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I am a Postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy!

I am interested in many scientific subjects! Weak Gravitational Lensing, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity are examples of my research interest.

My PhD supervisors were Prof. Andy Taylor and Dr. Catherine Heymans. I also Collaborate with Prof. Peter Schneider.

Find out more about my current and past research below or download my CV here.

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My Research

Data Compression

A New method of Data Compression for Precision Cosmology, and a discussion about the accuracy of band power spectra

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cosmic shear tomography with COSEBIs, Complete Orthogonal Sets of E-/B-Integrals

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CFHTLens Data Analysis

Blind Analysis of CFHTLens Cosmic Shear Data with COSEBIs and CCOSEBIs.

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PCl Analysis

Investigating the Effects of masking on weak lensing power spectrum

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Pseudo Cl Analysis of Weak lensing

Analysis of shear fields in Fourier space is complicated by the presence of masks on the images. The incompleteness of the image mixes the Fourier modes, i.e. they are not orthogonal anymore! In principle because we know the mask we can model it and predict its effect on the field. This way we can estimate the mixing of the Fourier modes via a mixing matrix, and either correct for it or apply it to our theory and compare that to the observations.