[ext].header.items() 
119                                            if not key.startswith('PROV') and 
120                                               not key.startswith('SYMBOL') and 
121                                               not key.startswith('TTYPE') and 
122                                               not key.startswith('TUNIT') and 
123                                               not key.startswith('TFORM') and 
124                                               (not (key.startswith('ESO') or 
125                                                     key.startswith('HIERARCH')) 
126                                                if not cli.getOpt("esokeys") 
127                                                else True))) 
129      if cli.getOpt("missing"): 
130          allImgKeys = set(key for ext, key in (fitsImgKeys - knownKeys)) 
132          allSchemaKeys = set(key for ext, key in 
133                              schemaImgKeys.union(schemaCatKeys).difference(knownKeys)) 
134          notInFitsKeys = allSchemaKeys.difference(allImgKeys) 
135          notinSchemaKeys = allImgKeys.difference(allSchemaKeys) 
136          Logger.addMessage("\n%s keys in Schema but not in FITS file: %s\n" % 
137                            (len(notInFitsKeys), 
138                             ', '.join(sorted(notInFitsKeys)))) 
139          Logger.addMessage("\n%s keys in FITS file but not in Schema: %s\n" % 
140                            (len(notinSchemaKeys), 
141                             ', '.join(sorted(notinSchemaKeys)))) 
144      extImgKeys = fitsImgKeys - knownKeys - schemaImgKeys - schemaCatKeys 
145      unuImgKeys  = fitsImgKeys - knownKeys - schemaImgKeys - extImgKeys 
146      if not cli.getOpt('strict'): 
147          extImgKeys -= set((ext ^ 1, key) for ext, key in schemaImgKeys) 
148      pImgKeys = [key for ext, key in extImgKeys if ext is 0] 
149      eImgKeys = [key for ext, key in extImgKeys if ext is 1] 
151      if cli.getOpt('ignore_dupes'): 
152          dupeStr = '' 
153      else: 
154          dupeStr = "\n%s keys not used in image, but taken from catalogue:\n%s"\ 
155                     % (len(unuImgKeys), ', '.join("%s[%s]" % (key, ext) 
156                                                   for ext, key in unuImgKeys)) 
158      if not cli.getOpt("missing"): 
159          Logger.addMessage("Unused FITS image keywords:\n" 
160                            "\n%s primary header keys:\n%s\n" 
161                            "\n%s extension header keys:\n%s%s\n" % 
162                            (len(pImgKeys), ', '.join(pImgKeys), len(eImgKeys), 
163                             ', '.join(eImgKeys), dupeStr)) 
165      extCatKeys = fitsCatKeys - knownKeys - schemaCatKeys - schemaImgKeys 
166      # Remove opposing header keys before calculating unuCatKeys, cos some come 
167      # from the image 
168      if not cli.getOpt('strict'): 
169          extCatKeys -= set((ext ^ 1, key) for ext, key in schemaImgKeys) 
170      unuCatKeys  = fitsCatKeys - knownKeys - schemaCatKeys - extCatKeys 
171      pCatKeys = [key for ext, key in extCatKeys if ext is 0] 
172      eCatKeys = [key for ext, key in extCatKeys if ext is 1] 
174      if cli.getOpt('ignore_dupes'): 
175          dupeStr = '' 
176      else: 
177          dupeStr = "\n%s keys not used in catalogue, but taken from image:\n%s"\ 
178                     % (len(unuCatKeys), ', '.join("%s[%s]" % (key, ext) 
179                                          for ext, key in sorted(unuCatKeys))) 
181      if not cli.getOpt("missing"): 
182          Logger.addMessage("Unused FITS catalogue keywords:\n" 
183                            "\n%s primary header keys:\n%s\n" 
184                            "\n%s extension header keys:\n%s%s\n" % 
185                            (len(pCatKeys), ', '.join(sorted(pCatKeys)), 
186                             len(eCatKeys), ', '.join(sorted(eCatKeys)), dupeStr)) 
188      oldImgKeys = schemaImgKeys - fitsImgKeys 
189      pOldImgKeys = [key for ext, key in oldImgKeys if ext is 0] 
190      eOldImgKeys = [key for ext, key in oldImgKeys if ext is 1] 
192      if not cli.getOpt("missing"): 
193          Logger.addMessage("Keywords defined in the schema that don't exist in the " 
194                            "image FITS file:\n\n%s in the primary header:\n%s\n" 
195                            "\n%s in the extension header:\n%s\n" 
196                            % (len(pOldImgKeys), ', '.join(sorted(pOldImgKeys)), 
197                               len(eOldImgKeys), ', '.join(sorted(eOldImgKeys)))) 
199      oldCatKeys = schemaCatKeys - fitsCatKeys 
200      pOldCatKeys = [key for ext, key in oldCatKeys if ext is 0] 
201      eOldCatKeys = [key for ext, key in oldCatKeys if ext is 1] 
203      if not cli.getOpt("missing"): 
204          Logger.addMessage("Keywords defined in the schema that don't exist in the " 
205                            "catalogue FITS file:\n\n%s in the primary header:\n%s\n" 
206                            "\n%s in the extension header:\n%s\n" 
207                            % (len(pOldCatKeys), ', '.join(sorted(pOldCatKeys)), 
208                               len(eOldCatKeys), ', '.join(sorted(eOldCatKeys)))) 
210  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
211  # Change log: 
212  # 
213  #  2-May-2007,  RSC: Original version.