Package helpers :: Module CopyTable
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Source Code for Module helpers.CopyTable

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  2  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  3  #$Id: 9353 2012-08-06 12:53:38Z RossCollins $ 
  4  """ 
  5  Copy table from one DB to another one (with different name) 
  6  """ 
  7  from __future__ import division, print_function 
  9  from   wsatools.CLI                 import CLI 
 10  from   wsatools.Logger              import Logger 
 11  from   wsatools.DbConnect.DbSession import DbSession, bulkCopy, SelectSQL 
 12  import wsatools.DbConnect.Schema        as schema 
14 -class CopyTable(object):
15 """ 16 """ 17 18 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 # Define public member variable default values (access as obj.varName) 20 # these need to be set from command-line options 21 toTable = None 22 numberValues = None 23 minFrameSetID = None 24 maxFrameSetID = None 25 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
27 - def __init__(self, fromDB, fromTable, toDB, tableSchemaFile, 28 userName=DbSession.userName):
29 """ 30 Initialises member data and prepares database connection. 31 32 @param userName: Optionally override default database username. 33 @type userName: str 34 35 """ 36 # Initialise parent class 37 #super(CopyTable, self).__init__(fromDB=fromDB, fromTable=fromTable, 38 # toDB=toDB, tableSchemaFile=tableSchemaFile, userName=userName) 39 40 # Set up parameters 41 # SQL query 42 self.tableName = fromTable 43 # FromDB 44 self.archive = DbSession(fromDB, userName=userName) 45 self.fromDB = fromDB 46 self.tableSchemaFile = tableSchemaFile 47 self.outputDB = DbSession(toDB, userName=userName) 48 cuEventID = self.archive.query("max(cuEventID)+1", "ArchiveCurationHistory", 49 firstOnly=True, default=0) 50 self.shareFileID = '%sCopyTable%06d' % (self.archive.database, 51 cuEventID if cuEventID else 0)
52 53 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
55 - def run(self):
56 """ 57 """ 58 selectStr = "%s*" % ("top %s " % self.numberValues if self.numberValues else "") 59 whereStr = "frameSetID>=%s" % self.minFrameSetID if self.minFrameSetID else "" 60 if self.maxFrameSetID: 61 whereStr += " AND " if self.minFrameSetID else "" 62 whereStr += "frameSetID<=%s" % self.maxFrameSetID 63 query = SelectSQL(selectStr, self.fromDB + ".dbo." + self.tableName, whereStr) 64 # is small 65 print(self.tableName) 66 isSmallTable = self.archive.queryNumRows(self.tableName) < 200000000 67 68 # table Schema 69 if self.toTable: 70 self.tableSchema = schema.parseTables(self.tableSchemaFile, [self.toTable])[0] 71 else: 72 self.tableSchema = schema.parseTables(self.tableSchemaFile, [self.tableName])[0] 73 # 74 75 bulkCopy(query=query, 76 tableSchema=self.tableSchema, 77 fromDb=self.archive, 78 toDb=self.outputDB, 79 fileTag=self.shareFileID, 80 isSmallTable=isSmallTable) # @@GOTCHA: Even small
81 # detection table outgests, without whereChunks have failed 82 # with this turned on, so always turn off now. 83 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84 # Entry point for script. 85 86 # Allow module to be imported as well as executed from the command line 87 if __name__ == '__main__': 88 # Define additional command-line interface options for Cu19 89 CLI.progArgs += [ 90 CLI.Argument("fromTable", "vvvSource"), 91 CLI.Argument("toDB", "ramses10.testVSAnjcVvv"), 92 CLI.Argument("tableSchema", "testVSAnjcVvv_vvvSchema.sql")] 93 94 CLI.progOpts += [ 95 CLI.Option('d', "toTable", 96 "insert data into a different table name", "NAME"), 97 CLI.Option('f', "minFrameSetID", 98 "minimum frameSetID", "NUMBER"), 99 CLI.Option('n', "numberValues", 100 "insert number of values", "NUMBER"), 101 CLI.Option('x', "maxFrameSetID", 102 "minimum frameSetID", "NUMBER")] 103 104 cli = CLI(CopyTable, "$Revision: 9353 $") 105 Logger.isVerbose = cli.getOpt("verbose") 106 Logger.addMessage(cli.getProgDetails()) 107 108 cu = CopyTable(cli.getArg("database"), cli.getArg("fromTable"), 109 cli.getArg("toDB"), cli.getArg("tableSchema"), 110 cli.getOpt("user")) 111 112 113 if cli.getOpt("toTable"): 114 cu.toTable = cli.getOpt("toTable") 115 if cli.getOpt("numberValues"): 116 cu.numberValues = int(cli.getOpt("numberValues")) 117 if cli.getOpt("minFrameSetID"): 118 cu.minFrameSetID = long(cli.getOpt("minFrameSetID")) 119 if cli.getOpt("maxFrameSetID"): 120 cu.maxFrameSetID = long(cli.getOpt("maxFrameSetID")) 121 122