Object Member List

This is the complete list of members for Object, including all inherited members.
computeDistanceBound(double redSD, double blueSD)Object [static]
computeRACorrection(double radius, double dec)Object [static]
decObject [private]
gcDistance(Object const &other) const Object
gcDistanceMins(Object const &other) const Object [inline]
getDec() const Object [inline, virtual]
getDecSD() const Object [inline, virtual]
getOrthoSD() const Object [inline, virtual]
getRa() const Object [inline, virtual]
getSD() const Object [inline, virtual]
haversineDistance(Object const &other) const Object [private]
isSmallSeparation(Object const &other) const Object
Object(double ra, double dec)Object
Object()Object [private]
Object(Object const &other)Object [private]
operator=(Object const &)Object [private]
print(std::ostream &os) const Object [virtual]
raObject [private]
zAlphaObject [static]
~Object()Object [inline, virtual]
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