A European workshop on far-IR interferometry technology development which aims to review the current status and plans for FIR space interferometry missions, establish a group to coordinate a programme of relevant technology development in Europe, and set up a study of the possible feasibility, scientific case and technical benefits of an Antarctic-based FIR interferometer.

Day 1

Planned FIR space interferometry missions (FIRI/SPIRIT) and their science goals

10:15 Coffee break

Required technology developments for these missions – where do we want to be by the time of the next CV call and what are the priority developments needed?

12:45 Lunch break

15:25 Coffee break

17:30 End Day 1

Day 2

10.15 Coffee break

An antarctic FIR interferometer – scientific, technical and programmatic rationale

13:00 Lunch break

15:30 End Day 2

Coffee break, prior to:

16:00 Royal Observatory Edinburgh Weekly Seminar -
Antarctica - the perfect site for your next telescope - John Storey, UNSW